İbn Hazm ve Kutsal Kitap’ın Tahrif Edilmesi

Eğer Kur’an, Kutsal Kitap’ın tahrif edildiğini doğrulamıyorsa, o zaman bu suçlamayı kim ve neden başlattı? Aslında çoğu Müslüman:

1. Bu suçlamanın hikâyesini bilmez.

2. Bu suçlamanın teolojik ve tarihsel içerimlerini hiç düşünmemiştir.

Ibn Hazm was the first Muslim to posit the Doctrine of Biblical Corruption in the 11th century AD.  Thus, for the first four centuries of Islamic history this doctrine did not exist. This is in keeping with a literal grammatical reading of the Quran which claims to be “a confirmation of what was before it and a detailed explanation of the [former] Scripture” (Yunus 10: 37)

Bununla birlikte İbn Hazm, Kur’an’ın bildirdiği standartı karşılamadığını fark etti:

“Ibn-Hazm saw the contradictions between the Qur’an and the Gospels. One obvious example being the Qur’anic text `They slew him not and they crucified him not’ Surah 4:156. `Since the Qur’an must be true,’ Ibn- Hazm argued, `it must be the conflicting Gospel texts that are false. But Muhammad tells us to respect the Gospel. Therefore, the present text must have been falsified by the Christians.’ His argument was not based on historical facts, but purely on his own reasoning and on his wish to safeguard the truth of the Qur’an.

İbn Hazm’ın tartışması, onu bu suçlamayı sürdürmekten alıkoyabilecek hiçbir şeyin olmaması üzerine kuruluydu; görünüşe göre karşı tarafa saldırmanın en kolay yolu buydu. “Eğer onların kitaplarının yalan söylediğini kanıtlarsak onlardan edindikleri iddiaları kaybederler.” (İbn Hazm, Kitâbü’l-fasl fi’l-milel ve’l-ehvâ’ ve’ni-nihal)

Bu onu şu şüpheli ifadeye götürdü: “Hıristiyanlar Allah’ın onlara karşı kanıt olarak dokunmadığı birkaç iz dışında vahiy olunmuş İncil’i kaybettiler.”

Ondan sonra gelen yazarlar da aynı mantığı yürüttü, hatta onu genişlettiler ve süslediler. O zamandan beri de bu iddia Müslüman apolojetiğinin değişmeyen içeriği haline geldi.

Tanrı, kendi sözünü tahriften koruyamayacak durumda olsaydı ya da bunu yapmayı istemeseydi o zaman O, Tanrı değildir. Eğer kendi sözünü tahriften koruyamadıysa o zaman O, Her Şeye Gücü Yeten değildir ve bu nedenle Tanrı da değildir. Eğer Tanrı kendi sözünü tahriften korumayı istemediyse o zaman O’nun Gerçeklik ve Değişmezlik özelliklerine gölge düşer ve O, Tanrı değildir.

Bu doktrinin tarihi içerimleri çok büyüktür. Kutsal Kitap, antik çağın açık farkla en iyi kanıtlanmış kitabıdır. El yazması kanıtları başka antik yazılardan çok daha güçlüdür.

Müslümanların Kutsal Kitap’ın metninde değişiklik yapıldığına ilişkin iddiası, ilk Müslümanların yazılarında fazla destek bulmaz. Aksine ilk Müslüman polemikçilerin çoğunluğunun (hepsi değilse bile) önceki kutsal yazıların metninin, en azından İbrani Kutsal Kitabı’nın, bozulmadan kaldığına inandıkları açıktır.

Geçmişte İbn Hazm gibi bazı Müslümanların (ve bugün birçoğunun) Kutsal Yazılar’ın bozulduğunu iddia etmelerinin açık nedeni, Kutsal Kitap’ın mesajının Kur’an’ın iddialarının düpedüz tersi olmasıdır. Başka bir deyişle, Kutsal Kitap ve Kur’an, ikisinin birden doğru olamayacağını gösteren kilit, temel konularda birbiriyle çelişir. İkisi de yanlış olabilir ama ikisi de aynı Tanrı’dan olamaz. Dolayısıyla Müslümanlar için ikilem oldukça açıktır çünkü Kutsal Kitap’ın Tanrı’nın korunmuş Sözü olduğunu kabul etmek, hem Kur’an’ı hem de Muhammed’i reddetmek anlamına gelir. Ancak Kutsal Kitap’a saldırmak Kur’an’ı ve önceki kutsal yazıların yetkinliğini, geçerliliğini ve gerçekliğini teyit eden en eski Müslüman kaynakları itibarsızlaştırmaktır.

İbn Hazm’ın Kutsal Kitap’taki tahrife ilişkin suçlaması hiçbir anlam ifade etmez. Dürüst Müslümanlar tarafından reddedilmesi gerekir. Bu iddianın nedeni şu hassas soruyu cevaplama çabasıydı: Kur’an ve Kutsal Kitap’ın en önemli doktrinlerde fikir ayrılığına düşmelerinin gerçek nedeni nedir?

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  1. Excellent piece. The most glaring and greatest criticism of Ibn Hazm’s Tahrif an-Nas or the doctrine of the corruption of Gospel texts has always been the 400 years where not only the Messenger of Islam, but also Islamic historicist and exegetes such as al Bukhari, Tirmidi have never questioned the authenticity and preservation of the past scriptures – the Tawrat and Injil, and here comes this brilliant polymath, Ibn Hazm coming up with this accusation. This alone should cause any thinking person, Muslim or non-Muslim to question why ibn Hazm, an obviously brilliant person to make such a claim.

  2. Allah who is the God of the 7 heavens and earth, east and west, creator of of everything, is able to do anything, him letting christians corrupt the scriptures and hide some parts does not mean he is weak; he is patient and he is not in need of any of his creatures, and he will judge them on the day of judgement.

    1. Dear Hubayb, thank you for writing and sharing your ideas and concerns with us. I hope you’ll consider the following.

      The Qur’an emphasizes Allah’s protection of His words, as stated in Al-Kahf 18:27, “Recite what has been revealed to you from the Book of your Lord. None can alter His Words, and there is no refuge apart from Him.” It is noteworthy that the term used here is the plural form, “Words.”

      Furthermore, exploring the Qur’an’s verses that address “tahrif Lafzi” or the distortion of meaning is essential. I encourage you to research and read these verses rather than rely on others for information.

      In Al-Baqara 2:146, the Qur’an mentions, “Those to whom We have given the Scripture recognize it as they recognize their own children, yet a faction of them conceals the truth knowingly.” The fact that the People of the Book know their scripture as intimately as they know their own children raises a pertinent question: how could anyone alter it? Could you reflect on this matter?

      Additional articles on this topic can be found on the website. I urge you to invest time in reading and educating yourself.

      May Allah bestow His blessings upon you.

  3. If your words are true “If God was either unable or unwilling to keep His Word from corruption, then He is not God.”, then Jesus is not God because he was unable or unwilling to protect himself from his creatures

    1. Thank you for sending us your comment and your point of view, Hubayb. The Injil and the Qur’an agree that Jesus is the Word of Allah who came into the world. Allah was able to sacrifice himself to bring mercy and reconciliation to the world that was lost to sin. It was all part of Allah’s plan, from the very beginning of sin on Earth, when Allah said that the Seed would come to crush the serpent’s head (Taurat, Genesis 3:15). In this text, we see that Jesus was aware of his mission and that everything had to happen as prophesied: “And suddenly, one of those who were with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew his sword, struck the servant of the high priest, and cut off his ear. But Jesus said to him, “Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword. Or do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels? How then could the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must happen thus?” – Injil, Matthew 26:51-54. So we see that Jesus had no intention of getting rid of his mission, but instead had come to fulfill it to the end. Your question involves much more than just saying that something is true or not, it’s a subject that deserves reflection and study. Allah does what He wants because He is almighty. I invite you to do some research on the subject and if you’d like to write to us for more, we’d be delighted to talk to you: [email protected]

  4. I am a Muslim and this is the first time I hear about this, you have pushed me to go and study more about the subject. Thank you.

    1. We are happy that this article has encouraged you to search for more on the subject, brother. I pray that Allah will fill you with wisdom and lead you in your study. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to write to us. We will be happy to help you.

  5. Great job. Ibn Hazim, Shafie, the Hadeeth are the cause of all the problems we have today in our Arabic and Islamic World. I believe Allah has given the message to all the prophets, they should be no conflict, and the new revelation should agree with the old ones, because Allah has the power to preserve His word.

    1. Fadi, thank you for writing and agreeing with what we have presented. We encourage you to continue reading and discovering what God has said in his word. Please don’t hesitate to write if you have any questions or insights.

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