Allah’ı Rüyada Görmek

Her Şeye Gücü Yeten Allah’ın rüyalardaki görüntüsü gerçek midir?

Kutsi hadislerden birinde, “İbn Abbas, Peygamber’in şöyle dediğini anlatır: ‘Yüce Rabbim, bu gece bana en muhteşem şekliyle göründü…” diye okuruz. (İmam Ahmed, 16026 ve Tirmizi’den alıntı, 3159)

El Hafız’a göre âlimler, Her Şeye Gücü Yeten Allah’ı rüyada görmenin mümkün olduğunu fakat O’nun görümünün daima yorumlanması gerektiğini belirtmiştir.

İmam Gazali’ye göre ise Allah’ı rüyasında görenler vardır ancak O’nun bir formu ve biçimi yoktur. Bununla birlikte kullarına belli bir biçimde görünmektedir, bu bir ışık veya benzeri soyut bir şekil olabilir. Bunun sonucunda rüyayı gören, ‘Ben Tanrı’yı rüyamda gördüm,’ diyecektir, ancak bu onun başka nesnelerle ilgili durumlarda söyleyebileceği gibi Tanrı’nın varlığını görmüş olduğu anlamına gelmez.

İmam Nevevi, Sahih-i Müslim’i açıklayarak Kadı İyad’ın da Allah’ı rüyada görmenin mümkün olduğunu konusunda âlimlerin hemfikir olduğunu söylediğini ve bunun doğru olduğunu söyler.

El Begavi, Şerhu’s Sünne adlı eserinde, Tanrı’yı rüyada görmenin mümkün olduğunu, eğer biri rüyasında Allah’ı görürse ve Allah ona cenneti, ateşten kurtulmayı veya affedilmeyi vaat ederse, O’nun sözlerinin ve vaatlerinin gerçek olduğunu söyler. Allah’ı kendisine bakarken görmesi, Allah’ın ona merhamet göstereceği anlamına gelir. Ancak rüyada Allah’ın başka tarafa bakması günahları işaret eden bir uyarıdır.

Şimdi Her Şeye Gücü Yeten Tanrı’nın rüyada görülmesiyle ilgili birtakım yorumları paylaşmak istiyorum:

  • Her Şeye Gücü Yeten Tanrı’nın rüyada görülmesi iyiye alamet olup gerçek dindarlığın kanıtıdır.
  • Eğer kişi Tanrı’yı bir ışık beden olarak görürse, bu Tanrı’nın izniyle iyi ve hayırlı işlere delalet eder.
  • Tanrı’nın rüyada kişiye bakarak konuşması, Her Şeye Gücü Yeten Tanrı’nın ona merhamet ve inayet bahşedeceği anlamına gelir.
  • Kişinin kendisini Allah’la konuşurken ve O’na yakın dururken görmesi, Allah’ın bu kişiden hoşnut olduğunun göstergesidir.
  • Her Şeye Gücü Yeten Tanrı’nın rüyada insan formunda görülmesi, rüyayı gören kişinin adil ve haktan yana bir insan olduğunu gösterir.
  • Rüyada Tanrı’nın sesini duymak önemli bir mevkie ve büyük bir adıma işaret eder.
  • Bir kimsenin rüyasında Her Şeye Gücü Yeten Tanrı’yı adını zikrederken veya cennette kendisinden bahsederken duyması, onun Allah’ın sevgili kulu olduğunu gösterir.
  • Kişinin Her Şeye Gücü Yeten Tanrı’yı rüyada onaylama, müjde, coşku ve sevinç hali içinde görmesi, kıyamet gününde Tanrı’yla karşılaşacağı anlamına gelebilir.
  • Kişinin rüyada Tanrı’yı görmesi ve O’na bakabilmesi, bu dünyada Tanrı’nın iyi bir kulu olacağı ve öbür dünyada cennete gideceği anlamına gelebilir.
  • Kişinin Tanrı’yı rüyasında kendisini bazı konularla ilgili uyarılarda bulunurken görmesi, itaatsizlik içinde yaşadığı ve hemen tövbe etmesi gerektiği anlamına gelebilir.
  • Kişinin kendisini bildiği bir bölgede Tanrı’nın ellerinde görmesi, o yerin lütuf ve iyilikle kaplanacağı anlamına gelebilir. Mazlumlar üstün gelecek ve zalimleri ortadan kaldıracak demektir.
  • Bir perde veya örtü arkasından Tanrı’yla konuşmak, rüyayı görenin iyi bir insan olduğuna ve kalbinin temizliğine işaret eder.
  • Her Şeye Gücü Yeten Tanrı’yı perde arkasından görmek hastanın iyileşeceğini, korkuya karşı güvenceyi ve iyi yürekli insanların kalplerindeki arzuların gerçekleşeceğini, müjde alacaklarını gösterir.

Tüm bunlardan da anlaşıldığı gibi Tanrı’yı rüyada görmek olası bir durumdur. Tanrı’nın onaylamasının, iyiliğinin, merhametinin ve lütfunun, affediciliğinin ve dindarlığımızı kabulünün iyi habercisidir. Dahası, hastalığın şifa bulması ve korkulardan kurtulmak anlamına da gelir.

Allah bugün bizlerle rüyalar ve görümler aracılığıyla konuşuyor. Bunları doğru şekilde yorumlayabildiğimizde, O’nun amacını anlamış ve bu doğrultuda yaşamaya başlamış oluruz. Şu anda sizinle konuşuyor olabilir. Buna karşı sizin tepkiniz ne oluyor? Rüyalarımızın doğasını ve amacını anlamaya çalışmak son derece önemlidir. Bizler Tanrı vergisi rüyalarınızı anlamanıza yardımcı olmak için buradayız.

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  1. Just now I wake up bc Allah while sleeping his voice always too loud at me it’s like his calling me with color light golf fire long way and his to close to me his voice so loud😣Acn anyone help me in a Christian and i have a Muslim bf that Ilove so much😔

    1. Thank you for sharing your dream with us. The loud voice and the fiery, colorful imagery symbolize a calling or spiritual awakening. This could be a way of alerting you to something significant in your life that needs attention. Since you describe the voice as Allah’s, it may reflect your exposure to faith through your relationship or a curiosity about spirituality. Such dreams are seen as God prompting you to seek a deeper connection with Him or to reflect on your spiritual journey. The voice is God seeking to remind you of His love and calling you to stay close to Him. The imagery of light and fire is often associated with God’s presence.
      The dream is a manifestation of your internal thoughts and feelings, especially if you are navigating a relationship with someone from a different faith background. This symbolizes a feeling of being overwhelmed or needing clarity about your beliefs or future.
      Having a Muslim boyfriend while being a Christian can bring both blessings and challenges, especially in aligning your faith, values, and future goals. Consider the following: (1) Ask God to guide your thoughts and decisions regarding your relationship and faith journey. (2) Openly discuss your beliefs, expectations, and how you see faith playing a role in your relationship and potential family life. (3) Talk to trusted spiritual mentors, spiritual leaders, or counselors who can provide advice on navigating relationships across faiths. Dreams like these can feel overwhelming, but they can also be opportunities for growth and reflection. Trust that God is with you, guiding you through every step. Please don’t hesitate to write us back if you have any questions. May God bless you.

  2. Salaam, I have recently returned from Mecca after completing umrah. I had a dream shortly after I returned. it goes as follows. in my dream I was sitting in front of the holy Kaaba, I think I was making dua but I am not sure. there was people sitting around me and the place was busy as usual. it was daytime and I was looking up towards the sky. all of a sudden, I heard a loud voice, in my heart I thought that this is Allahs voice, but I tried to push away this thought thinking that I cannot hear the voice of Allah, I thought this was happening in real life as it felt very real. but the voice continued, it was very loud but no one could hear it except me, the words I heard was “Ya Rasulallah”. whilst hearing those words I started shaking uncontrollably in both my dream and in real life, I was trying to call out to my mom in my dream and in real life as my dad who was next to told me I was trying to call her. in the dream I thought I was dying and had a sensation of falling back unconscious, whether I actually became unconscious or not, I am not sure. I thought I was actually dying so I tried to read the kalimah in my dream but at this point I woke up screaming my mom’s name. I was still shaking and a vibrating sensation was going throughout my body to the point where I could not move. I hope you can explain this dream to me as I have been trying to find its meaning, but I do not know many people who interpret dreams. Jazak Allah.

    1. Wa alaikum assalam, thank you for sharing your profound dream. Your dream carries powerful imagery and emotions that could hold significant meaning.
      Sitting in front of the Kaaba in your dream symbolizes being in the presence of something holy. This reflects your longing for closeness to God and a desire for deeper communion with Him. Hearing a loud voice that you thought was God’s could be understood as your spirit yearning to hear God’s call. The words “Ya Rasulallah” (O Messenger of God) represents a call to focus on the role of God’s messengers, such as the prophets who led people to Him. It’s noteworthy that no one else heard the voice in your dream, suggesting that the experience was uniquely personal and meant for you. This also symbolizes a reminder to align your life with the teachings of God’s Word.
      The physical reactions in your dream and reality reflect the awe and fear often experienced in people encounter God’s presence. Such sensations often symbolize a transformation, a wake-up call, or a heightened awareness of one’s mortality and purpose. Your fear of dying in the dream and attempting to proclaim the “Kalimah” parallel the teaching of preparing for eternity and calling upon God in moments of fear or crisis. The act of calling for your mother reflects a deep need for comfort or a return to a place of safety, which symbolizes seeking refuge in God’s presence.
      The dream signifies God’s sovereignty and His call for you to draw nearer to Him and seek His guidance. It represents an invitation to reflect on your life, faith, and relationship with God. The dream’s focus on death and your reaction might be a reminder of the fleeting nature of life and the need to place trust in God’s eternal promises. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to write us. May God grant you understanding and draw you closer to His love and truth.

  3. Last night I had a dream that I am in front of Allah Almighty and I am talking to him and am asking him that when we were in world we used to hear that when we will meet you ( Allah Almighty) your name will be in the sky n everywhere then Allah said to me to go in the other room n I witnessed taoz ( auz billaha ) moving all over the sky

    1. Salam Mrs Salim, thank you for writing and trusting us with you dream and helping you to understand it. Your dream reflects a deep spiritual yearning and a divine reminder of Allah’s presence and protection.
      Standing before Allah symbolizes a sacred moment of divine encounter, such moments often reveal Allah’s majesty, holiness, and relational intimacy. Asking about Allah’s name being in the sky evokes the imagery of Allah’s name and glory filling the heavens and earth. The sky represents Allah’s vastness, omnipotence, majesty, and the bridge between the earth and reach of Allah’s presence. Your question is a desire for assurance that Allah’s presence is truly evident and overarching, akin to Prophet Moses’ plea to see Allah’s glory. The transition to another room symbolizes a personal invitation to deeper spiritual growth or a season of preparation, such transitions are pivotal for greater encounters with Allah’s will. This part of the dream suggests Allah is preparing you for a deeper understanding or new spiritual insights. If “taoz” represents an invocation like Aaudhu billah (seeking refuge), it resonates with Allah as the ultimate refuge. The motion of the phrase in the sky suggests its universality and power, much like the protective imagery. The dream emphasizes the power of relying on Allah’s name for protection and guidance.
      This dream is an invitation to deepen your relationship with Allah, like Prophet Moses, where Allah reveals His glory and purpose. The imagery of the sky and movement symbolizes Allah’s encompassing presence and ability to cover all creation with His glory and protection. The dream highlights the power of Allah’s name as a stronghold, inviting you to live in constant reliance on His grace, protection, and sovereignty. If you have any more questions don’t hesitate to write us, we are always happy to help you. May Allah bless you.

  4. I had a dream when I was in the room with my family. At a time, my wife ask my first son to go open the door for his uncle who we were expecting ( at night). Then she left the room for unknown reasons to me. I was left in the room alone. Suddenly, the curtains in the window started shaking and took the shape of a tall person and I was so scared that I asked, who was it, the he showed his face, a very handsome tall man tieing his head like an Arabian without legs. He was suspended in the air. At this point I was fixed with my back to the ground facing him.
    And I asked again, “who are you”? And with a big grim, he said, I am Ya Allah.with the supprise, I woke up from the dream

    1. Thank you, Abdulhakeem, for sharing and trusting us with your dream. Being with your family in a room symbolizes a sense of security and the importance of your familial connections. The act of your wife leaving and sending your son to open the door represent trust in family dynamics and a call to responsibility for others. The curtains transforming into a figure symbolize the unveiling of something hidden or the boundary between known and unknown realities being crossed. A tall, handsome figure represents authority, mystery, and a divine presence. A being suspended in the air without legs symbolizes something transcendent and not bound by earthly limitations. The figure tying his head like an Arabian may connect to a cultural or religious image, possibly invoking ideas of tradition, spirituality, or mysticism.
      “Ya Allah” is a direct invocation of God, meaning “O God,” in Arabic. The fact that the figure declared this name points to a profound message about your spiritual beliefs and your relationship with Allah.
      Being fixed to the ground symbolizes humility, vulnerability, and submission in the face of something greater than yourself. The dream ending abruptly with surprise suggests it left a strong emotional impact, possibly urging reflection on its significance. The dream represents a call to examine your spiritual life and beliefs. The appearance of “Ya Allah” indicates a divine message and an invitation to seek a deeper connection with God. The mysterious nature of the figure and the unsettling experience symbolize confronting fears, uncertainties, or unresolved issues in your life. The dream is emphasizing God’s power and transcendence, reminding you of divine authority and presence in your life. Please don’t hesitate to write us if you have any questions. May Allah bless you.

  5. Assalamu alaykum, j’ai une copine qui a rêver de se faire traîner par une personne elle a ensuite vu Allah venir la voir et lui dire qu’elle ira en enfer en chantant autour d’elle. Elle c’est ensuite retrouver allonger et elle entendait une voix au loin lui répéter « quelle est ta religion ? » je voudrais savoir selon vous que cela pourrait signifier ? Est-ce que c’est un signe pour qu’elle se repente ?

    1. Alaykum assalam, Nur. Merci de nous avoir écrit. Ce rêve me semble faire référence à l’accusateur (Injil, Apocalypse 12:10) qui tente par tous les moyens de décourager et de conduire les gens à la perdition, c’est Shaytan. Ce que votre amie a vu pourrait être un appel à être vigilante et à résister la tentation, sachant qu’il y a des difficultés mais qu’il y a un chemin vers la repentance et la vie éternelle : “Humiliez-vous donc sous la puissante main de Dieu, afin qu’il vous élève au temps convenable; et déchargez-vous sur lui de tous vos soucis, car lui-même prend soin de vous. Soyez sobres, veillez. Votre adversaire, le diable, rôde comme un lion rugissant, cherchant qui il dévorera. Résistez-lui avec une foi ferme, sachant que les mêmes souffrances sont imposées à vos frères dans le monde. Le Dieu de toute grâce, qui vous a appelés en Jésus-Christ à sa gloire éternelle, après que vous aurez souffert un peu de temps, vous perfectionnera lui-même, vous affermira, vous fortifiera, vous rendra inébranlables.” – Injil, 1 Pierre 5:6-10. Que cette interprétation vous apporte paix et discernement. Qu’Allah vous bénisse toujours.

  6. Assalamualaikum, when I was a child, maybe around 7-8 years old, I always used to sit on the balcony at night and talk to Allah about things. One day, I don’t remember if it was reality or a dream as I was a little child, but I saw a face forming in the sky which was bright, and smiling at me. The first thought I had was that he is Allah. And after that I used to look at the sky and hope that I would see him again but it didn’t happen again. I want to know if it was a dream, then is it possible that I really saw Allah?

    1. Wa Alaykum alssalam, Insha Parveen. We thank you for writing to us. Allah reveals Himself in many ways to bring peace, blessings and warnings. Therefore, He can reveal Himself to you through nature and His greatest revelation is His Word. The Injil of the Quran states that Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) is the Word of Allah and He stated that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like them: “But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” – Injil, Matthew 19:14. The bright smile in the clouds is a sign of Allah’s blessing, peace and care for you. Allah wants to get closer to you and maintain this relationship that you had when you were a child, to talk to Him and tell him what is in your heart. Keep seeking and He will reveal more about His love and care for you. Write to us if you have any further questions. May Allah bless you always.

  7. I had a dream that I saw Allah’s shadow. No face, only a shadow under the dazzlingly lit sky.

    I noticed that a large group of my family and relatives had gathered to view the lights at a stadium, including myself. Suddenly, a massive thunderstorm with rolling black clouds appeared in the sky. Suddenly, several angels began to emerge quickly from the center of the black cloud, revealing themselves as shiny white clothes or reflections. Then, the black cloud began to open up from the middle. 

    then the light and shadow were visible to me, with the shadow of a glowing face visible in between; Immediately, I realized that I had seen Allah. I began to cry and ask for everyone’s health and prosperity as well as forgiveness for my mistakes.

    I informed my mother about my dream early in the morning since I was really confused about it, and she told me that I was the chosen one and that I was really fortunate to have had such a great dream.

    1. Assalam alaykum, Firdous Afrin Azhar. We are happy to help you understand your dream. The Tawrat states that it is not possible to see the face of Allah and remain alive (Exodus 33:20), because His glory and purity are too much for human beings to bear. However, He reveals Himself in ways that we can understand. Being with your family and contemplating the lights means expectation, waiting and paying attention to what is happening. The shadows and storm symbolize confusion and difficulties, but the light appears and angels, who are messengers of Allah, illuminate the place with their white clothes that symbolize purity and righteousness.
      Something similar to your dream is described in the Injil when it speaks about the return of Sayidna Isa Al-Masih (His peace be upon us). He warned about the signs that would precede his return, as being a time of great shadow on Earth: “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. – Injil, Matthew 24:7. And even the sun and the moon will have signs, but Isa (may His peace be upon us), will appear with power and glory and thousands of angels to gather the faithful: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” -Injil, Matthew 24:29-31. Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) is called the Mercy of Allah, and the Quran and Injil also state that he is the Word of Allah. His shining face is a symbol of His role as the Messiah and Righteous Judge. Sayidna Isa Al-Masih (His peace be upon us) is depicted as the light of the world (Injil,John 8:12), and his radiance signifies his divine mission to bring salvation and guidance to humanity.So, you have seen the Word of Allah, His Mercy and this means blessing and good news in your life. Other than that, your dream reveals that you have been chosen to be a messenger of this good news to others and to await with hope the Judgment and the return of Isa. May Allah bless you with discernment and wisdom. Write to us if you have any further questions.

  8. I once had a dream, I didn’t pay much attention to it later, because I thought it could be my mind.
    God appeared in my dream. It was a dream, where the world was ending, being swallowed into blackhole and humanity was witnessing their last moment. The moment we got swallowed in the blackhole, everything went pitch black, similar to “death”. After a while, sudden brightness or light took over, everything was bright because the light was tooo much, that I saw “The throne” and on the “throne” God was there, he had no face, the face wasn’t visible but rather the huge radiant was just like reflecting the face and my feelings just knew, it’s “Allah”. There was no color to the throne or anything, everything was so bright band just black lines were there to indicate visibility of the throne and God.

    1. We thank you for describing your dream to us. Dreams are used by Allah to communicate important messages. Your dream seems to allude to the end of the world and the coming of Judgment. At this time, the elements of the earth will be shaken: “The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and a loud voice came out of the temple, from the throne, saying, “It is done!” And there were flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, and a great earthquake such as there had never been since man was on the earth, so great was that earthquake.” – Injil, Revelation 16:17-18. And there will be signs like these too, preceding the arrival of Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) as the Righteous Judge: “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” – Injil, Matthew 24:7. Darkness represents a time of confusion, hardship, and testing. Then comes the Light, which signifies divine presence, enlightenment, and righteousness. In Islamic tradition, Allah is beyond human form and imagination. In the Bible, no one can see Allah and live (Tawrat, Exodus 33:20). Therefore, seeing Allah in human form on the throne in your dream may symbolize Allah’s presence in a way you can understand, and living guided by His Spirit. He wants to bring you closer to Him to lead you to eternal life. The Injil describes God’s throne room in Heaven, surrounded by light and power (Injil, Revelation 4). Your dream is a warning to prepare yourself to face difficulties and strengthen your faith in the path of salvation. May Allah bless you always.

  9. i saw Allah in human form firstly i got to listen a voice that i will let u experince death then i kind of died a snake came and bit me on my hand and may be on leg was kind of blurry but i didnt get to saw angel when i stand up i felt my arm and leg so much heavy then i move forward but then i hhug someone .i dont clearly remember maybe first it was a boy then a girl .he /she said to me to meet or something like that in private else any onw would see us .i hug him and when i left she said thats it and she/he was smiling and i guess i hugged him/her again tightly

    1. Thank you, Najma, for sharing your dream with us. Seeing God in human form in a dream symbolizes a desire for a personal encounter with the divine or a need to understand God’s nature more deeply. However, it’s important to be cautious about literal interpretations, as God’s true form is beyond human comprehension. Death symbolizes a significant spiritual transition. It can represent dying to oneself, a call to repentance, or the process of sanctification where old habits or sinful behaviors are put to death. It also signifies a new phase in your spiritual journey. The snake is often associated with Satan and temptation, most notably in the story of the Garden of Eden. A snake bite in a dream represents an encounter with evil or a warning about spiritual danger. It also symbolizes a struggle with sin or deception in your life. This symbolizes the burden of sin, guilt, or spiritual weariness. It might indicate that you are carrying something spiritually heavy that you need to bring before God. Hugging in a dream might symbolize seeking comfort, reconciliation, or unity. The ambiguous nature of the person’s gender could represent unresolved issues or a need for deeper personal spiritual connection. The desire for privacy indicates that this is a matter of personal importance or something that you need to deal with privately before God. Your dream is a call to deeper spiritual introspection and a warning about spiritual challenges or temptations. The presence of the snake suggests that there is a spiritual opposition or temptation that you are facing. The heaviness in your limbs is a sign that you need to seek God’s strength and guidance to overcome these challenges. The intimate encounter with the person represents a need for a closer, more personal relationship and reconciliation with God. Feel free to ask for more details or clarification on any aspect of the dream or its interpretation. May Allah bless you.

  10. پارسال شب قدر از خدا خواستم اگه مشکلاتم حل میشه یه نشونه برام بیاره یا خودش یا پیامبراش بیان خوابم و دقیقا ۲هفته بعدش خدا اومد خوابم.توی خواب داشت باهام حرف میزد میگفت این جهان پایان عمرشه بعد همزمان داشتم میدیدم زمین دقیقا غین صحنه قیامت داشت خراب میشد و از اون طرف سریع دریای جدید مبومد کوه جدید کلا جهان جدید شد نشانه خواب من چیه؟

    1. دوست عزیز از شما برای به اشتراک گذاشتن خواب خود سپاسگزاریم. شب قدر در واقع شبی است که برادران و خواهران مسلمان ما با عقیده فراوان با خدا راز و نیاز میکنند و خواسته های خود را از او می خواهند. این خواب هم جنبه معنوی دارد و همچنین در این خواب خداوند به شما گفته است مشکلات و ناهمواریهای زندگی شما به پایان میرسند.
      در کتابهای آسمانی می خوانیم که آخر زمان نزدیک است.و در اینجا چند نکته از انجیل را با شما در میان میگذارم.
      “به هر حال بدانید که روز خداوند حتماً خواهد آمد، آن هم مثل دزدی که همه را غافلگیر می‌کند. در آن روز، آسمانها با صدایی هولناک از بین خواهند رفت، و اجرام آسمانی در آتش نابود شده، زمین و هر چه در آن است، عیان خواهد شد.پس حال که می‌دانید هر چه در اطرافمان هست نابود خواهد شد، چقدر باید زندگی‌تان پاک و خداپسندانه باشد. باید چشم به راه آن روز باشید و تلاش کنید تا آن روز زودتر فرا رسد، روزی که آسمانها خواهند سوخت و اجرام آسمانی در شعله‌های آتش ذوب شده، نابود خواهند گشت. ولی ما با امید و اشتیاق، در انتظار آسمانها و زمین جدید می‌باشیم که در آنها فقط عدالت و راستی حکمفرما خواهد بود، زیرا این وعدهٔ خداست.” (انجیل دوم پطرس 3: 10-13)
      “زیرا من زمین جدیدی می‌سازم. هر چه در گذشته بوده کاملاً فراموش شده، دیگر به یاد آورده نخواهد شد.” (اشعیا 65:17)
      “بلافاصله، پس از آن مصیبتها، خورشید تیره و تار شده، ماه دیگر نور نخواهد داد. ستارگان فرو خواهند ریخت و نیروهایی که زمین را نگاه داشته‌اند، به لرزه در خواهند آمد.«و سرانجام نشانهٔ آمدن پسر انسان در آسمان ظاهر خواهد شد. آنگاه مردم در سراسر جهان عزا خواهند گرفت و پسر انسان را خواهند دید که بر ابرهای آسمان، با قدرت و شکوه عظیم می‌آید. او فرشتگان خود را با صدای بلند شیپور خواهد فرستاد تا برگزیدگان خود را از گوشه و کنار زمین و آسمان جمع کنند.” (انجیل متی 24: 29-31)
      “سپس زمین و آسمان تازه‌ای را دیدم، چون آن زمین و آسمان اول ناپدید شده بود. از دریا هم دیگر خبری نبود.” (مکاشفه 21: 1)
      به یاد داشته باشید که خدا ما را به صورت خود آفریده است و محبت او نسبت به همه بی نهایت است و شکی نیست که شما را میبیند و میشنود امیدوارم که مشکلات زندگی خود را با ایمان در حضور خداوند بگذارید.
      “هر کجا که باشیم، خدا تک‌تک ما را می‌شناسد؛ چشمان تیزبین خدای زنده، همهٔ ما را چنانکه هستیم می‌بیند. چیزی وجود ندارد که از نظر خدا پنهان بماند، و به اوست که باید سرانجام حساب پس بدهیم.” (عبرانیان 4: 13)
      سپس فرمود: “بیایید نزد من، ای تمامی زحمتکشان و گرانباران، و من به شما آسایش خواهم بخشید. یوغ مرا بر دوش بگیرید و از من بیاموزید، زیرا فروتن هستم و افتاده‌دل، و در جانهای خویش آسایش خواهید یافت. زیرا یوغ من راحت است، و باری که بر دوشتان می‌گذارم، سبک.” (متی 11: 28-30)
      “اکنون در مقابل در ایستاده، در را می‌کوبم. هر که صدای مرا بشنود و در را بگشاید، داخل شده، با او همسفره خواهم شد و او نیز با من” (مکاشفه 3: 20)
      اگر مایل هستید میتوانید انجیل را مطالعه کنید و از خداوند بخواهید به شما درک کلام زنده خود را بدهد و امیدوارم کلام او قلب شما را لمس کند و باعث برکات در زندگی شما شود. اگر سوالی دارید برای ما بنویسید. در پناه خداوند باشید.

  11. I saw Allah in human form though I don’t remember the face. I saw him running like those running in olympics. He passes through me and says that I am not going to do all for you, you have to make some efforts too. And dreams ends here.

    1. Ali, thank you for sharing your dream. Dreams are a form of guidance. This dream is encouraging you to take more proactive steps in your personal, spiritual, or professional life. In Islamic tradition, Allah is beyond human form and imagination. In the Bible, no one can see Allah and live (Tawrat, Exodus 33:20). Therefore, seeing Allah in human form in your dream may symbolize Allah’s presence in a way you can understand. The message in your dream, “I am not going to do all for you, you have to make some efforts too,” aligns with the teachings about personal responsibility and effort (known as “Tawakkul” and “Amal”). While we are encouraged to trust in Allah, they are also expected to make efforts in their endeavors. Even while salvation is by Allah’s mercy through faith, we are all called to live out our faith actively. The imagery of running describes the believer’s life. Your dream urges you to persist and actively participate in your spiritual journey. To gain deeper insight, consider reflecting on the following questions: Are there specific areas in your life where you feel called to take more action or responsibility? How do you perceive the balance between relying on Allah’s mercy and taking personal initiative in your faith journey? What aspects of your spiritual life might need more active engagement or effort? How do you balance faith and personal responsibility in your daily life? Are there specific challenges you currently face that might have triggered this dream? Feel free to ask for more details or clarification on any aspect of the dream or its interpretation. May Allah bless you.

Daha Fazla İçerik
Mustafa’nın Hikâyesi