The Straight Path (Al-Sirat Al-Mustaqim)

Al-Sirat al-Mustaqi has been interpreted as the straight path, the right path, or the right way. In the five daily prayers in Islam, Al-Fatihah is repeated 17 times where the believer requests Allah to guide them in path straight path, “Guide us tothe Straight Way, The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger, nor of those who went astray.” (Quran 1: 6,7)

The straight path is mentioned often in the Qur’an (1:7 and 37:118 as “the straight path”, 7:16 as “your straight path,” 6:126 as “your Lord’s straight path,” 6:153 as “my straight path,” and 2:108, 142,213, 3:51,101, 4:68, 175, 5:12,16,60, 77, 6:39,87,161, 10:25, 11:56, 15:41, 16:76, 121, 19:36,43, 20:135, 22:54, 23:73, 24:46, 28:22, 36:4,61, 38:22, 42:52, 43:43,61,64, 46:30, 48:2, 20, 60:1, 67:22 as “a straight path.”) However, only 3:51, 6:153, 19:36, 43:61,64, and 36:61 say what the straight path is?

A- (3: 45-51) This passage is one of the most complete in its explanation, and we can conclude that the straight path includes:

1) believing Isa is a word from Allah, Christ, the son of Mary, and exalted in this age and the hereafter, 2) that he has been brought close to Allah, 3) that he was taught the book, wisdom, the Tawrah and the Injil, 4) that he is a messenger to the people of Israel, 5) that he brought a sign, 6) that he created a bird, healed the blind and the leper, gave life to the dead, and proclaimed what people ate and stored by Allah’s permission, 7) that he confirmed the Tawrah, 8) that he allowed forbidden things, 9) fearing Allah, 10) obeying Isa, 11) believing in the one God who is Isa’s and our Lord, and 12) worshiping Allah.

B) (6:153-154) From the context, some infer that the straight path involves keeping God’s commandments, the Ten Commandments that Musa was given by God (Tawrah, Exodus 20:1-17, Deuteronomy 5:6-21).

C) (19:19-36) This passage is one of the most complete in its explanation, and we can conclude that the straight path includes:

1) believing that Isa is sinless, 2) that his mother was a virgin, 3) that Isa is a sign and mercy that were predestined, 4) that Isa is Allah’s servant, 5) that Allah gave Isa a book and made him a prophet, 6) that he blessed him and commanded him to pray, give alms, and respect his mother, 7) that he was not proud or disobedient, 8) that the days of his birth, death and resurrection were blessed, 9) that he was the statement of truth, 10) that Allah would never choose a boy, 11) that Allah says “Be” when he decrees something, 12) believing in the one Allah, who is Isa’s and our Lord, and 13) worshiping Allah.

D) (36: 60-61) This passage is the least complete in its explanation, but from it we can conclude that the straight path includes: 1) not worshiping Satan, and 2) worshiping Allah

E) (43: 57-64) This passage is one of the most complete in its explanation, and we can conclude that the straight path includes: 

1) not rejecting Isa, 2) believing that Isa is a blessed slave, a proverb, and the sign of the hour, 3) not doubting the hour, 4) following Allah, 5) not letting Satan block you, 6) believing that Isa brought miracles and wisdom, 7) believing that Isa came to clarify differences, 8) fearing Allah, 9) obeying Isa, 10) worshiping the one God, who is Isa’s Lord and ours, and 11) worshiping Allah.

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