Salvation/ Najat

Without a Savior, we must depend on our own good deeds, which may be rewarded by a dispensation of Allah’s mercy. Christians believe that the Isa Al-Masih (His peace be upon us) suffered the cross in their place so that they might have the “free gift” of eternal life (Injil Ephesians 2:8-10). We received this gift by faith. Most Muslims don’t accept this belief and consider it untrue. They believe that the threat of Hell is necessary to prompt righteous living and good deeds. If salvation is a gift, then they wonder what could possibly motivate a person to live a good life.

Yet, Christians are famous for their good deeds they establish hospitals, schools, orphanages and other programs around the world. These good deeds are not done to earn entrance into God’s Kingdom but rather as a response to God’s saving grace. We believe that the Holy Spirit of God lives in us motivates for those good deeds.

The Qur’an offers only one way that may help assure a place in the Eternal Gardens. This “way” still depends on one’s works.

The Muslims believe …

  • No Savior. On the Judgment Day no one will be able to help anyone else (Al-Infitar 82:19, Fater 35:18, Al-Zumar 39:7).
  • Works Recorded. Each person has guardians who record everyone’s good and bad deeds so that on the Day of Judgment the smallest good or bad deed will be exposed (Al-Zalzala 99:7-8), the righteous will be in happiness and the wicked will be in fire where there will be no escape (Al-Infitar 82:10-15). Reading the Qur’an one can find a complete detailed list of dos and don’ts for a Muslim in order to gain Allah’s favor on the Day of Judgment.
  • Scales. Every person’s works are weighed on a scale, and examined on the Judgment Day. If their good works are heavy, they will have eternal happiness, each good deed will be repaid double (Al-Nisa 4: 40). If they are light will be the bottomless fiery Pit (A-Qaria 101: 4-11).
  • Devils. Allah sends devils upon the unbelievers to provoke them to angry rebellion (Mariam 19: 83).
  • Mercy for the Muslims. Allah will have mercy on the righteous, those who are charitable, believe in his revelations and those who follow the prophet ( Al-Araf 7: 156-157, Al-Zumar 39: 9). The righteous (mutaqeen)favorites on the Day of Judgment – those who fear Allah and have inner righteousness – are those who (1) believe in Allah (the Unseen), (2) steadfast in prayer (faithful, earnest), (3) generous stewards of what we have provided them, (4) believe in the Revelation sent to them now through the Prophet Muhammad, (5) believe in the Revelation sent before their time.
  • Secret Contributions. Publishing your alms giving is fine, but atonement for some of your sins will be achieved if you give money to the poor in secret (Al-Baqara 2: 271).

The Qur’an acknowledges the previous revelations (Tawrāt, Zabūr,and Injīl)and states that the People of the Book would be judged according to the revelation given to them before (Al-Maida 5: 43-44). The basis of judgment in the Holy Bible is God’s law and faithfulness to it. Judgment is described in stages, the brief description of stages can be put this way:

  1. The court at session: “A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him [God, the Ancient of days]: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand [those are believers under examination] stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened.” (Dan 7:10)
  2. The court decision. In Dan 7:22 it is said, “Judgment is give for the saints of the Most High…and the time came when the saints possessed the kingdom”.
  3. The serving of the sentence. The judgment is pronounced not only over saints, but over their accuser satan. That is why in Dan 7:26-27 it is written: “But the court shall sit in judgment, and his [the little horn’s power received from satan] shall be taken away, to be consumed and destroyed to the end. And the kingdom and the dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High; their kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey them.”
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