بینینی اڵڵە لە خەون و خەیاڵ دا

بینینی اڵڵە لە خەون و خەیاڵ دا ڕێگە پێدراوە ؟

لە حەدیسی قودسی دەخوێنینەوە : ڕەوایەتێک لە پێغەمبەر لە لایەن ابن عباس : ڕەوایەتە کە پێغەمبەر فەرمووی ؛ ئومێدوارم کە ئەمشەو پەروەردگارم بە بەرەکەت و دەرەجەی بەرزو بە باشترین شێوە زاهیر بێت. رەوایەت کراوەلە لایەن ئیمام ئەحمەد (٢٦.١٦) و تیرمدهی(٣١٥٩(

حافز وتی: خەڵکانی خاوەن کردار وتیان کە دەکرێ خواوەند لە خەون دا ببینی و خەیاڵی خوا هەموو کات پێویستی بە لێکدانەوە هەیە.

غەزالی وتی : هەر وەها ئەو کەسانەی کە خوا لە خەو دا دەبینن " خواکەیان هیچ شێوەو وێنەیەکی نییە" بەڵام خوای ئەو بە باس کردنێکی تایبەت بۆ بەندە کانی خۆی لە ڕێگەی نمونەیەکی ئاشکرا لە نوور و ڕووناکیەوە کۆتایی دێت. و ئەو نمونەیە لە ئەو دا دروستە و ئەو کەسانەی ئەو خەیاڵانە دەکەن: من خوام لە خەون دا بینی" بەڵام ئەوە بەو مانایە نییە کە وەک ئەو شتانەی تر بێت کە خەونیان پێوە دەبینێ ،"خوای بینیوە.

النوازی ، موسلیم بە دروستی باسی کرد، ئەیاد وتی: لێکۆڵەران بە بەرحەق بوونی خوا لە خەون دا" هاوڕا بوون و ئەو بابەتە ڕاستییە.

البغاوی لە کتێبی (السنە) وتی : بینینی خوا لە خەون دا بەرحەقە " ئەگەر کەسێک خوا ببینێ و خوا وادەی بەهەشت و بەخشین و ڕزگاری پێ دا " وادەکانی خوا بۆ ئەو ئەبێتە ڕاستی " ئەگەر خوای بینی و خوا سەیری ئەوی کرد "، ڕەحمەتی خوایە و ئەگەر شوێنێکێ تری سەیر کرد "هۆشداری بۆ گوناح و تاوانەکانە.

لە گەڵ ئێوە لێرە لە بارەی لێکدانەوەی خەون بینین بە خواوە هاوبەشی دەکەم:

  • بینینی خوای گەورە لە خەون و خەیاڵ دا نیشانە و مزگێنی باشەو گەواهیدەر لە ئایینێکی ڕاستییە .
  • ئەگەر خواوەند بە شێوەی نوور ببینن " هەواڵێکی خۆش بۆ چاکە کارییەکی گەورەیە کە بە ئیزنی خوا بە دەست دێت .
  • ئەگەر لە خەون دا خوا سەیری ئەو کەسەی کردو کە خەون دەبینێ و قسەی لە گەڵ کرد بەو مانایە یە کە خوا رەحمەتی بۆ ئەنێرێ و لوتف و کەرەمی بۆ ئەو زیاد دەکات .
  • ئەگەر کەسێک خەو ببینێت کە خوا لێیەوە نزیک بۆتەوە و لە گەڵ خوا قسە دەکانت " ئەوە زۆر باشە چونکە نیشانەی ڕەزامەندی خوایە.
  • بینینی خوای گەورە لە جەستەی مرۆڤێک دا نیشانەی سالح و سادق و پاکی و بێگەردی ئەو کەسەی وا ئەو خەونەی بینیوە .
  • بیستنی دەنگێک هاوشێوەی دەنگی خوا لە خەون دا نیشانەی بە دەست هێنان یان گەیشتن بە جێگەو پێگەییەکە بۆ ئەو کەسەی خەونەکەی بینیوە.
  • ئەگەر خەونی بینی کە خوای گەورە لە بەهەشت ناوی ئەوی برد . نیشانەی ڕەزای خوای گەورە لەوە.
  • ئەگەر کەسێک خوای گەورەی بە مەرجی قەبوڵ کردن " یان هەواڵی خۆش" یا خۆشی و چیژ بینین لە خەون دا ببینێت دەکرێ مانای ئەوە بێت کە لە قیامەت چاوپێکەوتنی لە گەڵ خوا ببێت.
  • هەر کات ئەو کەسەی خەون دەبینێ یان خەیاڵ دەکات خوای گەورەی بینی و توانی سەیری خوای گەورە بکات " دەکرێ نیشانەی ئەوە بێت کە کەسێکە لەم دنیا خزمەتکارێکی باش دەبێت و لەو دنیاش دەچێتە بەهەشتەوە .
  • ئەگەر کەسێک خوا لە خەون دا ببینێت و لەبارەی شتێک ئاگاداری بکاتەوە نیشانەی ئەوەیە کە نافەرمانی کردووە و دەبێ تۆبە بکات
  • هەر کات لە خەودا کەسێک لە شوێن یا مەکانێک بێت کە دەیناسێ و خۆی لە دەستی خواوەند دا ببینێت " دەکرێ نیشانەی ئەوەبێت کە ئەو شوێنە پڕ دەبێ لە نێعمەت و خێرو بەرەکەت . مەزڵومان بەسەر زاڵمان و ستەمکاران زاڵ دەبن و لە بەرامبەیان دا بەرگری دەکەن.
  • قسە کردن لە گەڵ خوا بە حیجابەوە لە خەو دا نیشانەی باش بوونی ئەو کەسەیە و خاوەنی دڵێکی باشە.
  • خەون و خەیاڵی خوای گەورە نیشانەی شیفای نەخۆشەکان" ئەمنیەت لە ترس و بە گشتی مزگێنی باشە بۆ مروڤ و بەخشینی ویستەکان داخوازی دڵەکانیانە" ئەگەر بەحیجاب و پەردەوە بێت.

هەر بۆیەش بینینی خوا لەخەون و خەیاڵدا ڕێگە پێدراو و جائیزە . مزگێنی باشە و قەبوڵی لەلایەن خواوەندە و نیشانەی گەورەیی و مێهرەبانی و ڕەحمەتی ئەوە" بەخشینی تاوان و قەبووڵ کردنی پاکی ئەوە " هەر وەها نیشانەی چارەسەری نەخۆشی و پارێزراوی لە خۆفە.

خوا ئەمڕۆ لە ڕێگەی خەون و بینینەوە قسە دەکات. کاتێک لە لێکدانەوە راستەقینەی ئەم خەونانە تێدەگەین، دەتوانین بەپێی مەبەستی ئەو بژین ئەو لەوانەیە ئێستا قسەت لەگەڵ بکات. وەڵامەکەت چییە؟ گەڕان بۆ تێگەیشتن لە سروشت و ئامانجی خەونەکەت زۆر گرنگە. ئێمە پابەندین بە یارمەتیدانی ئێوە بۆ تێگەیشتن لە خەونە خودابەخشەکانت.

پۆستی ئەلکترۆنیکەت بڵاو ناکرێتەوە . خانە پێویستەکان دەستنیشانکراون بە *

  1. Bonjour, un de mes rêves il y a quelques mois j’avais rêvé d’être dans ma chambre puis des serpents en sortir des murs, des fenêtres, des meubles et… C’etait des serpents ou il en avait de toutes les coleures je commençais a paniquer et je voulais sortir de chez moi et quelques serpents se sont enroulés sur ma main et un serpent qui m’a a peine mordu la main puis je suis sortie de chez moi

    1. Dieu communique avec les gens à travers les rêves, utilisant des symboles pour transmettre des messages. Les serpents symbolisent souvent la tromperie et le danger. Par exemple, le serpent dans le Jardin d’Éden représente Satan, qui trompe Adam et Ève. Voir des serpents dans votre rêve indique la présence de tromperie ou d’attaques spirituelles dans votre vie. Les différentes couleurs des serpents représentent les différentes formes ou domaines de la vie où ces tromperies ou défis spirituels se produisent. Cela suggère que ces problèmes ne sont pas confinés à un seul aspect de votre vie mais sont répandus.
      Votre réaction de panique symbolise la réponse humaine naturelle à la guerre spirituelle ou à la présence du péché. Dieu encourage les croyants à lui faire confiance et à ne pas avoir peur, “Quand je suis dans la crainte, en toi je me confie” (Zabour 56:3). Les serpents s’enroulant autour de votre main symbolisent comment ces attaques spirituelles ou péchés essaient de prendre le contrôle de vos actions. La main droite représente souvent le pouvoir et les actions, “Ne crains rien, car je suis avec toi ; ne promène pas des regards inquiets, car je suis ton Dieu. Je te fortifie, je viens à ton secours, je te soutiens de ma droite triomphante” (Ésaïe 41:10). La morsure de serpent, même mineure, représente la piqûre du péché ou de l’attaque spirituelle. Cependant, le fait que ce ne soit qu’une morsure mineure indique que bien que l’attaque soit présente, elle n’est pas assez puissante pour vous vaincre. Dieu ne permettra pas que vous soyez tenté au-delà de ce que vous pouvez supporter. Quitter la maison symbolise chercher refuge ou délivrance. Cela signifie se tourner vers Dieu pour la protection et la guidance. “Celui qui demeure sous l’abri du Très-Haut repose à l’ombre du Tout-Puissant. Je dis à l’Éternel : Mon refuge et ma forteresse, mon Dieu en qui je me confie” (Zabour 91:1-2).
      Passez du temps en prière, demandant à Dieu de révéler les domaines de tromperie ou d’attaque spirituelle dans votre vie. Cherchez sa guidance et sa protection. Demandez au Saint-Esprit le discernement pour reconnaître et surmonter les défis spirituels auxquels vous pourriez être confronté. Je vous encourage à chercher la sagesse et la protection de Dieu dans tous les aspects de votre vie. N’hésitez pas à écrire si vous avez des questions. Que Dieu vous bénisse.

  2. Bonjour, durant ces derniers jours ou je me suis plus rapproché de Allah car j’avais commencé a faire la priere de fajr a l’heure et lire le coran je pars me rendormir juste après depuis je fesais beaucoup de rêves le premier est que j’avais vue l’ange de la mort(je le voyais vetue de noir) me prendre mon âme pendant que je dormais et j’etais convaincue que c’etait la réalité j’etais apaisé car je venais juste de prier puis j’ai été transporté a un autre endroit dont je ne saurais le décrire car je le vois en flou mais je pense que c’etait une ville avec des maisons éffondrés et la je me reveille en me rendant compte que ce n’etait qu’un rêve.
    Quelques jours aprés juste aprés m’avoir endormie aprés salat alfajr j’avais révé que j’avais rencontré un homme et on s’aimait je me voyais sortir d’un endroit avec lui et puis je sais pas pourquoi j’ai sue que j’avais forniqué dans mon rêve puis une femme qui était proche de moi dans mon rêve (dans la vraie vie je la connais pas) était énnervé de cet homme et elle m’a pris la main et m’a ramené a un endroit elle m’a dit d’aller voir Allah elle m’a ouver la porte de cet endroit et je suis rentré seul (c’etait un endroit dans le ciel) j’ai pas vue Allah mais j’etais devant lui il m’a saluer puis je l’ai saluer et j’ai commencé a le glorifier(je me rappelle plus exactement des mots que j’avais dit) puis je me rends compte que dans mon rêve je commencais a partir souvent parler avec Allah dans cet endroit puis Allah n’etait plus dans cet endroit j’avais rencontré un homme ou il m’avait dit on va partir voir Allah puis on est partir prendre la route ou on montait le ciel jusqu’a en haut et je pense que je me reveille aprés.
    Un ou deux jours aprés j’ai rêvé un rêve dont je me rappelle plus mais il y a une scene dont je me rappelle mes dents ils se tordaient

    1. Votre rêve reflète votre parcours spirituel et votre dévouement à Dieu. Les rencontres avec des êtres divins ou angéliques signifient souvent des messages importants ou des tournants dans la vie spirituelle d’une personne. Se sentir en paix avec l’Ange de la Mort indique votre préparation et votre confiance dans votre foi et votre relation avec Dieu. La ville avec des maisons effondrées symbolise la nature éphémère de la vie terrestre et l’importance de se concentrer sur la croissance spirituelle. Les structures qui s’effondrent signifient souvent le jugement ou la fin d’un ancien mode de vie (par exemple, la chute de Jéricho). Cela représente un appel à se détacher des attaches mondaines et à chercher un renouveau spirituel. La fornication est souvent associée au péché et à l’échec moral. Rêver de fornication signifie une lutte contre la tentation ou la culpabilité du péché. C’est un appel à chercher le repentir et à aspirer à la pureté. La femme qui vous guide pour rencontrer Dieu pourrait représenter le Saint-Esprit vous dirigeant vers le repentir et une relation plus profonde avec Dieu. Être devant Dieu et le glorifier signifie votre désir de proximité avec Lui et votre reconnaissance de Sa souveraineté et de Sa sainteté. Rencontrer régulièrement Dieu dans vos rêves indique une intimité spirituelle croissante et un fort désir de Sa présence dans votre vie. Cela reflète la recherche de la face de Dieu et une marche étroite avec Lui. Les dents symbolisent la force et le pouvoir. Les dents tordues représentent un conflit intérieur, de l’anxiété à dire la vérité ou la peur des changements affectant votre intégrité ou votre force. C’est un appel à examiner votre cœur et à faire confiance à Dieu avec vos anxiétés. Vos rêves suggèrent collectivement un éveil spirituel significatif et un engagement plus profond envers votre foi. Ils reflètent votre cheminement vers la sainteté, le repentir et une relation plus étroite avec Dieu. Les rêves soulignent la nécessité de se repentir et de chercher la guidance de Dieu. La présence de figures de guidance et des rencontres directes avec Dieu met en lumière l’importance de la direction spirituelle et d’un cœur repentant. Les thèmes du changement, de la guidance et de la communication suggèrent une croissance personnelle et spirituelle. Les rêves vous encouragent à affronter vos peurs, à faire confiance au plan de Dieu et à chercher Sa guidance pour la transformation. N’hésitez pas à écrire si vous avez des questions. Qu’Allah vous bénisse.

    1. Salam Sabrina! Thank you for sharing your dream with us and trusting us to answer it. Kneeling is a posture of humility, prayer, and worship. Being with your dad in this posture suggests a shared sense of reverence and possibly a strong spiritual bond. Light in dreams symbolizes guidance, divine presence, and truth. The fact that the light is coming from the ground represents a foundation of faith and truth that is deeply rooted in your life. Knowing it was Allah indicates a profound spiritual experience. It suggests that you feel a strong connection to Allah and recognize His presence in your life. Being stopped from looking up symbolizes a sense of awe and reverence, acknowledging that Allah is beyond human comprehension. It also indicates that there are aspects of the divine that you feel are not meant to be fully understood or seen by humans. Feeling the Divinity emphasizes the powerful spiritual impact of the dream, highlighting your deep respect and recognition of Allah’s presence. Your dream is encouraging you to continue nurturing your faith and recognizing the divine presence in your life, while also acknowledging the profound mystery and majesty of Allah. Please don’t hesitate to write us if you have any questions. May you find clarity and peace as you reflect on this significant dream. May Allah bless you.

  3. Assalamu alykum

    I dreamt that Allah has shown me food in Jannah in the sky and I was telling my dad Allah is showing us this to give us hope that Jannah awaits for us and I was celebrating and I was singing I’m going to Jannah and I was so happy. I showed Allah in the form of bright light and the sky was covered with light that I’ve never seen but as soon as I viewed the food and someone took photo of it and it disappeared but I was so happy. This dream came after I prayed tahajjud and went back to sleep. Please help me interpret it.

    1. Wa alaikum assalam Fatima. Thank you for sharing your profound dream and trusting us to interpret it. Dreams hold significant meanings, especially when they follow acts of worship like praying Tahajjud.
      Seeing food in Jannah is a positive sign, symbolizing divine blessings, sustenance, and spiritual rewards. This could indicate that Allah is pleased with you and gives you a glimpse of the rewards awaiting the righteous in Paradise. Light in dreams often represents guidance, knowledge, and divine presence. Seeing the sky covered with light and perceiving it as Allah’s presence suggests that you are being guided and feel a strong spiritual connection with Allah. The bright light you saw as Allah’s presence symbolizes divine guidance and mercy. It reminds us of Allah’s omnipresence and His role as the source of all light and guidance. Your feelings of happiness and celebration are significant. They indicate a deep spiritual satisfaction and a sense of reassurance about your faith and place in the Hereafter. Singing about going to Jannah reflects your inner joy and optimism about your spiritual journey.
      When the food disappeared after a photograph was taken, it symbolized the transient nature of worldly experiences compared to the eternal nature of the Hereafter. It serves as a reminder that while worldly pleasures can be fleeting, the rewards of Jannah are everlasting. The fact that this dream occurred after you prayed Tahajjud adds to its significance. Tahajjud is a time of deep spiritual connection, and dreams during this time are often seen as more meaningful. Your dream appears to be a message of hope and encouragement from Allah. It reaffirms your faith and reminds you of the eternal rewards that await the righteous in Jannah. Continue your acts of worship and stay steadfast in your faith, for Allah’s guidance and blessings are with you.

    1. Salam Oussene. Voir le nom d’Allah dans un rêve peut être une expérience puissante et significative. Cela symbolise la présence divine, la guidance et la protection. Cela suggère que vous êtes rappelé de votre foi et de l’importance de la connexion personnelle avec Allah au quotidien. Ce rêve vous encourage à renforcer vos pratiques religieuses, à chercher le pardon et à avoir plus de foi en période de difficulté. Que cette interprétation vous apporte clarté et paix. N’hésitez pas à partager vos pensées ou sentiments spécifiques à propos de ce rêve, et je pourrai vous fournir d’autres perspectives ou des références scripturaires. Qu’Allah vous accorde clarté et compréhension.

  4. Assalamualaykum, Hope you’re well. I had recurring dreams of sitting in the company of 2 renowned scholars. The scholars are of the present times. One of them even kissed my cheek. In my dream, I felt close to them.

    Could you please explain what my dream could mean. Jazak Allahu Khairan.

    1. Wa Alaikum Assalam Rooshna. Your dream of being in the company of two renowned scholars and feeling close to them could have several meanings. Sitting with scholars indicates a strong desire or inclination towards gaining more knowledge, especially religious knowledge. Feeling close to them and receiving a kiss on the cheek could symbolize a form of blessing or approval from them, which may be reassuring and motivating for you. Jazak Allahu Khairan for sharing your dream. May Allah grant you clarity and guidance.

  5. Salam aleykoum,

    J’ai fait un rêve étrange ou c’était la fin du monde et d’un coup apparu dans le ciel une et une voix impossible à décrire qui m’a fait dire dans mon rêve c’est ALLAH et tout le monde était pris de panique et je ressentais une crainte après sa. Je vis le tombeau du prophète (SAWS) entra et pria à l’intérieur du tombeau puis ressorti et me réveilla tout d’un coup avec le même crainte que dans le rêve. Je ne suis pas expert dans le domaine des rêve j’aimerais savoir si il y’a une quelconque signification à mon rêve. BARAKALLAH OUFIK

    1. Salam Abdel, merci pour le partage de ton rêve et pour ta confiance en notre habilité à t’aider dans sa compréhension. Brièvement, je te dirai que ton rêve t’invite à réfléchir à la fin du monde et à te préparer pour le jugement dernier ou seulement ceux qui n’auront pas été sur le droit chenin seront dans la crainte, la peur et la panique. Mais le rêve fait un avertissement sur une pratique qui représenterait tous les dangers de l’idolâtrie dans notre adoration d’Allah. La prière dans les tombes par exemple qui serait shirk. Je te dirai mon frère que parce que la voix ne t’a pas invité à prier dans la tombe et tu t’es réveillé, est un signe que la pratique n’était pas agréée. La leçon donc à retenir de l’image de la tombe est le futur de nous tous qui serons un jour dans une tombe faite de mains d’homme ou de la nature. Aurons-nous adoré celui-là qui a le pouvoir sur la tombe? Merci de nous contacter pour plus de détails si tu as d’autres questions. Que Allah te bénisse.

  6. Assalamualaykum. I had a dream where I was confined alone in a dark crypt with very little light. The floor was made of smooth stone and was cold. In the room, there was a small ventilator window in the front side of a very narrow compartment in the room and I was prostrating facing that window direction. While prostrating, I had walls at my left and right side and but the back side opening to the room. I could sense a blue or greenish blue light mixed with smog coming through the window and I could not lift my head on its cold stone made floor out of fear of Allah. I felt like Allah is on the other side of that small window and is watching me. It was as if I had no other choice other than staying in that state and I felt it would continue for eternity. With fear and reverence for Allah, I also felt very uncomfortable that I cannot raise my head and felt locked up for so long in that state in a sense that I can go nowhere other than staying at that position. But I kind of accepted it like it was also something inevitable and part of my destiny. Could you please explain what could this dream possibly mean?

    1. Wa Alaikum Assalam. Thank you Rizwan for sharing your dream with us. Let’s examine your dream:
      Dark Crypt: Darkness often represents fear, uncertainty, ignorance, sin, or spiritual darkness. Being confined in a crypt signifies feeling trapped or distant from God’s light.
      Smooth Stone Floor: Stones are symbolizing strength, stability, steadfastness, and the foundation of faith. A smooth stone floor represents a solid uncomfortable foundation in your faith, suggesting a period of trial or testing.
      Ventilator Window: Windows symbolizes opportunities and insights. The fact that it’s small and ventilator-like implies limited perception or insight into the divine.
      Prostration: Prostration is a sign of submission, worship, and humility before God. Facing the window while prostrating suggests a longing for divine connection, guidance, and closeness to Allah.
      Blue/Greenish Blue Light: Light is associated with guidance, truth, and the presence of Allah. Blue symbolizes spirituality. Green represents growth and renewal. The mix of blue and smog indicates a struggle between spiritual clarity and confusion.
      Fear of Allah: The fear of Allah is a common theme in the Scripture, as a positive attribute, representing reverence, awe, and consciousness of Allah. Your inability to lift your head suggests a deep sense of humility and respect before Allah.
      Feeling Locked Up: This feeling of being trapped or confined symbolizes a sense of spiritual stagnation or restriction in your life.
      Acceptance of Destiny: Feeling resigned to your situation suggests acceptance of Allah’s will and trust in His plan, even in difficult or uncertain circumstances.
      Your dream seems to reflect a deep longing for spiritual connection and guidance, along with a sense of humility, reverence, and acceptance of Allah’s will. It indicates a period of spiritual struggle or uncertainty in your life. Please, don’t hesitate to write us for any further questions.

  7. I had a dream that I’m fainting again and again, getting insane whenever I come to senses. Then I’m in a lot of pain as in someone’s twisting my spinal cord and there’s a light behind me that I cannot see but I’m pleading to God that I won’t do any sins just take this pain away from me and the pain keeps increasing and then when pain starts decreasing I only remember the word NAMAZ coming from that light. (jbtw I recently had a breakup so idk if this dream has anything related to that or my tattoos)

    1. Wa Alaikum Assalam, Mishaal. Thank you for sharing and trusting us with your dream. Here is the interpretation of your dream:
      Fainting and Insanity: Fainting and feeling insane in the dream symbolize a sense of losing control or feeling overwhelmed by emotions. This could be related to the recent breakup you mentioned, as breakups often bring about feelings of confusion, loss, and emotional distress.
      Pain and Twisting of Spinal Cord: The pain and sensation of someone twisting your spinal cord represent the emotional and psychological pain you’re experiencing. It signifies the intensity of your emotional turmoil and the feeling of being emotionally twisted or manipulated by the situation.
      Light and Plea to God: The light behind you that you cannot see but you are pleading to Allah symbolizes divine guidance and protection. Your plea to Allah not to commit sins and to alleviate your pain reflects a desire for spiritual relief and guidance during this challenging time. It indicates a deep reliance on faith and a belief in the power of prayer to overcome difficulties.
      Word “Namaz”: The word “Namaz” (prayer) coming from the light suggests a call to prayer or a reminder of the importance of spiritual practices in finding strength in Allah’s presence during times of distress.
      Your dream is a reminder to lean on Allah’s love and Word for support during difficult times. My prayer is that you will find rest in God’s Word that brings joy and peace. Please, we would like to hear from you. May Allah bless you.

  8. I had a dream of a group of people praising allah by name and say great god almighty allah thank praise to you but the thing I study Muslim once tried to follow but having a hard time accepting a religion bounce from Christian to Muslim and catholic not sure what it mean I think I do but would like more help with this

    1. Welcome to our website Raul. I understand it’s confusing and you might have a lot of questions. I believe that your dream is meant to emphasize the fact that God (Allah in Arabic) has a faithful people who are scattered in many places, but that at a certain moment these true and sincere worshippers will stand before Him. God seeks people with sincere and true hearts, who genuinely want to know the truth: “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.” – John 4:23. God sent His Word, known as Jesus (Isa Al-Masih) to reveal His mercy and love for humanity (Colossians 1:13-17). I invite you to pray for discernment and also to explore the articles of our website. Moreover, it will be a pleasure to help you with your questions and doubts, so do not hesitate to email us: [email protected]

    I saw going to a place heading towards somewhere I enter this place and I know this Is Allah,this place,as I entered I was told to go ahead and cut my throat, I was scared but had a courage to keep moving I saw Allah in a shape of human being.
    I move forward and I see a Knife and a bowl. I look at him saying Allah forgive me. but he is not looking at me. I picked up the Knife and looked at thim again but he is disregarding me, so I took the Knife to my throat and try very hard to cut my throat but failed I then looked at the knife I see the knife is blunt. Than I looked at Allah and this time he had a smile and looking at me. I had a sense of relief, I hugged him as I did i could taste his musk the scent. It was so peaceful. And my eye open I remembered every bit of it. I am a normal Muslim I do my prayer and have my weakness but not sure what this means. Please someone with the knowledge help me out.
    Jazak Allah Kher

    1. Aleykum al-salam, brother. Welcome! It’s a pleasure for us to be able to help you understand your dream. Allah’s presence brings light, life, blessings and mercy. His human image is portrayed by His Word and Spirit, as stated in the Qur’an and the Injil, in the person of Isa Al-Masih (may His peace be upon us). Your sacrifice in the dream did not work out because the right to eternal life and the privilege of enjoying Allah’s presence does not come through human sacrifice, but through faith in the great sacrifice already made by Him, which was motivated by deep and magnificent love. Even though Allah is the Creator, He has shown His willingness to not even spare His only Word and Spirit, known as Isa Al-Masih. “In the same way, Christ, having offered himself once for all to take away the sins of many, will appear a second time, without sin, to those who are waiting for him to be saved.” – Injil, Hebrews 9:28. So your dream is an invitation to accept this sacrifice by faith and enjoy the presence of Allah, walking in obedience and submission to His will. I encourage you to study the subject and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to write to us. May Allah bless you always.

    1. Nous vous remercions de nous avoir confié votre rêve, Mehdi. Voir la figure d’Allah en rêve est un signe de paix et de salut. Cette figure humaine pleine de lumière est aussi la façon dont Sayidna Isa Al-Masih (que Sa paix soit sur nous) apparaît toujours. Il est la miséricorde d’Allah (Maryam 19:21) et veut que vous sachiez qu’il y a des changements à faire dans votre vie et des péchés que vous devez abandonner. Isa est venu pour vous offrir la vie en abondance et vous conduire au-delà de cette vie éphémère vers la vie éternelle : “…Je suis venu pour qu’ils aient la vie et qu’ils l’aient en abondance.” – Injil, Jean 10:10. “Jésus lui dit : “Je suis le chemin, la vérité et la vie. Personne ne vient au Père si ce n’est par moi”. – Injil, Jean 14:6. Personne ne sait quand ils naîtront ou quand ils mourront, mais nous devons vivre une vie de pureté et de dévouement à la volonté d’Allah à tout moment. Qu’Allah vous bénisse abondamment.

  10. Salam,

    Few days ago I had a dream and it was like the day of resurrection we all prostrate and I saw an intense light. No one dare to lift their heads. And we all sensed Allah passing through us. We all got scared (but good scared, like scared of our deeds and sins) then Allah called me and he handed me a paddle (like kayak paddle) then he said go over there and it was a nice warm fire pit. I felt warm and cozy. Then Allah said you succeeded, and he asked me do you know why? I humbly replied because I did good things to this person? In fact that previous day I helped a person from getting into trouble..
    not sure what all this mean, but it was a powerful dream and I witnessed a sensation like no other. Which is Allah presence.
    May this dream bring blessing and forgiveness.
    Any comments or interpretations are welcomed.

    1. Wa Alaikum Al-Salam! Your dream carries deep spiritual significance, touching judgment, redemption, and divine approval themes. It’s like a profound moment of accountability and reckoning for your actions. The vivid imagery of intense light and everyone prostrating mirrors a scene of judgment, reminiscent of the scripture: “And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened… The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books.” (Injil, Revelation 20:12-13)
      The radiant light and the sensation of Allah passing through convey a powerful spiritual encounter, echoing the words: “The Lord wraps himself in light as with a garment; he stretches out the heavens like a tent.” (Zabour, Psalm 104:2). Feeling a “good” kind of fear suggests a profound reverence and awareness of your deeds and missteps. The paddle given by Allah can symbolize guidance or a tool for navigating through the journey of life, and the warm fire pit may represent a place of comfort, purification, or spiritual growth.
      When Allah states that you succeeded and questions why, it emphasizes the significance of your actions and their impact on others. Your humble response about helping someone the previous day indicates that acts of kindness contribute to spiritual success. The warmth and coziness near the fire pit symbolize a sense of security, contentment, or the rewards of a virtuous life. As the scripture says, “But who can endure the day of his coming?… He will be like a refiner’s fire… He will purify the Levites and refine them like gold and silver.” (Tawrat, Malachi 3:2-3)
      May Allah bless you and guide your steps each day, as expressed in the words: “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” (Zabour, Psalm 119:105).

  11. asalamualaykum. i feel i am going through some trials and hope to have faith in the good which Allah Sends through them..but i am afraid i am falling off the path and require the help of reminder for my state or case. Allah Subhan wa ta’la (whom there is none worthy of worship except Allah) has called me and brought me near at times and i hate and loathe the distance when at times i am away, astray, or idle which is obviously concerning for anyone whom would love to attain eternal bond with Allah of True Love and Beauty and more. the dream i had felt like a reality in another dimension or layer. i was in the bed ive slept in for years, in the room where guidances came to me and i was rising from the bed up into the air and golden yellow light was being taken out of me and i thought i was dying so i prompted to say la illaha ilAllah Muhammadur rasool Allah. i dont know if it was being seized from me or if someone else in the spiritual dimension was taking it from me. i had another dream earlier where i was in my bedroom and in that there was so much light in my room but i could hear the voices of my family in real earth life that were moving at speed like on fast foreward and the dimensional place was slow and calm but i was being dragged by the forelock down the stairs to a place inbetween the stairs where i bowed to God or promised God if i remember…and my concern is that is it too late for me? i feel fire in my chest like the place where neither live nor die and i have heaviness in my days. i had a dream of seeing the prophet in my school smiling and shining and there were multiple voices exclaiming “thats the prophet!” in deep shaky voices and in the dream i felt like there was some weight on me or punishment that i thought i deserved but i think The Prophet was helping me and making it less..the weight. on a side note regarding all of these dreams of the others; first of all Ma Shaa Allah and may you draw even more near to Allah with love and joy In Shaa Allah and secondly its no coincidence as we are moving into the next phases of reality and Allahs signs. i hope each day foreward is even more blessed and that the Light comes to day on earth infront of us all as we increase in faith. but its no coincidence. theres more to the messages Allah Is Calling us maybe to greet asalamualykum and unite.. anyway i just don’t want to be punished or enter hell. can i avert this if its the wrath of God and how can i do so. my heart is hollow, it takes me great effort to enter into a state and to even stay there. can it be made easier for me? i wish to have a place in Allahs Sight where Allah Is Pleased with me. but i feel like that might be a dream that wont come true because of my wrongdoing and turning away etc. theres nothing id like than to have every aspect of true islam embodied in me. God Have Mercy. so much is going on on earth and maybe in the heavens too, where do we begin in right guidance? thanks God Bless you all more and more always.

    1. Aleykum al-salam Iqra. Thank you for contacting us. There is a spiritual battle going on, and this desire to be closer to Allah and to do His will is your response to stand on the side of good, despite the attacks of evil. Allah’s love is for everyone, He desires each one of us to be led on the straight path and he created us with freedom of choice, so He invites you to choose to be close to Him and accept the great sacrifice He made to sent His Word and Mercy, as written in the Injil and the Qur’an, to make a reconciliation with humanity. Isa Al-Masih (may His peace be upon us) is the only one who came into the world carrying the message of salvation and redemption. This notion of salvation and redemption is exemplified in the revelation of the love of Allah for sinful humanity. According to Allah’s just law, “the wages of sin is death” – Injil, Romans 6:23. But Allah knows that all humanity is sinful, without exception. With this fact alone, us humans and God can never coexist, so Isa came to be a mediator between Allah and us, sinful humans. Because He came for us, He was the sole component of reconciling us with Allah, and He paid the penalty for our sins. Moreover, Jesus took the punishment that we are supposed to have, and because of this act, He redeemed us. This means, that there is just one thing that you can actually do to please Allah: accept this sacrifice, trust in what Isa did and follow him to receive discernment and strength to obey Allah. I encourage you strongly to pray about that, and ask Isa to give you peace and he will lead you to eternal life: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” – Injil, John 14:6. May Allah bless you abundantly always. Please write to us again if you have more questions.

  12. asalamualaykum. i feel i am going through some trials and hope to have faith in the good which Allah Sends through them..but i am afraid i am falling off the path and require the help of reminder for my state or case. Allah Subhan wa ta’la (whom there is none worthy of worship except Allah) has called me and brought me near at times and i hate and loathe the distance when at times i am away, astray, or idle which is obviously concerning for anyone whom would love to attain eternal bond with Allah of True Love and Beauty and more. the dream i had felt like a reality in another dimension or layer. i was in the bed ive slept in for years, in the room where guidances came to me and i was rising from the bed up into the air and golden yellow light was being taken out of me and i thought i was dying so i prompted to say la illaha ilAllah Muhammadur rasool Allah. i dont know if it was being seized from me or if someone else in the spiritual dimension was taking it from me. i had another dream earlier where i was in my bedroom and in that there was so much light in my room but i could hear the voices of my family in real earth life that were moving at speed like on fast foreward and the dimensional place was slow and calm but i was being dragged by the forelock down the stairs to a place inbetween the stairs where i bowed to God or promised God if i remember…and my concern is that is it too late for me? i feel fire in my chest like the place where neither live nor die and i have heaviness in my days. i had a dream of seeing the prophet in my school smiling and shining and there were multiple voices exclaiming “thats the prophet!” in deep shaky voices and in the dream i felt like there was some weight on me or punishment that i thought i deserved. on a side note regarding all of these dreams of others; first of all Ma Shaa Allah and may you draw even more near to Allah with love and joy In Shaa Allah and secondly its no coincidence as we are moving into the next phases of reality and Allahs signs. i hope each day foreward is even more blessed and that the light comes to day on earth infront of us all as we increase in faith. but its no coincidence. theres more to the messages Allah Is Calling us maybe to greet asalamualykum and unite.. anyway i just don’t want to be punished or enter hell. can i avert this if its the wrath of God and how can i do so. my heart is hollow, it takes me great effort to enter into a state and to wven stay there. can it be made easier for me? i wish to have a place in Allahs Sight where Allah Is Pleased with me. but i feel like that might be a dream that wont come true because of my wrongdoing and turning away etc. theres nothing id like than to have every aspect of true islam embodied in me. God Have Mercy. so much is going on, where do we begin in right guidance? thanks God Bless.

    1. Aleykum al-salam Iqra. Thank you for contacting us. There is a spiritual battle going on, and this desire to be closer to Allah and to do His will is your response to stand on the side of good, despite the attacks of evil. Allah’s love is for everyone, He desires each one of us to be led on the straight path and he created us with freedom of choice, so He invites you to choose to be close to Him and accept the great sacrifice He made to sent His Word and Mercy, as written in the Injil and the Qur’an, to make a reconciliation with humanity. Isa Al-Masih (may His peace be upon us) is the only one who came into the world carrying the message of salvation and redemption. This notion of salvation and redemption is exemplified in the revelation of the love of Allah for sinful humanity. According to Allah’s just law, “the wages of sin is death” – Injil, Romans 6:23. But Allah knows that all humanity is sinful, without exception. With this fact alone, us humans and God can never coexist, so Isa came to be a mediator between Allah and us, sinful humans. Because He came for us, He was the sole component of reconciling us with Allah, and He paid the penalty for our sins. Moreover, Jesus took the punishment that we are supposed to have, and because of this act, He redeemed us. This means, that there is just one thing that you can actually do to please Allah: accept this sacrifice, trust in what Isa did and follow him to receive discernment and strength to obey Allah. I encourage you strongly to pray about that, and ask Isa to give you peace and he will lead you to eternal life: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” – Injil, John 14:6. May Allah bless you abundantly always. Please write to us again if you have more questions.

  13. In this the most adequate the most truthful indisputable knowledgeable messages is the degrees of thrillions of universities and the degrees of thrillions of PHDS We are all surrounded by the creator of everything to truly honestly sincerely create true justice on earth and do not deceive and mislead eachothers in different names. Science tell us and The creator of everything one omnipotent creator one omnipotent GOD one ALLAH the omnipotent says true champions and legends are those who control their anger and forgive the ignorants for their misunderstandings and misjudgments and mistakes and errors and fight for the rights of the disable as one day all jinns’s(aliens, ufo,uap,ghosts or spirits how they call to the jinns and angles) and all humans’s too short worldly test body becomes disable becomes weak and shrink and die or expire like never existed before on earth as thrillions and uncountable of jinns’s and humans’s too short worldly test body died or expired in their very young temporarily worldly test body gap age numbers and millions of jinns’s humans’s too short worldly test body die or expire daily, weekly, monthly, yearly which temporarily worldly test time pass on earth so true champions and legends are those who control their anger and forgive the ignorants for their misunderstandings and misjudgments and mistakes and errors and fight for the rights of the disable the orphans the children the widows the elderly and needy people on earth and correct them not the one knocking down and bloodshedding eachothers and damaging and destroying eachothers and putting eachothers in coma and giving eachothers false titles of champions to encourage and persuade all temporarily worldly test body authorities and eachothers to be created a true public fund system all over the world which is the basic and fundamental rights of all the disable all the orphans all the children all the widows all the needy and all humans on earth and to to encourage and persuade temporarily worldly test body authorities to destroy or eradicate the factories of cigarettes which billions of children men and women are addicted by it then they started other harmful drugs such marijuana, cannabis,opium, heroine and became alcoholic and junkies and homeless and stealers and liars and robbers and burglars and rapists and racists and killers as only in USA hundreds of people kill eachothers daily and commit suicide because of these harmful drugs because of selling guns because of these misuse and abuse because of these evils in the name of science and education in the name of democracy in different names, and also all must truly honestly sincerely love and correct eachothers to save or rescue and truly honestly sincerely support eachothers and re educate eachothers and save or rescue and support and re educate over 2000 millions of women on earth who are put into pornographies(modern sex slavery) into prostitutions(modern sex slavery) into women sex escorts(modern sex slavery) and using the back hole of eachothers and others for sex which is too dirty and unhealthy and unhygienic and only created to expel stool from it not for sex scientifically proven science tell us all these facts you see how we humans oppose the science and deceive and mislead eachothers in the name of science and education in the name of democracy in different names and those who are deceived and misleaded by the false call and whisperings of the satan(shaitaan) the chief deceiver the devil after their temporarily worldly test body death or expiration they regret and say send us back to earth our lord our creator with our previous too short worldly test body in order we might have truly honestly comprehended repented and corrected and reformed ourselves and at the day of judgment they say to the satan(shaitaan) the chief deceiver to the devil you deceived and misleaded us the satan(shaitaan) the chief deceiver the devil tell them i had no control over you and i was only calling you to a false call that there is no afterlife you are champion you are legend believe in yourself you made it till your too short worldly test body died or expired or bécame weak and shrank and you got dementia you forgot your own soul and your too short worldly test died or expired like never existed before on earth then you started keep saying seve is back earth our lord or creator we only deceived and misleaded and tortured and punished our own soul which regret causing you more pain and sufferings that’s how this too short worldly test body transit choice test lifetime is created and regarding it the creator of everything says i have created the death or expiration of your too short worldly test body transit choice test lifetime and i have created the life of your too short worldly test body transit choice test lifetime in order to test all of you all jinns(aliens, ufo, uap, ghost or spirit how they call to jinns and angels) and to test all humans who does the best job for their eternal afterlife for ever life for final judgment by me the creator of everything to admit them to their eternal afterlife for ever indestructible success for ever indestructible beauty for ever indestructible strength for ever indestructible palaces and for ever indestructible enjoyment and happiness life of your eternal afterlife for ever paradise(jannah) for all these true the most adequate and the most indisputable knowledgeable message millions and billions of jinns and humans can be corrected and guided if they accept true corrections and reformations and true guidance and of course the creator of everything loves that all receive true corrections and reformations and true guidance but most people reject it and do not want it and promote evils and misuse and abuse on earth in different names and also the markets in china and indonesia and vitnam and Tailand and taiwan and africa and elsewhere who sell and eat rats, bats, pangolins, frying alive dogs, donkeys, worms, monkeys, snakes, scorpions, pigs and all kind of dirty and harmful animals must stopped which coronavirus spreaded from it on earth and over 15 millions of people’s temporarily worldly test body died or expired before their natural death and their for ever soul joined their eternal afterlife for ever life for final judgment by the creator of everything you see humans keep deceiving and misleading themselves and eachothers and their innocent children and other people and their innocent children in the name of leaders, judges, lawyers, solicitors, advocates, barristers, doctors, psychiatrists, scientists, engineers , atheists, agonstics, molla, mofti , priests, pandits, artists, mahdi, jesus(ESA) anti christ(dajal) yajooj and majooj(gog and magog) Dabatul aradh(animal speaking to humans) etc etc…… in different names and also thrillions of dollars and pounds wasted in nuclear weapons and in all kind of weapons from the public fund from the money of people of earth and its people are beging in the streets and sleep with hunger and sell their land or property or borrow money to migrate and they are burned and tortured and imprisoned and killed in iran and pakistan and Turkey and greece etc…. during these migrations and they are bitten and tortured and killed by the border police dogs and by border police during these migrations and they are drowned and killed in the ocean to migrate or immigrate to a few western public fund system countries for a better life and also billions of dollars and pounds are wasted in spaceships going to moon and other very close planets to earth where there is no oxygen no food no life and risking the life of its crews and a lot of its crews’s temporarily worldly test body died before their natural death in these too risky and nonsense journey and achieved nothing except wasting billions or thrillions of dollars and pounds from time to time and risking the life of temporarily worldly test body transit choice test lifetime of humans that’s why and that’s how science tell us do not misuse and abuse and the creator of everything tell us what i told you is for your own safety for your own true peace and tranquility and security prosperity and happiness place of this too short worldly test body transit choice test lifetime and for your own benefits in your eternal afterlife for ever life for final judgment by me to admit you into your eternal afterlife for ever indestructible success for ever indestructible beauty for ever indestructible strength for ever indestructible palaces and for ever indestructible enjoyment and happiness life of your eternal afterlife for ever paradise where there is no more temporarily worldly test body death or expiration no more test and trials no more discrimination no more labour no more diseases and viruses no more defections and deficiencies no more political and religious misunderstandings and misjudgments no more using poor soldiers kill and handicapping and amputating eachothers and no more innocent children men and women are killed and handicapped and amputated no more political and religious radicalisation and fanaticism no more political and religious misuse and abuse for too short worldly test body power and no more any kind of evils or harm. hopefully by now all those who call themselves true pure sincere honest kind good generous leaders, judges, lawyers, solicitors, advocates, barristers, doctors, psychiatrists, scientists, engineers etc etc….must have truly honestly sincerely comprehended and sensed and realised and understood to be saved or rescued from present future(eternal afterlife) crisis, disasters and self inflicted or self creating punishments and to transform the earth into an absolutely peaceful, tranquility, security, prosperity and happiness place with abundance of foods and fruits and vegetations and accommodations for all that’s why most people after their too short worldly test body death or expiration they scream and say our lord our creator send us back to earth with our previous too short worldly test body as we only deceived and misleaded and tortured and punished our own soul which regret causing them more pain and sufferings.( sharing this the most adequate and the undeniable the most precise the most truthful knowledgeable message for all’s temporarily worldly test body human brain and for their eternal for ever soul as a charity if only one person receives true guidance and receive true knowledge by this the most indisputable knowledgeable message the creator of everything never forgets your true pure sincere honest kind good intentions and your true pure sincere honest kind good generous deeds and actions.).

  14. I dreamed about I died and I enter jannah with my brother and I saw Only the legs of Allah SWA and my brother and I was nailing down in front of Allah SWA, and then Allah SWA give me a royal crown like a king with a beautiful dress and He give my brother a kings stick after that we were with all the Prophets, we were eating together, what does my Dream of seeing Allah SWA mean

    1. Aleykum al-salam Ali Abu. We thank you for telling us your beautiful dream. The Injil tells us some details about Paradise and how the celebration of the saved will be. We will wear white robes and praise Allah and His Lamb who brought deliverance from sin: “After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, saying, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” All the angels stood around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures, and fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God, saying: Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom, thanksgiving and honor and power and might, be to our God forever and ever. Amen.” Then one of the elders answered, saying to me, “Who are these arrayed in white robes, and where did they come from?” And I said to him, “Sir, you know.” So he said to me, “These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore they are before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in His temple. And He who sits on the throne will dwell among them. They shall neither hunger anymore nor thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any heat; for the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to living fountains of waters.And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” – Injil, Revelation 7:9-17 I believe your dream is a call to a spiritual awakening and to prepare yourself to be closer to Allah and do His will. I encourage you to study this text. May Allah bless you always .

    2. Assalamu Aleikum,

      A bit of context: Right know I am struggling greatly with my mental and physical health. I’ve been very desperate in my prayers to Allah, asking for healing, guidance and forgiveness. I’ve been struggling the last 7 years with waswas, high anxiety and followed by deep depression after some time.


      I just woke up from a dream which startet as my more frequent ones (not good dreams), but after I dont know what happend but I found myself asking a small girl to see the visions of angels she was having. Fast forward she told me to come closer and after i knelt on one knee and put my cheeks to hers something so strange happened. It was as I entered a different realm, I was beautiful full of light, glitter and above me were clouds that look soft and white. After I asked the girl where the angels were and she told me to turn around, then she pointed to a beautiful big floating yellowish flower and said: “ there is one”. She showed me some more that had different incoherent shapes, and then I understood that that was not their real form. But i knew them to be what she told me because even though their form were strange I felt their light. As I was continuing to take in this dream world I saw a big floating page from the Holy Qur’an, I don’t read or write arabic but somehow it knew it was “Surat-al fatiha”. I had a strong desire to please Allah because I knew he was above me in the clouds so I immediately started to recite it. For every word I recited the same word from the floating Qur’an got highlighted in gold so that I knew it was the right surat. After that I saw to had reach down from the heavens, they where so beautiful like sky blue with light and shimmer outside of anything in this world. I knew that that was Allah, and I also knew as like the angels this was not his real form. I was so happy to be in his presence and have his attention. After there came floating a evil being (it’s form i don’t remember) it wanted to kill me, and without I shouted “Allah help me”. Not a second after the same hands appeared and killed the being with the same light. After that I knew for certain he was Allah, and that he cared for me and that he was watching over me. Then rushed forward from where I was standing with the little girl and wanted to immediately kneel and tell Allah something similar to“ I know you are my real Lord, I’ve been looking for you and waiting for the change of being in your presence, and finally i’m in your presence”. I remember looking up where the hands last appeared, kneeling, hands reaching in the air, happy and emotional. Then I woke up.

      What does

      1. Aleykum al-salam Hinda. Thank you for telling us about your dream. I believe that this vision is a call for a spiritual awakening, to be closer to Allah and to understand His will. We can learn precious lessons by observing Creation and how the Creator cares for each of his creatures. Although we cannot see Allah’s face, he knows the sincerity of your heart and your desire to please Him. He sees you and your suffering, he hears your prayers,so He reveals Himself through His Mercy and His Spirit in the form of man, who is Isa Al-Masih (may His peace be upon us). He possesses this light which is capable of destroying evil and darkness: “Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” – Injil, John 8:12. I encourage you to continue seeking understanding because Allah wants to reveal His goodness and love to you and guide you to eternal life through Isa. May Allah bless you always.

  15. Assalamu aleykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu. I can’t remember many details from my dream but in the dream wich looked very gloomy at first and nothing was out of the ordinary and this vision comes to me and I see a body of light (as I said I can’t remember fully how it was but when I explain it I say I saw God in a body of light,not human form) and in this dream I felt this powerful presence and I hear the words “my servant” and then the vision goes away but it’s like I was almost facing God or looking directly at the body of light wich called me wich must have been God. What do you think?

    1. Aleykum al-salam Clyde. We thank you for telling us about your dream. This divine light of Allah’s presence means mercy, grace and direction. He wants you to know more of His will, and He will illuminate your steps and your understanding. He wants you to walk in the light and be a messenger of good news to others. Isa Al-Masih (His peace be upon us) was the Light that came into the world: “Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” – Injil, John 8:12. It is also written about Him: “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.” – Injil, Colossians 1:15-16. I advise you to study more about Him and how to be a messenger of the Light. May Allah bless you always.

    1. Aleykum al-salam Sadia. We thank you for telling us your dream. Allah wants to reveal to you the messages he gave to prepare people before the Day of Judgment: “Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth—to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people— saying with a loud voice, “Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.” And another angel followed, saying, “Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image of him, and whoever receives the mark of his name of him.” Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.” – Injil, Revelation 14:6-12. These are warning messages and they call people to worship only the Creator God, to abandon idolatry and observe the Law of Allah which is his mark and not doctrines invented by men. I hope you study the subject and if you have any doubts, write us again. May Allah bless you with wisdom always.

  16. As Salaam u Alaykum,

    After I prayed Isha, Tahajud, recited Surah Mulk and read a bit more of the Quran, and recited the evening adhkaar before I went to bed. That night I had a dream where i was in my bedroom, I was looking outside my window when all of a sudden, I saw yellow/white light then my room was exposed to the sky, the light was coming closer and closer and I had a feeling it was Allah SWT who kept calling me. Out of fear I ran away into another room and sought forgiveness from Allah SWT and the light got bigger and came closer. Thinking about it now gives me goosebumps and I keep staring at my window. Not sure if this is a good/bad dream but in my dream I was certain it was Allah SWT. Allahu Aalam.

    1. Aleykum al-salam, thank you for writing to us and telling us about your dream. Allah wants to bring you light and guide you to lead you to eternal life. The Holy Injil reveals that he has sent His Mercy to bring Light to the world, in the person of Isa Al-Masih (may His peace be upon us). He said: “Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” – Injil, John 8:12. I encourage you to learn about him and may Allah bless you with wisdom and discernment.

  17. Asallamu Alleykum,
    I had a dream about Jannah. We were divided into two groups and I was part of the group that Allah calling us to Jannah; the doors of paradise opened for us. We entered the paradise, I’ve felt safe and happiness; I also heard Allah’s voice from the heavens as he was speaking to us. I don’t remember directly but this is the only thing I remember. Please explain to me.

    1. Aleykum al-salam Amran Abdi. We thank you for telling us your beautiful dream. About what you saw, it is written: “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.” – Injil, Matthew 25:31-33. Isa Al-Masih (may His peace be upon us) is the Mercy of Allah and will come with power and glory to the Day of Judgment. Your dream is an invitation to follow him and seek to know more and more the will of Allah to enter Paradise with him. May Allah bless you always.

  18. Assalamu Aliakum … I had a dream last night that Qiyamah is approaching because we saw that the sun rose from the west … in my dream we were all preparing to meet Allah and I saw my junior brother with his AirPods on and I told him Qiyamah is here so he shouldn’t listen to music is haram, he took his AirPods out and broke them into pieces and started crying and I told him not to cry now that he has destroyed it Allah won’t be angry at him… the day came and we all assembled waiting for Allah but he came in a human form wearing a suit and I was part of the people in the first line waiting to be judged but he didn’t start from where I was standing … he was really happy and talking and I woke up … I don’t know why I had the dream but it felt like he was trying to show me something

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Nasara Abuba. We thank you for sharing your dream with us. Everyone needs to prepare for the Day of Judgment by following Allah’s will and obeying His commandments. An obedient and pious life is the result of a persevering relationship with Allah: “But he who endures to the end shall be saved.” – Injil, Matthew 24:13. Therefore, you must seek him with all your heart, with humility and sincerity: “Jesus said to him, “’You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” – Injil, Matthew 22:37. The Day of Judgment will be terrible only for those who refuse God’s salvation, but it will be joyful, as you felt in the dream, for those who love and serve Him: “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” – Injil, Revelation 21:4. Furthermore, the Injil and Hadith point to Isa Al-Masih (may His peace be upon us) as the Righteous Judge who will come to judge the nations, this is why you saw a form of a man. He will come on a throne: “Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books.” – Injil, Revelation 20:11-12. I advise you to study more about this subject and Allah will give you more wisdom and discernment to understand. May Allah bless you always.

  19. Assalamu alaikum. My name is Almustapha Abubakar Bello, I am a Nigerian,in my life I dreamed of Allah S..W.T many times (about 11 or 12 times i think), and I can remember Allah S.W.T talked to me about 3 times in my dreams. But there’s something Allah S.W.T once told me in a dream about 3 years ago that surprised me, and pls I want to know it’s meaning. Allah spoke to me in a language that I understand the most that he wants to rise my status/ honour like the prophets. I got confused and someone (a voice) told me to prostrate then I prostrate and then I woke up. Since then I started seeing light in my room at night sometimes when I woke up from sleep. The light will appear at my left hand side and then disappear after one or two secs. Pls I also want to know the meaning of the light too. Thanks.

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Almustapha. We thank you for the message and for telling us about your dreams. Dreams from Allah are special and bring blessings, good news, peace and joy. Allah wants you to be a messenger of good news to others; that you spread light to others: “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” – Injil, 1 Peter 2:9. He wants to bring light and peace into your life and teach you more about His will. He wants you to have a true and sincere relationship with Him and He will bless you to help others too. May Allah bless you always.

  20. Al salam 3lakum
    I once had a dream about seeing Allah SWT, where I was at my old house in Germany, I was standing at the window looking out, I saw something, I saw a face that looked like Jesus, but I was talking to Allah. But he was telling me, that my family was safe and that I should go down to them and that he would take care of me, he told me that everything would be okay, I then somehow faded down to a garden where my family were, and I felt safe again.
    What does this mean? It was years ago since this dream. So I don’t remember everything so clear. 🙏🏽

    1. Alaykum al-salam, Joline. We thank you for telling us about your dream. Seeing the face of Isa Al-Masih, Jesus (may His peace be upon us) is a sign of blessings and good news. He is the Mercy and the Word of Allah that came into the world: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him. ; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.” – Injil, John 1:1-4. “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” – Injil, Colossians 1:15-17. Your dream is an invitation to understand more about him and trust him, as he takes care of you and your family and wants to protect you and guide you to eternal life. May Allah bless you always.

  21. Salam to everyone,
    I had a dream a few months ago. It was on the day of judgment. I was in a group of a lot of people waiting for Allah to judge us . And I saw Allah in a form that can not describe with light and he told me that he forgave all my sins and I should go to paradise. I woke up happy and I’m still contemplating on it . But I feel like to do more hibadats to Allah and I am feeling secured everywhere I go since then . That’s that means exactly what I dreamed ?
    May Allah forgive us All .

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Halid Idrissou. We thank you for telling us about your dream. Allah wants you to feel loved and forgiven, but not because of your own works, but because He is Almighty and Merciful. He wants you to know His will and obey His word. I hope He blesses you with wisdom and discernment always.

  22. At the age of 13 I had a dream that I’m still confused about, it was supposed to be the last day of the world and (I promise this isn’t a nightmare) there where zombie like creatures (I think they were Yajuj wa majuj) anyway they where doing what yajuj and majuj do. and the thing is they never harmed me, and I never saw them hurting anyone but I knew they where. I made it home and I went to my old bedroom, and then I don’t know how but then it was over, no more yajuj or majuj, nothing. and I was sitting on the floor of my bedroom in the dark and then I was doing istgfar and I saw a light shining above me, and I looked up and I felt Allah next to me and I felt so happy,and hopeful. it was the best feeling in the world, and it felt like Allah was smiling down on me and I was smiling at him. but I only saw his light. I’m desperate for an explanation and I want to know if this means Allah is happy with me. and if I might be going on the right path. I have made mistakes and I find it hard that he may forgive me, but your response, I hope may give me more confidence. I hope you respond asap, thank you, and may god bless you all, and help you take the right path.

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Yasmine. We thank you for the trust and for sharing your dream with us. I believe your dream is an invitation to always keep your trust in Allah. The world is full of evil and there is spiritual warfare going on, however as long as you seek the presence of Allah and trust in Him and follow the Words of Allah with all your heart, you will always be under His protection and care. As it is written: “I call upon you, for you will answer me, O God; tilt your ear to me; hear my words. Wondrously show your steady love, The Savior of those who seek refuge from their adversaries at your right hand. Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings, from the wicked who do me violence, my deadly enemies who surround me.” – Zabour, Psalm 17:6-9. Keep seeking and Allah will show you the Straight Path.

  23. I saw Allah in my dream when I was around 10 years old and he came to me and said “I will give everything what you want just don’t tell it to nobody that I came to your dream” But, I said to everybody about that dream. Now, my life is full of evil😔😔😔

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Daniyar. We thank you for writing to us and telling us about the dream you had. You see, Allah is Almighty and Merciful and it is not in His perfect and loving character to punish you and send evil to torment you. In the same way, he does want to bless you, but maybe not necessarily giving you everything you want because it might not be good for you and your spiritual growth. As written by the prophet Jeremiah: “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, for his compassions fail not; they are new every morning. Great is thy faithfulness.” – Lamentations 3:22-23. I hope you trust that Allah can deliver you from all evil and you can always recite these words: “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.” – Zabour, Psalm 34:4 May Allah bless you always.

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Maria. We thank you for your message. The presence of Allah is full of light and power. In His presence there is no evil, no darkness and where He is there is peace and blessings. He wants to leave His blessing always in your house and wants you to seek Him with all your heart and have a closer and truer relationship with Him. May Allah always give you wisdom and discernment. Do not hesitate to write to us again to tell us about your dreams.

  24. Hi last night i seen myself in a room with white walls in a corner crying and directly looking up to a light shinning at me i am telling Allah that i am so hurt because the people (family members ) i have had an argument are taking your kasam and are lying and i cant take it they take your kasam they are liars and always lie and are always gaslighting me…suddenly the light then starts to shine on my face and my alarm went off.. i could feel the actual presence of ALLAH SWT it felt so real.. what does this mean?

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Zaineb. We thank you for telling us about your dream. Allah wants you to know that you are loved and that he cares about you and every detail of your life. Even if people from your own family hurt you, He is faithful and will never abandon you. As it is written: “Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you. Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.” – Tawrat, Isaiah 49:15-16. May Allah bless you abundantly.

  25. Assalamualaikum….my i saw Allah in my dream when i was young like 10 or 11 years old…and i didn’t told anyone…but now i cam to know that i should interpret it…so i seek your guild lines…so dream was like i was in my backyard and saw about 6 or 7 white dressed people or figures in sujoodh and i saw a light coming from the sky and Allah came front of them Allah was in a white figure i didn’t see the face and the people were still in sujood

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Shamna. Thank you for sharing your dream with us. I believe your dream is a sign that Allah wants to enlighten your life so that you will know Him more fully and have a true relationship with Him. He wants you to join the group that worships him in spirit and in truth. For that, you must look up, that is, ask Him for the discernment and wisdom necessary to follow His Word. I advise you to pray for wisdom and invite you to explore the contents of our site. Do not hesitate to send your questions. May Allah bless you always.

  26. Aoa, I had a dream that Allah had came to my house, but I saw no physical figure of Allah Almighty. The dream was that I was given some verses of Quran and I was told by Allah that if I read these I would be able to go to Jannah but I do read it trying it, it takes me a while because I’m nervous.

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Aman. Allah wants you to learn about him and His Word. More than just reading a few verses, He wants you to approach Him in faith and learn for yourself His will and follow His laws. Ask Him with a sincere heart and ready to obey and Allah will guide you to the Paradise He has prepared: “No longer will there be anything accursed, but the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and his servants will worship him. They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. And night will be no more. They will need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign forever and ever.” – Injil, Revelation 22:3-5. May Allah bless you abundantly.

  27. Asalmualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatahu,

    First of all as i am anonymous to you all i can talk freely.

    All praises for my lord who is the lord of all the worlds.My beloved Allah my love Allah 😭.
    I can’t wallahi stop tears .I always talk with allah before sleeping like i tell him oh Allah today i have done that mistake forgive me i am your weak slave Then i say oh Allah how good are you i can’t explain but i love you very very much love me too….

    One night few days before i saw a dream

    I saw a person in our orchard whome i think in dream that he was Musa alihesalam revelation was being revealed on him and he was looking towards sky i also started then after few mins voice came from sky “whome i reveal revelation if he turned away from that then i will punish him more than disbelievers”
    Then i returned back to my room and i saw a human shaped light whome i think he was Allah then he hugged many people including me and said ” i love my slaves” then i was in front of him he told me to go through that way it will lead you to jannah i looked their and said is this way he said yes then i went from that way .

    1. Aleykum al-salam, my brother. Allah wants you to have a close relationship with him and for you to open your heart in humility and sincerity to talk about your difficulties and struggles. This enlightened man that you saw showing you the way to jannah is Sayidna Isa Al-Masih (may His peace be upon us), he is the Mercy of Allah sent to the world and wants to guide you to eternal life. He said, “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – Injil, John 14:6. May Allah bless you always.

  28. My dream/vision is as follows: (Mashallah & I would appreciate your response to my true dream/vision). On January 2, 2022 I had a dream/vision in truth and in hearing. I was standing up and I was thinking about the Almighty Allah, like I do at times in my life, when all of a sudden I heard Him walking. As He came closer to me from the right side of my body I became afraid. As I knew that He was coming closer to me, I immediately bowed down to the ground praising His “Holy Name”. While I was bowing down Allah passed right in front of me and I saw His white rob & sash. When He stopped to look at me worshipping Him, His Shinning Bright White Light from His Face blinded me and then He was gone. I have never ever seen any human being walk the way Allah Almighty did as He passed by me. Please provide me with your explanation to my Blessed dream. Thank you and Assalamualaikum.

    1. Aleykum al-salam. Thank you for your message and for entrusting us with your dream. The sight of Allah with light and glory is a sign of blessings and also the fact that He draws near to you signifies His satisfaction for your devotion and sincerity of heart. He certainly wants you to continue studying His Word to be enlightened in your spiritual walk. Your dream is also a sign that you are a good and faithful servant of Allah and that He will make you a light to others if you obey His words. Keep following us and don’t stop sending your doubts and suggestions. May Allah protect and bless you always.

  29. Hello, I had just woken up from a dream of Allah the almighty. And that is the reason why I’m here.I sadly cannot find the explanation to my personal dream and I’d appreciate if someone could help. All I can actually remember is that I kneeled in front of him with shaky legs, just like we kneel during prayer. And I started making duaa, begging for his forgiveness. I could feel him looking down at me, and touching my left shoulder. And after feeling that touch, it started shaking. And now it seriously hurts. I found this dream very odd and I’d like it if someone had the explanation.

    1. Mei, thanks for sharing your dream. Maybe this meeting with Allah was a little strange and His touch left you with this pain, because there are practices in your life that you need to repent and change. Allah wants you to worship him in truth and with all your heart. He wants you to learn more about His will and His Word. I invite you to explore the articles on our website to understand more and if you have any doubts, write us again. May Allah protect and bless you.

  30. السلام عليكم مقال رائع شكرا جزيلا لقد تعلمت الكثسر منه فقد حلمت أحلام كثيرة ولكنني لم أكن أعرف بأنني أرى الله وأسمع صوته يحثني على أن أتبع الصراط المستقيم.

    1. وعليك السلام يا رجب. نحن سعداء لأن صفحتنا ومقالاتنا قد نالت إعجابك. نعم إن ما رأيته قد يكون عيسى المسيح (سلامه علينا) لأنه هو وحده من يقودنا لطريق الحق بحسب ما ذُكر في الانجيل ” أَنَا هُوَ الطَّرِيقُ وَالْحَقُّ وَالْحَيَاةُ. لَيْسَ أَحَدٌ يَأْتِي إِلَى الآبِ إِلاَّ بِي” (يوحنا 14: 6). يمكنك أيضاً قراءة الانجيل لتتعرف عليه أكثر وعن تعاليمه ومعجزاته التي قام بها. بارك الله بك.

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Muhammad. Thank you for your comment and for sharing your dream with us. We are happy that this article has helped you. The Man in White wants to guide you to eternal life and success, so he invited you to follow him: “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – Injil, John 14:6. May Allah bless you always.

    1. Rahmah, thank you for writing us. The name of Isa Al-Masih (His peace be upon us) is related to light. As he himself stated: “Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” – Injil, John 8:12 Your dream is an invitation to follow the light and therefore know more about Isa and his words. If you have any questions or doubts, don’t hesitate to write to us again. May Allah bless you always.

    1. Thanks for writing to us, Twariq. Allah simply wants you to prepare for eternal life. He wants you to live with Him in Heaven one day, and for that you need to study His Word and understand His will. You need to allow Him to enlighten you and show you the way, then He will always be with you and will clarify all your doubts. He said, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” – Injil, Revelation 3:20. May Allah bless you always.

  31. Assalmo Alaykom, I saw Allah (subhanaho wa taalla) in my dream in human form sitting on the throne, the first thing I did was to prostrated before him, then he touch my head, I saw some scars on his hands, then he told me to look for the straight path. What does this dream mean?

    1. Shawal, thank you for writing us and sharing your dream. This Man in White sitting on the throne with scars on his hands is Isa Al-Masih (may His peace be upon us). He has power and authority to cure all diseases. By his name any evil can be extinguished. The scars in his hands are signs of grace, love, forgiveness and hope. He declared, “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – Injil, John 14:6. Isa wants you to know him and follow him, because he will guide you to eternal life and success. I hope you accept the invitation. May Allah bless you always.

  32. Aslamo alaicum I had a dream that I was going to the sea and in middle of the sea there is one old person keep looking at me and when I ask him who’s this and he’s respons that I m Allah and don’t think that’s how I look like and and my voice and I came in a human body to tell u that I have my eyes on everywhere u go even when u drive but u don’t notice that after I had dream like others Day again I had dreams about angels I see so many angles with full of sky when I loook at sky and then suddenly one beautiful hoor came to me and said Allah send me for u subhanallah I fall in love with my Allah ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Humayun. Allah can see all things and there is nothing hidden from Him. His words for you are: “My eyes will be on the faithful in the land, that they may dwell with me; the one whose walk is blameless will minister to me.” – The Zabour, Psalm 101:6.
      May Allah keep giving you dreams and revealing you more about the Straight Path.

        1. Wa Alaykum Alsalam Chiia, thank you for writing.
          The Quran says in Surat Yunus “So if you are in doubt, [O Muḥammad], about that which We have revealed to you, then ask those who have been reading the Scripture before you. The truth has certainly come to you from your Lord, so never be among the doubters.” (10:94). According to this verse we need to look at the Scriptures that was given before (Tawrat, Zabour and Injil). That’s why we are replying with Injil examples.

  33. Assalam walekum brother past 6 years ago I fall down in tank & it was full of water I was going downwards & I felt I’ll die & at time I saw a light & I was really amazed & I heard my inner voice stop doing sins Allah wants to forgive you & give you a chance & eventually with the grace of Allah I saw a bore pipe & with the help of that pipe I came up & I realised at lastly Allah has saved my life I felt like it was my second birth.

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Madhuri Shukla. Thanks for writing us. This was truly a beautiful experience. Allah is Merciful and His grace reaches all those who call for His name with a sincere heart. May He continue to bless you. Write us and tell us your dreams. Allah can speak to you through them.

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