بینینی ئینجیل لە خەونێکدا

نابلسی لە کتێبی پڕکردنی خەو لە دەربڕینی خەوندا وتی: ئەوەی موسڵمان بێت و دەبینێت کتێبی ئینجیلی هەیە، بۆ پەرستن و بەنەفرەتبوون تەرخان دەکرێت و لەوانەیە ئینجیل گۆشەگیری بکات. ئەگەر تەماشاکەر کاریگەری یان هێزی هەبێت، ئەوا بینین یان خەونەکەی گوزارشت لە چەوساندنەوەی دوژمنان یان نەهێشتنی سکاڵا دەکات.

بینینی ئینجیل هێما دەکات بۆ هێنانەدی پەیامێکی مرۆڤ یان بەرپرسیارێتی. ئەم ئەرکانە لەوانەیە بە سەختی بێت، چونکە ئینجیل وەسفی ئازارەکانی عیسا مەسیح (سەلامی خوای لەسەر) دەکات، لە کاتی گەیاندنی پەیامەکەی بۆ جیهان. بۆ کڕینی ئینجیل لە خەوندا، ئەمە لەوانەیە ئاماژە بە دەستکەوتێکی زانیاری گرنگ و زانیاری فراوان بکات.

بینینی ئینجیل لە ماڵەوە مانای ئەوەیە کە خانووەکە بەم زووانە شایەتحاڵی مژدەبەخش دەبێت.

ئینجیل لە خەوندا مژدەیە بۆ خەون بێژەکە. ئەگەر هیچ هیوایەکیان هەبێت کە شتێک ڕوو بدات و ئینجیلیش لە خەونێکدا ببینێت، ئەوا ئەو هیوایە پێکدێنێت.

ئینجیل لە هەندێک لێکدانەوەی کۆندا ڕزگارییە لە نیگەرانی و خەمەکان. کەواتە، ئەگەر خەون خواز لە خەویاندا دڵتەنگ بووایە و بینرا کە ئینجیل دەخوێننەوە یان ئەڕوانن، ئەوا لە دڵەڕاوکێ و بێزاری و هەموو خەمەکان دەرباز دەبن.

بینینی ئینجیل لە خەونی نەخۆشێکدا گوزارشت لە چاکبوونەوە دەکات ئەگەر نەخۆشەکە خۆی ببینێت کە ئینجیلی هەڵگرتبێت، ئەوا بە ڕەحمەتی خوا چاک دەبێتەوە.

ئینجیل لە خەونێکدا پەیمانێک نیشان دەدات ئەمە نیشانەی تۆبە یه چونکە پەیمانی نوێ لە ئینجیل دەگرێتەوە، وە دەستەواژەی پەیمانی نوێ (پەیمان) ئاماژە بە گۆڕانی بنیاتنەر یان نوێبوونەوەی بەسوود دەکات.

ئینجیلیش هێما بۆ لێبوردن و لێبوردەیی دەکات چونکە بینینەکەی گوزارشت لە خۆڕاگری و بێ ئارامی و ئاشتی دەکات.

بینینی ئینجیل لە خەوندا ئاماژە و مانای زۆری هەیە زۆربەی ئەو لێکدانەوانەی کە لە ئینجیلدا دراون لەسەر بنەمای بایەخێکی زارەکی و کردارییە. وشەی ئینجیل یان گاسپڵ بە ڕەچەڵەک یۆنانییە و بە مانای مژدە یان مژدەبەخشە.

بە پێی گرنگی وشەکە، بینینی ئینجیل لە خەوندا مانای ئەرێنی ( مثبت )هەیە نیشانەی هەواڵە خۆش یان دڵخۆشکەرەکەیە و ئاماژە بەوە دەکات کە گۆڕانێکی گشتگیر و ئەرێنی ( مثبت )لە ژیانی تەماشاکەردا ڕووی داوە ئینجیل پەیمانی نوێ یە، بۆیە ئەگەر ئینجیل لە خەوندا دەربکەوێت، واتا نوێبوونەوە، چ لەسەر ئاستی ژیانی ڕۆحی، باری کۆمەڵایەتی، یان بوون، یان بە پێچەوانەوە

بەڵام ئەگەر پشت بەبایەخی کرداری ئینجیل ببەستین لەعەقڵیەتیدا وەک کتێبێکی پیرۆزی خوایی، ئەوا بینینی لەخەونێکدا واتە ڕزگاری یان ڕزگاربوون، چونکە ئەم کتێبە باسی سەفەری ئیسا مەسیح (صلی ئەڵڵا علیە وسلم) دەکات لە ڕۆژی له دایک بوونی هه تا قوربانی بوونی و هه ستانه وه ی له ڕۆژی سێهه م له قه برو هاتنی بۆ سه ر زه وی بۆ ڕزگاری مرۆڤ له گوناح.

بینینی ئینجیل لە خەونێکدا هێما بۆ ڕزگاربوونی بینەر لە گوناهەکان یان هەڵەکان دەکات، چونکە ئینجیلیش ئاماژە بە چاکبوونەوە دەکات لە نەخۆشی یان نەخۆشی. هەروەها هێما بۆ تێپەڕاندنی ڕۆحی و ئەخلاقیش دەکات و لێکدانەوەی لێدوانێکی دڵسۆزانە یان هەواڵێکە کە دڵنیایە ڕوو دەدات.

لە هەندێک لێکدانەوەی کۆندا، ئینجیل لە خەونەکاندا ئاماژە بە سەندنەوە دەکات، وە گوتراوە کە هێما بۆ شایەتحاڵی ئەو کەسانە دەکات کە شەڕ دەکەن یان پێشبڕکێ دەکەن. ئەگەر خەون خواز بە زمانی عەرەبی بیبینێت، ئەوا شایەتحاڵی حەق و داد و دادپەروەر و دادپەروەرییە.

تێڕوانینی ئینجیل لە خەونی کەسێکی نەخۆش چارەسەرە و مژدەشە بۆ دڵتەنگ و غەمگین و بێتاوان و بەندکراو کە خوازیاری ئازادکردنیەتی ئینجیلیش ئاماژە بە زاناکان و ڕۆشنبیران دەکات کە ژیریی تەماشاکەر و زانیاریەکانیەتی. ئەوەی خۆی لە خەونێکدا ببینێت کە ئینجیل دەخوێنێتەوە لە ئاییندا زانایە یان فێری ئەوە دەبێت کە چ سودێک بە خەڵک دەگەیەنێت و ئینجیلیش نیشانەی دڵخۆشی و مژدەبەخشە.

تۆ پیرۆز دەبی ئەگەر کاتت بەسەر برد بۆ خوێندنەوە و فێربوونی زیاتر دەربارەی ئینجیل. دەتوانی کۆپیەکی ئینجیل بدۆزیتەوە لە بەشی سەرچاوە. کات بەسەرببە بۆ خوێندنەوەی ئینجیل، و لەبیرت نەچێت خەونەکەت لەگەڵ ئێمە هاوبەش بکەیت.

پۆستی ئەلکترۆنیکەت بڵاو ناکرێتەوە . خانە پێویستەکان دەستنیشانکراون بە *

    1. Aleykum al-salam Ahmad. We thank you for telling us about your dream and sending us your question. Seeing the Injil in a dream is a sign of good news and blessings. He is the Word of Allah and brings discernment and wisdom: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” – Injil, 2 Timothy 3:16-17. The Injil was never corrupted as you may think, but the Qur’an came to confirm it: “He revealed the book to you in truth, confirming what is in his possession, and he revealed the Tawrat and the Injil beforehand as guidance, and he revealed the criterion… Nothing on earth or in heaven is hidden from Allah” – Al-Imran 3:3-5. And also: “There is no exchanging Allah’s words” “there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah” – Al-Anaam 6:34. Your dream is an invitation to study the Injil and find peace and discernment in His Words that will lead you to the Straight Path and eternal life. May Allah bless you always.

  1. Asalamualaikum, last night I saw an angel come to me from heaven and has a book with him, he open it and start reading from it, I was so happy it gave me peace and comfort, then the angel said, you need to read this book the Injil, I was shocked the Injil, he said yes it is the word of Allah, and I woke up. What is the meaning?

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Mohamad. We thank you for the trust and for sharing your dream with us. I understand your confusion, but as the angel told you, the Injil is the Word of Allah and has never been corrupted, as you might think. In reality, the Quran came to confirm the Injil: “He sent upon you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth, confirming what existed before this. And He revealed the Torah and the Gospel” – Al-Imran 3:3 (see also Al-Maida 5:46-47). Furthermore, the Words of Allah cannot be changed: “There is no change in His words” – Al-Kahf 18:27. In fact, the Injil contains principles that will help you live a more righteous life and prepare you for eternal life: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” – Injil, 2 Timothy 3:16-17. I pray that you accept the invitation and study the Injil, because it will lead you to success and the Straight Path. I invite you to explore the articles in the “Holy Injil” section of our website for further clarification and if you have more questions, please let us know. May Allah bless you always.

    1. Aleykum al-salam,Abbas. We thank you for your message and for sharing your dream. This Man in White that you saw Isa Al-Masih (may His peace be upon us). Seeing him is a privilege and means blessings, good news, peace and mercy. He wants you to know him and he invites you to follow him: “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – Injil, John 14:6. He gave you the Injil as a gift, which represents good news and where his whole history is written. Furthermore, the Injil is the Word of Allah and contains principles to guide you and prepare you for life: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the righteousness man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” – Injil, 2 Timothy 3:16-17. The Quran came to confirm the Injil: “He sent upon you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth, confirming what existed before this. And He revealed the Torah and the Gospel” (Al-Imran 3:3, see also Al-Maida 5:46-47). Also, the Words of Allah cannot be changed: “There is no change in His words” (Al-Kahf 18:27). Isa wants you to study the Injil and follow him and he will guide you to eternal life and success. I hope you accept this gift. May Allah bless you with discernment and wisdom always.

  2. Asalamualaikum, I am surprised that many people are having same dreams like me about the Injil, because I saw several dreams about the Injil coming down from heaven full of light and I was reading it.

    1. Aleykum al-salam Adel. We are glad to hear that you have received dreams of the Injil as well as other people here. The Injil means good news, blessing and salvation. It is the Word of Allah and has never been corrupted, and it brings light to live a purer and more meaningful life: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” – Injil, 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Furthermore, the Qur’an has come to confirm the Injil and states that the Words of Allah cannot be changed (Al-Anaam 6:34). The Injil will guide you to the Straight Path that leads to eternal life. I encourage you to spend some time studying the Injil and if you have any questions, please write to us again. It will be a pleasure to help you. May Allah bless you always.

  3. Salam, last night I saw an angel came down from the sky and had a book in his hand, I asked him about the book, he said, this the Injil the word of Allah, you need to read it, you will find the straight path in it, and gave to me and I woke up.

    1. Aleykum al-salam Faris. We thank you for entrusting us with your dream. This angel is a messenger of Allah who has come to give you the Injil as a gift. This is a sign of the sincerity of your heart and seeing the Injil is a sign of good news, forgiveness and blessings. In reality, the Injil is the Word of Allah and has never been corrupted, as you may think, but the Qur’an has come to confirm the Injil: “He revealed the book to you in truth, confirming what is in his possession, and he revealed the Tawrat and the Injil beforehand as guidance, and he revealed the criterion… Nothing on earth or in heaven is hidden from Allah” – Al-Imran 3:3-5. And also: “There is no exchanging Allah’s words” “there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah” – Al-Anaam 6:34. The Injil contains principles that will help you in this life and lead you on the Straight Path: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” – Injil, 2 Timothy 3:16-17. I advise you to accept the gift and study it. If you have any further questions, please write to us again. May Allah bless you always.

  4. السلام عليهم البارحة حلمت بأنني أقرأ في الأنجيل وأحفظ أحزاء منه كل ما قرأت ملأني بسلام والراحة ثم جاء رجل بلباس أبيض وقال لي كلما قرأته كلما عرفت الحقيقة أكثر ثم صحيت ما تفسير الحلم وشكرا

    1. وعليك السلام يا فارس. نشكرك لمشاركة حلمك معنا. إن الشخص الذي رأيته باللباس الأبيض هو سيدنا عيسى المسيح (سلامه علينا) لقد ظهر لك ليخبرك أنه يريد منك أن تتعرف على الانجيل وهو الكتاب الذي أعطاك إياه. لأنه قصة حياته كاملةً مذكورة به. ولأنه ذُكر في الانجيل “إِنَّ الْكِتَابَ بِكُلِّ مَا فِيهِ، قَدْ أَوْحَى بِهِ اللهُ؛ وَهُوَ مُفِيدٌ لِلتَّعْلِيمِ وَالتَّوْبِيخِ وَالتَّقْوِيمِ وَتَهْذِيبِ الإِنْسَانِ فِي الْبِرِّ، لِكَيْ يَجْعَلَ إِنْسَانَ اللهِ مُؤَهَّلاً تَأَهُّلاً كَامِلاً، وَمُجَهَّزاً لِكُلِّ عَمَلٍ صَالِحٍ” ( 2تيموثاوس 3: 16-17) لذا يمكنك التواصل معنا في حال كان لديك أي استفسار. بارك الله بك.

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Ahmad. We thank you for entrusting us with your dream. Seeing the Injil is a sign of good news and blessings. It is the Word of Allah and has never been corrupted but is a light for those who search the will of Allah. The Quran actually came to confirm the Injil: “He revealed the book to you in truth, confirming what is in his possession, and he revealed the Tawrat and the Injil beforehand as guidance, and he revealed the criterion… Nothing on earth or in heaven is hidden from Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Imran 3:3-5. And also: “There is no exchanging Allah’s words” “there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Anaam 6:34. As you can see, the Qur’an itself does not says that the Injil was corrupted and states that the Words of Allah cannot be corrupted by humans. Allah gave the Injil to mankind and it contains teachings that lead to eternal life. Allah wants you to read and recite His Word. May Allah bless you with wisdom and discernment. If you have any other questions or doubts, don’t hesitate to write to us.

    1. Aleykum al-salam Fawzi. We thank you for telling us your dream. Allah wants you to study His Word and understand that it has not and cannot be corrupted, but has light to guide your steps and principles that will lead you to eternal life: “But the word of the Lord endures forever.” – Injil, 1 Peter 1:25. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” – Injil, 2 Timothy 3:16-17. “Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.” – Injil, Revelation 22:7. And the Qur’an came to confirm Injil: “He revealed the book to you in truth, confirming what is in his possession, and he revealed the Tawrat and the Injil beforehand as guidance, and he revealed the criterion… Nothing on earth or in heaven is hidden from Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Imran 3:3-5. And also: “There is no exchanging Allah’s words” “there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Anaam 6: 34. Your dream is an invitation to study the Injil and Allah will guide you to all the answers you need. May Allah bless you always.

  5. Asalamualaikum, I saw that I wasn’t in my room and I saw that a book was coming down from heaven the book was so beautiful from outside and when I open it bright light came out of it, and I was surprised that it was the Injil. Can you help me understand the dream?

    1. Aleykum al-salam Moamin. Seeing the Holy Injil is a sign of blessings and good news. Allah revealed the Injil to men and in the Quran it is written: “He revealed the book to you in truth, confirming what is in his possession, and he revealed the Tawrat and the Injil beforehand as guidance, and he revealed the criterion… Nothing on earth or in heaven is hidden from Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Imran 3:3-5. And also: “There is no exchanging Allah’s words” “there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Anaam 6: 34. As you can see, the Qur’an itself does not says the Injil to be corrupted and states that the Words of Allah cannot be corrupted by humans. The Injil contains teachings that will lead you in this life and prepare you for eternal life: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete , equipped for every good work.” – Injil, 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Your dream is an invitation from Allah to spend time studying His Word. I hope you accept. May Allah bless you always.

    1. Aleykum al-salam Ahmad. Seeing the Injil in a dream is a sign of good news of peace. Allah wants you to recite the Injil because it is His Word and has never been corrupted but it contains principles that will guide you on this path and prepare you for eternal life: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof , for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” – Injil, 2 Timothy 3:16-17. May Allah bless you abundantly.

    1. Aleykum al-salam Mahdi. We thank you for telling us your dream. The Injil was revealed by Allah to men and in the Quran it is written: “He revealed the book to you in truth, confirming what is in his possession, and he revealed the Tawrat and the Injil beforehand as guidance, and he revealed the criterion… Nothing on earth or in heaven is hidden from Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Imran 3:3-5. And also: “There is no exchanging Allah’s words” “there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Anaam 6: 34. As you can see, the Qur’an itself does not says the Injil to be corrupted and states that the Words of Allah cannot be corrupted by humans. The Injil contains teachings that will lead you in this life and prepare you for eternal life: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete , equipped for every good work.” – Injil, 2 Timothy 3:16-17. In addition to these things, in the Injil it is written: “Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” – Injil, John 8:12. These are the Words of Isa Al-Masih (may His peace be upon us) and his entire history and teachings are written in the Injil. Your dream is an invitation from Allah to spend time studying His Word. I hope you accept the invitation. May Allah bless you always.

    1. Aleykum al-salam Omar. Seeing the Holy Injil is a sign of blessings and good news. Allah revealed the Injil to men and in the Quran it is written: “He revealed the book to you in truth, confirming what is in his possession, and he revealed the Tawrat and the Injil beforehand as guidance, and he revealed the criterion… Nothing on earth or in heaven is hidden from Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Imran 3:3-5. And also: “There is no exchanging Allah’s words” “there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Anaam 6: 34. As you can see, the Qur’an itself does not says the Injil to be corrupted and states that the Words of Allah cannot be corrupted by humans. The Injil contains teachings that will lead you in this life and prepare you for eternal life: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete , equipped for every good work.” – Injil, 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Your dream is an invitation from Allah to spend time studying His Word. I hope you accept. May Allah bless you always.

  6. Assalamualaikum, in the dream I was looking at the sky then I saw a book coming down and I ran to have it, when I open it light came out and I saw it was the Injil, and I saw my name was written on it as a gift from Sayidna Essa pbuh. I was so happy and woke up. Please, what’s the meaning of the dream? Thanks!

    1. Aleykum al-salam Maryam. We thank you for sharing your dream. Seeing the Injil in a dream is a sign of good news, light, peace and redemption. Isa Al-Masih (may His peace be upon us) is the Word of Allah in human form, and his entire story is written in the Injil, which is the written word of Allah. The Injil has never been corrupted, as you might think, but it contains teachings that will help you overcome the sin and evil and will prepare you for eternal life: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” – Injil, 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Isa gave you this gift to bring grace and peace into your life. I hope you will accept. May Allah bless you abundantly.

  7. Assalamo alaikom, I saw in my dream a hand coming from heaven and giving me a book and asked me to recite and learn from it. When I opened the book I saw the word Injil written on it, and it was teaching about fasting.

    1. Aleykum al-salam Moamin. Thank you for writing to us and sharing your dream. Seeing the Injil in a dream is a sign of blessings, light and good news. The Injil was revealed by Allah and was never corrupted as you might think. Who says that contradict the Qur’an itselt, for the Qur’an says: “There is no exchanging Allah’s words” “there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah” – Al-Anaam 6: 34. “ He revealed the book to you in truth, confirming what is in his possession, and he revealed the Tawrat and the Injil beforehand as guidance, and he revealed the criterion… Nothing on earth or in heaven is hidden from Allah” – Al-Imran 3 :3-5. Regarding fasting, it is written: “Moreover, when you fast, do not be like the hypocrites, with a sad countenance. For they disfigure their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; who sees in secret will reward you openly.” – Injil, Matthew 6:16-18. This means that fasting needs to be the result of a sincere and close relationship with the Creator and not just a formality to have the appearance of piety. I advise you to reflect on this matter and I hope that you accept the invitation and read the Injil. May Allah give you all evidence and blessings.

    1. Aleykum al-salam Faris. Thank you for telling us your dream and sending your question. Seeing the Injil is a sign of good news, blessings and peace. Allah revealed the Injil to men to make them understand His will and guide them on the Straight Path. The Injil has never been corrupted, as you might think, but has been misunderstood by some, however the Words of Allah cannot be changed, and the Qur’an itself declares this: “He revealed the book to you in truth, confirming what is in his possession, and he revealed the Tawrat and the Injil beforehand as guidance, and he revealed the criterion… Nothing on earth or in heaven is hidden from Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Imran 3:3-5. And also: “There is no exchanging Allah’s words” “there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Anaam 6: 34. Allah is not a weak god who cannot protect his own words, but He wants you to study the Injil each day to learn even more about Him and how to have a better life here and prepare for eternal life: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof , for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” – Injil, 2 Timothy 3:16-17. May Allah bless you always.

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Imad. We thank you for sharing your dream. Seeing the Injil is a sign of good news and blessings. Allah gave the Injil to men, but many tried to misinterpret it, but Allah’s words can not change. He wants you to read the Injil and learn more about the divine will, to be ready for eternal life as it is written: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” – Injil, 2 Timothy 3:16-17. I invite you to explore the articles about The Holy Injil on our website and if you have any other questions, do not hesitate to write to us, it will be a pleasure to help you. May Allah bless you always.

    1. Aleykum al-salam Ahmad. Allah has given you this dream because He wants you to recite the Holy Injil every day, because it is the Word of Allah and has never been corrupted, as you may think and in the Qur’an it is written: “He revealed the book to you in truth, confirming what is in his possession, and he revealed the Tawrat and the Injil beforehand as guidance, and he revealed the criterion… Nothing on earth or in heaven is hidden from Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Imran 3:3-5. And also: “There is no exchanging Allah’s words” “there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Anaam 6: 34. As you can see, the Qur’an itself does not says the Injil is corrupted and states that the Words of Allah cannot be corrupted by humans. Allah gave the Injil to mankind and it contains teachings that lead to eternal life: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” – Injil, 2 Timothy 3:16-17. I hope you accept the invitation. If you have more questions, write to us again. May Allah bless you always.

  8. السلام عليكم، في المنام رأيت سيدنا عيسى عليه السلام جالس على عرش في وسط السماء والملائكة كان حوله، فأرسل واحد من الملائكة معه كتاب أبيض جميل مليان بالنور وطلب مني أن أقرأه كل يوم لأنه سيهديني للصراط المستقيم ما تفسير المنام

    1. وعليك السلام يا شوكت. نشكرك لمراسلتنا وإخبارنا بما حلمت به. إن الكتاب الابيض الذي ارسله لك مع الملاك، هو الانجيل لكي تقرأه وتتعرف على قصة حياته منذ ولادته حتى قيامته. ونحن على استعداد لنساعدك على ذلك. إن كنت ترغب وبشكل جدي. بارك الله بك

  9. Salams, I saw a dream of a person in a white clothes handed me a book, and he asked me to open it and share what I learn with others. He told me, remember there is no time, I am coming soon. When I oped it, the book was the Injil. Please, can you help me understand my dream? Why should I read the Injil and share it with others. Thank you.

    1. Aleykum al-salam. We thank you for giving us your dream. I understand your confusion. This Man in White who gave you the Injil is Isa Al-Masih (may His peace be upon us). The Injil and Hadith appoint him as the Righteous Judge who will come for Judgment Day. He will come with glory and power and angels: “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.” – Injil, Matthew 24:30-31. He wants you to read the Injil because there are written the signs of Isa’s coming and how to prepare for his arrival. Furthermore, the Injil is the Word of Allah and has never been corrupted, as you might think. In the Qur’an it is written: “He revealed the book to you in truth, confirming what is in his possession, and he revealed the Tawrah and the Injil beforehand as guidance, and he revealed the criterion… Nothing on earth or in heaven is hidden from Allah” – Qur’an, Al- Imran 3:3-5 And also: “There is no exchanging Allah’s words” “there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Anaam 6:34. As you can see , the Qur’an itself does not say that the Injil is corrupted and states that the Words of Allah cannot be corrupted by humans. Allah has given the Injil to mankind and it contains teachings that lead to eternal life. I hope you read it and share it with others. May Allah bless you with wisdom and discernment.

  10. Assalam alykom, in the dream I saw a book coming down from heaven, it was full of light and in came directly to my hand, when I opened it light came and entered my heart, then I realised it was the Injil, and I heard a voice telling me this is my word recite it everyday. Please, what does this dream mean?

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Ahmad. I understand your doubt. Seeing the Injil in a dream means peace, good news and hope. Furthermore, it is the Word of Allah and has never been corrupted, as you might think. Indeed the Qur’an came to confirm the Injil: “He revealed the book to you in truth, confirming what is in his possession, and he revealed the Tawrah and the Injil beforehand as guidance, and he revealed the criterion… Nothing on earth or in heaven is hidden from Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Imran 3:3-5. And also: “There is no exchanging Allah’s words” “there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Anaam 6:34. As you can see, the Qur’an itself does not says that the Injil was corrupted and states that the Words of Allah cannot be corrupted by humans. Allah gave the Injil to mankind and it contains precepts that lead to eternal life: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” – Injil, 2 Timothy 3:16-17. I advise you to spend time reading the Injil and I pray that Allah blesses you with discernment and wisdom.

  11. السلام عليكم في الحلم شفت كتاب مفتوح في السماء والنور يشع منه وسمعت صوت من السماء هذا هو الأنجيل كلمة الله ما تفسير الحلم

    1. وعليك السلام يا تيسير . إنما رأيته هو هدية لك من الله لكي تتعرف عليه من خلال التعاليم المذكورة في الانجيل الذي هو كلمة الله بحسب ما تم ذكره في الانجيل “إِنَّ الْكِتَابَ بِكُلِّ مَا فِيهِ، قَدْ أَوْحَى بِهِ اللهُ؛ وَهُوَ مُفِيدٌ لِلتَّعْلِيمِ وَالتَّوْبِيخِ وَالتَّقْوِيمِ وَتَهْذِيبِ الإِنْسَانِ فِي الْبِرِّ، لِكَيْ يَجْعَلَ إِنْسَانَ اللهِ مُؤَهَّلاً تَأَهُّلاً كَامِلاً، وَمُجَهَّزاً لِكُلِّ عَمَلٍ صَالِحٍ” ( 2تيموثاوس 3: 16-17) لذا عليك أن تقرأه وتدرسه للتعرفعليه أكثر. ونحن على استعداد لنساعدك على ذلك. بارك الله بك

  12. Assalamalikom, in my dream prophet Issa (as) appeared to me and gave me a white book full of light, then he said it will guide you to the straight path, when I open the book I was surprised, it was the Injil, then I woke up. What is the meaning of the dream?

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Saad. Isa Al-Masih (may His peace be upon us) came to help you clarify that the Injil has not been corrupted, but is the Word of Allah and contains precepts that will help you in this life and prepare you for eternal life. Also, the Injil talks about Isa and tells his whole story. He said, “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – Injil, John 14:6. I hope you accept the invitation and spend time reading the Injil. May Allah bless you always.

  13. AsSalaam Alaikum, aujourd’hui j’ai vu un homme en robe blanche dans mon rêve, son visage et ses vêtements brillaient tellement, il m’a donné l’Injil et m’a demandé de le lire parce qu’il me conduit à lui et à la vie éternelle. Que signifie ce rêve?

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Ziad. Nous vous remercions de nous avoir parlé de votre rêve. Cet homme en blanc est Isa Al-Masih (que Sa paix soit sur nous). Le voir est un signe de sincérité dans votre cœur et signifie bénédictions, bonnes nouvelles, paix et espoir. Il vous a donné l’Injil à lire parce que c’est la Parole d’Allah et que n’a jamais été corrompu, mais contient des préceptes qui vous guideront vers la vie éternelle. De plus, en lisant l’Injil, vous apprendrez toute l’histoire d’Isa et comment le suivre, car il vous aidera et vous conduira à la vie éternelle. Il a dit : « Jésus lui dit : Je suis le chemin, la vérité et la vie. Nul ne vient au Père que par moi. – Injil, Jean 14:6. J’espère que vous accepterez l’invitation. Qu’Allah vous bénisse toujours.

  14. السلام عليكم شفت كلمة الانجيل مكتوبة من نور على ايدي في الحلم وبعدين شفت كتاب نازل من السماء يشع بالنور لما فتحته كان الإنجيل وسمعت صوت من السماء يقول هذه كلمتي ثم صحيت ما تفسير الحلم رجاءا

    1. وعليك السلام يا عاطف نشكرك لمشاركة حلمك معنا إن ما رأيته هو هدية الله لك لكي تتعرف على كتاب الحق الذي ستجد بداخله قصة حياة عيسى المسيح (سلامه علينا) منذ ولادته حتى وفاته. والتعاليم التي كان يعلمها للناس . لذا عليك أن تتبع ما كَتب به وتدرسه لأنه الصوت الذي سمعته كان يتكلم بحسب ما جاء في الانجيل والقرآن “فِي الْبَدْءِ كَانَ الْكَلِمَةُ، وَالْكَلِمَةُ كَانَ عِنْدَ اللهِ، وَكَانَ الْكَلِمَةُ اللهَ. هذَا كَانَ فِي الْبَدْءِ عِنْدَ اللهِ. كُلُّ شَيْءٍ بِهِ كَانَ، وَبِغَيْرِهِ لَمْ يَكُنْ شَيْءٌ مِمَّا كَانَ، ِفيهِ كَانَتِ الْحَيَاةُ، وَالْحَيَاةُ كَانَتْ نُورَ النَّاسِ” (يوحنا 1: 1-4)
      “إذْ قَالَتِ الْمَلَائِكَةُ يَا مَرْيَمُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُبَشِّرُكِ بِكَلِمَةٍ مِنْهُ اسْمُهُ الْمَسِيحُ عِيسَى ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ وَجِيهًا فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَةِ وَمِنَ الْمُقَرَّبِينَ” (آل عمران 3: 45)
      بارك الله بك.

  15. Assalam Alaikom, I just want to thank you for this website, I love the info on this website, you have done great job on the articles, specially on this one. It has opened my mind to see things differently.

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Ahmad. We thank you for your comment and we are glad that this article has been helpful to you. Do not hesitate to share with others and if you have any doubts write us again, it will be a pleasure to help you. May Allah bless you always.

  16. Assalamo alaikom, in the dream I saw the sky open and an angel came down and gave me a book, when I opened it light came and fill the place, and I heard a voice recite and I started reading, it was the Injil, I was shocked and I woke up. What’s does this dream mean?

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Ahmad. We thank you for writing to us and telling us about your dream. Seeing the Injil in a dream means good news and hope. Besides, it is the Word of Allah and has never been corrupted, but it contains principles that will help you to live better and prepare you for eternal life: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” – Injil, 2 Timothy 3:16-17. “…but the word of the Lord remains forever.” – 1 Peter 1:25 And the Qur’an came to confirm the Injil: “He revealed the book to you in truth, confirming what is in his possession, and he revealed the Tawrat and the Injil beforehand as guidance, and he revealed the criterion … Nothing on earth or in heaven is hidden from Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Imran 3:3-5 And also: “There is no exchanging Allah’s words” “there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Anaam 6:34. As you can see, the Qur’an itself does not say that the Injil is corrupted and states that the Words of Allah cannot be corrupted by humans. I advise you to listen to the dream invitation and study the Injil to learn more. May Allah bless you with wisdom and discernment. Write to us again if you have more questions.

  17. السلام عليكم في الحلم نزل علي كتاب ابيض من السماء كله نور وسمعت صوت يقول هذا هو كتابي ولما فتحته كان الانجيل ما تفسير الحلم جزاكم الله خير

    1. وعليك السلام أخي العزيز. نشكرك لإخبارنا بما حلمت به ولمشاركته مع صفحتنا. إن الكتاب الذي نزل من السماء هو كتاب الحق الذي أرسله الله لك لكي تقرأه وتتعرف على ما بداخله وتدرس تعاليمه لكي تغير طريقة عيشك كما ذكر في الانجيل “إِنَّ الْكِتَابَ بِكُلِّ مَا فِيهِ، قَدْ أَوْحَى بِهِ اللهُ؛ وَهُوَ مُفِيدٌ لِلتَّعْلِيمِ وَالتَّوْبِيخِ وَالتَّقْوِيمِ وَتَهْذِيبِ الإِنْسَانِ فِي الْبِرِّ، لِكَيْ يَجْعَلَ إِنْسَانَ اللهِ مُؤَهَّلاً تَأَهُّلاً كَامِلاً، وَمُجَهَّزاً لِكُلِّ عَمَلٍ صَالِحٍ” ( 2 تيموثاوس 3: 16-17) وحلمك دعوة لتبدأ بدراسة كتاب الله وكلمته ونحن على استعداد لنساعدك إن كنت ترغب بذلك. من فضلك لا تتردد بالتواصل معنا. بارك الله بك

  18. Assalamoalaikom, I saw in the dream last night that the heaven opened and a book came down from heaven, and I heard a voice saying open it this my word, it will guide you to the straight path, when I opened it light came out and filled the space, and I was shocked to see it was the Injil, then I woke up wondering why I should read the Injil. Please, can you help me understand the dream? Thank you.

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Fatimah. We thank you for writing to us and telling us about your dream. Seeing the Injil in a dream means good news and hope. Furthermore, it is the Word of Allah and has never been corrupted, but it contains principles that will help you to live better and prepare you for eternal life: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” – Injil, 2 Timothy 3:16-17. “…but the word of the Lord remains forever.” – 1 Peter 1:25 And the Qur’an came to confirm the Injil: “He revealed the book to you in truth, confirming what is in his possession, and he revealed the Tawrat and the Injil beforehand as guidance, and he revealed the criterion … Nothing on earth or in heaven is hidden from Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Imran 3:3-5 And also: “There is no exchanging Allah’s words” “there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Anaam 6:34. As you can see, the Qur’an itself does not say that the Injil is corrupted and states that the Words of Allah cannot be corrupted by humans. I advise you to listen to the dream invitation and study the Injil to learn more. May Allah bless you with wisdom and discernment. Write to us again if you have more questions.

  19. Asalamoalaikom, in my dream an angel came from heaven and gave me a book, e said this is the word of Allah, it will guide you to the straight path, when I opened it, I was shocked, it was the Injil. Please, can you help me understand this dream? Thank you!

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Ahmad. We thank you for telling us about your dream. I understand your confusion, but seeing the Injil is a sign of blessings and good news. In fact, the angel gave you the Injil because it is the Word of Allah and it has never been corrupted as you might think. It contains teachings and principles that will guide you in this life and prepare you for eternal life: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” – Injil, 2 Timothy 3:16-17. And the Qur’an came to confirm the Injil: He sent upon you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth, confirming what existed before it. And He revealed the Torah and the Gospel” (Al-Imran 3:3, see also Al-Maida 5:46-47). Furthermore, the Words of Allah cannot be changed: “There is no change in His words” (Al-Kahf 18:27). I hope you accept the angel’s invitation and study the Injil to learn more. May Allah bless you always.

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Marawan. Seeing the Injil in a dream is a sign of good news, hope, grace and peace. Allah wants you to understand that the Injil has never been corrupted, but it is the Word of Allah and needs to be studied as it will help you understand His will and build your life: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” – Injil, 2 Timothy 3:16-17. I recommend that you read the articles in the “The Holy Injil” section of our website for further clarification and if you still have doubts, write us again. May Allah give you wisdom always.

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Osman. The vision of the Injil in a dream indicates good news, hope, grace and peace. Just as you heard in the dream, it is the Word of Allah, which is Eternal and Unchangeable. It has never been corrupted, as you might think, but it contains important guidelines on how to live a purer life and prepare for eternal life: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” – Injil, 2 Timothy 3:16-17. I advise you to study the Injil to learn more and if you have any doubts, it will be a pleasure to help you. May Allah bless you always.

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Ahmad. We thank you for sharing your dream. The Injil is the Word of Allah and has never been corrupted. Seeing him is a sign of blessings and good news. Allah wants you to study it and learn more about His will that will guide you to eternal life and success. I advise you to study the article above and all the articles in the “The Holy Injil” section of our website. If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to write to us. May Allah bless you always.

  20. Asslamalaykom, in my dream Sayidna Issa (a.s) came to me the dream wearing white robe and gave me the Injil and asked me to recite it everyday, because it will lead to the straight path. I was filled with peace and happiness I have never felt before, please what’s the interpretation?

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Adam. Seeing Isa Al-Masih (may His peace be upon us), as well as seeing the Injil, is a sign of good news, hope and blessings. Isa wants you to study the Injil because it is the Word of Allah and has never been corrupted or changed, on the contrary, the Qur’an came to confirm the Injil: “He revealed the book to you in truth, confirming what is in his possession, and he revealed the Tawrah and the Injil beforehand as guidance, and he revealed the criterion… Nothing on earth or in heaven is hidden from Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Imran 3:3-5. And also: “There is no exchanging Allah’s words” “there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Anaam 6:34. Furthermore, in the Injil is written the entire history of Isa and his teachings and he wants you to know him better because he is the straight Way: “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – Injil, John 14:6. I hope you accept the invitation. If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to write to us. May Allah bless you always.

  21. AsSalam alaikum, in my dream I was given the Injil by a hand coming from the sky, and it was full of light and I heard a voice saying this is my book recit it everyday. I woke up very happy and I have never been happy like this.

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Ahmad. We thank you for entrusting us with your dream. As we wrote in this article, the Injil is the Word of Allah and has never been corrupted. It is written: “And behold, I am coming soon. Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.” – Injil, Revelation 22:7. The Quran actually came to confirm Injil: “He revealed the book to you in truth, confirming what is in his possession, and he revealed the Tawrah and the Injil beforehand as guidance, and he revealed the criterion… Nothing on earth or in heaven is hidden from Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Imran 3:3-5. And also: “There is no exchanging Allah’s words” “there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Anaam 6:34. As you can see, the Qur’an itself does not says that the Injil was corrupted and states that the Words of Allah cannot be corrupted by humans. Allah gave the Injil to mankind and it contains teachings that lead to eternal life. Allah wants you to read and recite His Word. May Allah bless you with wisdom and discernment. If you have any other questions or doubts, don’t hesitate to write to us.

  22. Asslamalaykom, during the month of Ramadan I saw many dreams of a man wearing white giving me the Injil, and when I take it something happen inside of me, and when I open it light comes out and brighten everything around me, please what’s the meaning?

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Daoud. Thank you for writing to us and talking about your dreams. This Man in White that you saw is Sayidna Isa Al-Masih (peace be upon us). seeing him is a sign of blessing, mercy, hope and peace. He gave you the Injil, because it is the Word of Allah, and as you can see in this article, it has not been corrupted. In fact, the Injil was given by Allah to instruct and enlighten our steps. It is written: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” – Injil, 2 Timothy 3:16-17. I advise you to spend some time studying the Injil to find out more and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to write us again. May Allah bless you always.

  23. Asslamalaykom, in my dream I saw a man wearing white robe sitting on a big throne, came down from heaven and Gave the Injil and said hide it in your heart and live by it’s teachings, then I woke up. Please, what’s the meaning?

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Firas. Thanks for telling us about your dream. This Man in White on the Throne is Isa Al-Masih (may His peace be upon us). He gave you the Injil because it is the Word of Allah and it has important messages about the Kingdom of Allah and the Day of Judgment. Furthermore, it is the Word of Allah and has never been corrupted. In reality the Qur’an came to confirm the Injil: “He sent upon you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth, confirming what existed before this. And He revealed the Torah and the Gospel” (Al-Imran 3:3, see also Al-Maida 5:46-47). Also, the Words of Allah cannot be changed: “There is no change in His words” (Al-Kahf 18:27). I advise you to read the articles in the section ” The Holy Injil” from our website for more information. May Allah bless you always.

  24. السلام عليكم ما تفسير رؤية الإنجيل في المنام محاط بالنور وعندما فتحته خرج منه نور ودخل قلبي واحسست بسلام وراحة لا يمكن أن أصفها

    1. عليكِ السلام يا خولة. نشكرك لمشاركة حلمكِ معنا. إن رؤية الانجيل في المنام تعني التقرب من كلمة الله ومعرفة الحق. وقد أظهر الله لكِ هذا الحلم ليخبركِ أنه عليكِ أن تقرأي الانجيل وتتعرفي على قصة سيدنا عيسى المسيح (سلامه علينا) ونحن على استعداد لنساعدك في الاجابة على أي استفسار لديكِ. من فضلكِ لا تترددي بالتواصل معنا. بارك الله بكِ.

  25. Assalamo alaikom, I saw in my dream the Injil, I have never seen it before. When I open it light came out of it and enter to my heart, I felt peace, joy, hope and love fill it, I felt that I am a new person. Please, what is the meaning of the dream? Thank you.

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Ahmed. Seeing Injil is a sign of good news, peace and light. Seeing him is a sign that Allah wants to bless you and speak to your heart. In fact, you saw the Injil because it is the Word of Allah and it has never been corrupted, as you might think. Indeed, the Quran came to confirm the Injil: “He sent upon you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth, confirming what existed before this. And He revealed the Torah and the Gospel” (Al-Imran 3:3 , see also Al-Maida 5:46-47.) Besides, the Words of Allah cannot be changed: “There is no change in His words” (Al-Kahf 18:27). Note that not even the Qur’an says that the Injil was corrupted, and furthermore it confirms that the words of Allah cannot be changed. Allah is not a weak God who cannot protect His words. He wants you to know more about His will through the Injil. May Allah bless you with wisdom and discernment.

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Shawl. Thanks for telling us about your dream. Seeing the Injil is a sign of good news and light. The angel was sent to explain to you about Injil because it is the Word of Allah and has never been corrupted. In fact, the Quran came to confirm the Injil: “He revealed the book to you in truth, confirming what is in his possession, and he revealed the Tawrah and the Injil beforehand as guidance, and he revealed the criterion… Nothing on earth or in heaven is hidden from Allah” – Al-Imran 3:3-5. “There is no exchanging Allah’s words” “there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah” – Al-Anaam 6:34. In the Injil there are important truths that Allah wants you to know and to be guided in the Straight Path. I advise you to study more and if you have questions, do not hesitate to write to us. May Allah bless you always.

  26. Assalamo alaikom, in my dream I saw a man wearing white robe came to me and gave me a gift, he said this the my word and you will find the truth in it, that will guide you to the straight path. When I opened the gift it was the Injil, please, what’s the meaning of the dream? I am puzzled, I need help. Thank you.

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Saed. Thanks for telling us about your dream. You saw Isa Al-Masih (may His peace be upon us) in the dream and he manifested himself to you because he wants you to know him and learn more about him. He gave you the Injil as a gift because the Word of Allah has not been corrupted, as you might think and in the Qur’an it is written: “He revealed the book to you in truth, confirming what is in his possession, and he revealed the Tawrat and the Injil beforehand as guidance, and he revealed the criterion… Nothing on earth or in heaven is hidden from Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Imran 3:3-5. And also: “There is no exchanging Allah’s words” “there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Anaam 6:34. As you can see, the Qur’an itself does not says that the Injil was corrupted and states that the Words of Allah cannot be corrupted by humans. Isa wants you to read the Injil to also learn about him and his full story. His words are: “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – Injil, John 14:6. He is the Straight Path and wants to guide you to eternal life. May Allah bless you with wisdom and discernment always.

  27. Assalamo alaikom, in my dream I saw the Injil when I opened it, light came out and a cross from that light, and I heard a voice saying this is my word, you need to recite it everyday. I woke up puzzled, please what’s the meaning of the dream?

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Azoz. Thank you for telling us about your dream. Seeing the Injil is a sign of good news, hope and peace. In fact that voice told you to read the Injil every day because it is the Word of Allah and contains light to illuminate your life and guide you on the Straight Path. In fact, the Qur’an came to confirm the Injil and it says: “He revealed the book to you in truth, confirming what is in his possession, and he revealed the Tawrat and the Injil beforehand as guidance, and he revealed the criterion … Nothing on earth or in heaven is hidden from Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Imran 3:3-5. And also: “There is no exchanging Allah’s words” “there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah” – Qur’an, Al-Anaam 6:34. As you can see, the Qur’an itself does not says that the Injil was corrupted and states that the Words of Allah cannot be corrupted by humans. The cross means sacrifice that brings deliverance. It is the sacrifice of sinful passions for a fresh start of grace and forgiveness. Allah wants to reveal to you the Straight Path and wants to guide you to eternal life. May Allah bless you with wisdom and discernment always.

  28. Asalamalikom, I saw in my dream prophet Issa el Massih (as), came and gave me an Injil and said: you will find the straight path here that you have been looking for years, just trust me and come and follow me and my path. He then blessed me. Please, can you help me understand my dream? Thank you

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Ziad. Thank you for writing to us and sharing your dream. Seeing the Injil is a sign of good news and hope, just as seeing Isa Al-Masih (may His peace be upon us) is a sign of blessings, peace and mercy. It is also a sign of the sincerity of your heart. He knows you have doubts and wants you to trust him. These are his words: “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – Injil, John 14:6. In fact, Isa gave you the Injil because it is the Word of Allah and it has never been corrupted as you might think. In addition, it is the book that talks about all his history and teachings. He wants you to follow him because he is the Straight Path and will lead you to eternal life. I hope you accept the invitation. Do not hesitate to write to us if you have any further questions. May Allah bless you abundantly.

  29. Salams, I saw a man wearing white robe visiting me last night and came to give me a gift. He gave me a book and when I opened it, light was coming out of it, and then I saw it was the Injil, he told me it will guide me to the straight path. What does this dream mean? Thanks.

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Ajwad. Thank you for writing to us and sharing your dream. Seeing the Injil is a sign of good news and blessings. The Man in white gave you the Injil because it is the Word of Allah, and the Qur’an came to confirm the Injil, “He sent upon you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth, confirming what existed before this. And He revealed the Torah and the Gospel” (Al-Imran 3:3, see also Al-Maida 5:46-47). Furthermore, the Words of Allah cannot be changed: “There is no change in His words” (Al-Kahf 18:27). Actually, the Man in White you saw is Isa Al-Masih (may His peace be upon us), and He invited you to study the Injil because that is where his whole story is, because He is the Straight Path. I pray that you accept the invitation. May Allah bless you always.

  30. Salams, I saw in my dream that I was in a big building and in the middle there was a book opened and light from the sky shining on it, when I came closer I saw that it was the Injil, and then I heard a voice saying this my word recit it everyday. I woke up puzzled, what’s the meaning of the dream? Thanks.

    1. Aleykum al-salam, Foad. Thank you for your message and for entrusting us with your dream. Seeing the Injil in a dream is a sign of good news and hope. In fact, your dream was an invitation to study the Injil because it is the Word of Allah and has never been corrupted as you might think. In reality, the Qur’an came to confirm the Injil: “He sent upon you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth, confirming what existed before this. And He revealed the Torah and the Gospel” (Al-Imran 3:3, see also Al-Maida 5:46-47). Furthermore, the Words of Allah cannot be changed: “There is no change in His words” (Al-Kahf 18:27). I hope you will accept the invitation and spend time reading and knowing more about the Injil. May Allah bless you always.

  31. السلام علیکم، خەونم بینی کە کتێبێک کراوەتەوە و ڕووناکی لێی دێتە دەرەوە و چووم بۆ بینینی و کاتێک گەیشتمە ئەوێ دەنگێکم بیست که گوتی: ئەوە وشەی هەتاهەتایی منە، ئینجیلەکە بگرە و پەیڕەوی لێبکە. بە سەرسوڕهێنەریه‌وە له‌ خه‌وهەستام، بۆچی ده‌بێ ئینجیل لە خەومدا ببینم، دەتوانن یارمەتیم بدە‌ن لە مانای خەونه‌که‌م تێبگەم؟ خودا چاکه‌تان پێ ببەخشێت.

    1. علیکم السلام، عمر سوپاس بۆ ئەوەی سەبارەت بە خەونەکەت بە ئێمەت وت. بینینی ئینجیل لە خەونەکەتدا نیشانەی بەرەکەت و بیشاڕه‌ته ئەمە قسەی خودایە و هەرگیز نە شێواوە و نەگۆڕاوە. له ڕاستیدا قورئان بۆ پشتڕاستکردنه‌وه‌ی ئینجیل هاتووه:" ئه‌ی پێغه‌مبه‌ر (صلی الله علیه وسلم) خوا قورئانی بۆ تۆ به‌ڕاست و دروست (به چه‌ند قۆناغێک) دابه‌زاندووه‌، به‌ڕاست دانه‌ری سه‌رجه‌م کتێبه پێشووه‌کانی پیش خۆیه‌تی (پێش ده‌ستکاری کردنیان)، هه‌روه‌ها ته‌وراتی بۆ (موسا) و ئینجیلی بۆ (عیسا) ڕه‌وانه کردووه له پێش قورئاندا... له‌کاتێکدا هیدایه‌ت و ڕێنموویی به‌خشی خه‌ڵکی بوون، هه‌روه‌ها جیاکه‌ره‌وه‌ی حه‌ق و به‌تاڵی نارده خواره‌وه (که قورئانه‌)، بێگومان ئه‌وانه‌ی بڕوایان نه‌هێنا به ئایاته‌کانی خوا، بۆ ئه‌وان سزایه‌کی سه‌خت (له دواڕۆژدا) هه‌یه‌، بێگومان خوای گه‌وره باڵاده‌سته‌و خاوه‌نی تۆڵه‌و سزایه (له بێ باوه‌ڕان). بێگومان هیچ شتێک له خوا ون نابێت نه له زه‌وی و نه له ئاسماندا.قورئان، ئالعیمران ٣:٣-٥. هەروەها: " سوێند بێت بێگومان پێغه‌مبه‌رانی پێش تۆش بڕوایان پێنه‌کراوه‌، له‌گه‌ڵ ئه‌وه‌شدا ئه‌وان دانیان به‌خۆدا گرت له‌سه‌ر ئه‌و بڕوا پێ نه‌بوونه‌یان، ئازارو ئه‌شکه‌نجه‌ش دران، هه‌تا سه‌رئه‌نجام سه‌رکه‌وتنی ئێمه‌یان بۆهات و به‌هره‌وه‌ر بوون پێی و هیچ شتێک نیه بتوانێت ویست و فه‌رمانه‌کانی خوا بگۆرێت، سوێند بێت به‌خوا بێگومان هه‌واڵ و ده‌نگوباسی هه‌ندێک له پێغه‌مبه‌رانت بۆ هاتووه‌." - قورئان، انعام، ٦ :٣٤. خودا ئینجیلی دا بە خەڵکی و ئەو فێرکردنانەی تێدایە کە دێن بۆ ژیانی هەتاهەتایی. لەبەر ئەوە ئەو دەنگەی گوێت لێ بوو پێتی وت کە بیخوێنیتەوە و دوای بکەویت. من ئامۆژگاریتان دەکەم کە هەندێک کات ته‌رخان بکه‌ و ئینجیل بخوێننەوە و ئەگەر گومانتان هەبوو جارێکی تر بۆمان بنوسنەوە. یارمەتیت دەدەین و دڵخۆش دەبین خوا بەرەکەتت پێ ببەخشێت.

  32. سلام علیکم، دوێنێ لە خەونمدا ئینجیلم بینی، ڕووناکییەکی گەشی لێ دە درەوشاوە، دەنگێکم بیست کە ده‌یکوت ئەوە وشەی هەتاهەتایی خودایە، هه‌ڵیگره و بەدوای ڕێنمووییەکەیدا بگەڕێ.

    1. علیکم السلام، حمدان بینینی ئینجیل لە خەونەکەتدا نیشانەی چاکە و ئاشتییە جگەلەوەش ئەوە وشەی خودایە و هەرگیز نەشێوراوە. قورئان بۆ پشتگیری له ئینجیل هاتووه. " ئه‌ی پێغه‌مبه‌رخوا قورئانی بۆ تۆ به‌ڕاست و دروست دابه‌زاندووه‌، به‌ڕاست دانه‌ری سه‌رجه‌م کتێبه پێشووه‌کانی پیش خۆیه‌تی هه‌روه‌ها ته‌وراتی بۆ (موسا) و ئینجیلی بۆ (عیسا) ڕه‌وانه کردووه له پێش قورئاندا...(ال عمران، ٣:٣، بڕوانە المائێدە، ٥ :٤٥-٤٧) و وشەی خودا ناگۆڕێت: " گۆڕین لە وشەکەیدا نیه " (الکهف). ١٨:٢٧) خەونتان بانگێشتێکە بۆ خوێندنی ئینجیل و پەیڕەویکردنی وانە وتنەوەکانی کە ڕێنوێنیتان دەکات بۆ ژیانی هەتاهەتایی. من دەپاڕێمەوە کە خودا دانایی و تێگەیشتنت پێ ببەخشێت. دوودڵ مەبە لە نووسین بۆ ئێمه ئەگەر گومانت هه بوو.

  33. سلام علیکم من پیاوێکی سپی پۆشم بینی لە خەونمدا ئینجیلی پێدام و لە ئینجیلەوە فێری ده‌کردم و دەنگی ئەو و ئەو شتەی کە دەیگوت بۆم ئارام به‌خش بوو و دڵمی پڕ دەکرد لە ئارامی، لێکدانەوەی خەونەکەم چییە؟ سوپاس.

    1. کێرار، زۆر سوپاس بۆ ئەوەی خەونەکەت لەگەڵ ئێمە هاوبەش کرد. ئەو پیاوە سپی پۆشه‌ی که فێری کردیت کە ئینجیل بخوێنیتەوە، چونکە ئەوە وشەی خودایە، قورئانیش هات بۆ پشتڕاستکردنەوەی ئینجیل،" ئه‌ی پێغه‌مبه‌رخوا قورئانی بۆ تۆ به‌ڕاست و دروست دابه‌زاندووه‌، به‌ڕاست دانه‌ری سه‌رجه‌م کتێبه پێشووه‌کانی پیش خۆیه‌تی هه‌روه‌ها ته‌وراتی بۆ (موسا) و ئینجیلی بۆ (عیسا) ڕه‌وانه کردووه له پێش قورئاندا...(ال عمران، ٣:٣، بڕوانە المائێدە، ٥ :٤٥-٤٧) و وشەی خودا ناتوانی بیگۆڕێت: "گۆڕین لە وشەکەیدا نیه" (الکهف). ١٨:٢٧) لە ڕاستیدا، ئەو پیاوە سپییەی کە بینیت عیسای مەسیحە، بوونی ئەو بەرەکەتە، چونکە ڕەحمەتی خودای لەسەر پیاوان هەیە و تۆی خۆش ده‌وێت و په‌ی خۆشه لات بێت. من هانتان دەدەم کە هەندێک کاتتان بۆ خوێندنەوەی ئینجیل بەسەر بەرن بۆ فێربوونی زیاتر دەربارەی ئەو و ئیرادەی خودا بۆ ژیانتان. خوا بەرەکەتت پێ ببەخشێت ئەگەر پرسیاری زیاترت هەیە، دیسان بۆمان بنووسە.

  34. سلام علیکم لە خەونمدا پیاوێکم بینی جلی سپی له به‌ردا بوو، ڕوخساری وەک خۆر بوو و لەسەر تەختێکی گەورە دانیشتبو و داوام لێکرد کە لێی نزیک بمەوە و پاشان خاچ و کتێبێکی پێدام. ئەو داوای لێکردم کە بیخوێنمەوە و پەیڕەوی بکەم، پاشان هەستام. لێکدانەوەی خەونەکەم چییە؟ پاداشتی تۆ لەگەڵ خودا بێت.

    1. علیک السلام حازم سوپاس بۆ ئەوەی خەونت لەگەڵ ئێمە هاوبەش کرد. ئەوەی له خه‌دا بۆ تۆ دەرکەوت عیسای مەسیح پەروەردگاری ئێمەیە و لە ئینجیلدا هاتووە:" کاتێک کوڕی مرۆڤ بە شکۆمەندی خۆیەوە دێتەوە و هەموو فریشتەکانیش لەگەڵیدان، لەسەر تەختی شکۆمەندیی خۆی دادەنیشێت."( مه‌تا ٢٥: ٣١). خاچەکەی پێدایت، کە نیشانەیە و هێمای ئه‌و قوربانییە، بۆ ئێمەی کرد، ئەگەر بتەوێت بیناسی، دەتوانیت ئەو کتێبە بخوێنیتەوە کە پێی بەخشی یانی ئینجیل. هەروەها دەتوانیت بە خوێندنەوەی ئینجیل شوێن ئەو بکه‌وی و ئێمە ئامادەین یارمەتیت بدەین بۆ وەڵامدانەوەی هەر پرسیارێک کە لەوانەیە هەتبێت. خودا بتپارێزێت.

  35. له خەوندا دیتم کە پیاوی خودا دوو کتێبی پێدام و کتێبی یەکەمی پێی وتم کە ئینجیلە و دای بە من و کردیه‌وه و چۆکی دادا بۆ ستایشی خودا، بەڵام ئەوانەی دەوروبەری من داوایان لێکردم کە به قەرزم پێیان بدەم بۆ خوێندنەوە.

    1. جلیا ، سوپاس بۆ ئەوەی خەونەکەتت پێ وتین. بینینی ئینجیل لە خەونەکەتدا نیشانەی خواست و هیوای چاکە ئینجیل فەرمانی خوایە، زۆر که‌س ڕەتیان کردۆتەوە، بەڵام ئەوانەی قەبووڵیان کردووە، دەبێت مژدە بە کەسانی تر بدەن کە تا ئێستا نایزانن، بەرەو ڕێگای ڕاست و خودا په‌ره‌ستیتان ڕابەرایەتی دەکات. وەک نووسراوە:وشەکانی تۆ چرایە بۆ پێیەکانم، ڕووناکییە بۆ ڕێگام.( زه‌ بوور ١١٩: ١٠٥) ئاسمان و زەوی بەسەردەچن، بەڵام وشەکانم هەرگیز بەسەرناچن.( مه‌تا ٢٤: ٣٥) خەونەکەت بانگهێشتنێکی ڕوونە بۆ ئەوەی وشەی خودا بخوێنێت و لەگەڵ ئەوانی تردا هاوبەشی بکەیت، چونکە زۆر کەس هەیە تینوی فێربوونه. خودا بتپارێزێت.

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