La vision d'Isa (que Sa paix soit sur nous) dans un rêve est une vision de vérité. Ibn Sirin nous a dit que celui qui a vu Isa (que Sa paix soit sur nous) parmi les hommes, en général, est un homme de bien et de bénéfice, et il est béni, voyage et se déplace beaucoup pour faire du bien et de bénéficier aux autres. Pour une fille, la vision de Jésus (que Sa paix soit sur nous) signifie qu'elle fera le bien, qu'elle profitera aux autres et qu'elle suivra un bon chemin. Quant à la femme enceinte, elle donnera naissance à un enfant mâle qui est sage et qui a le pouvoir et l'autorité dans le bien. Quant à la femme mariée et d'autres femmes, elle peut indiquer la grossesse pour celles qui sont en gestation, en reproduction, et indique le bonheur et la satisfaction des autres femmes.

D'autres commentateurs disent que voir Isa (Que Sa paix soit sur nous) en rêve pour un homme ou une femme est une bénédiction de Dieu ou une démonstration de soin de sa part à quelqu'un en grande détresse. Son retour (Que Sa paix soit sur nous) en songe dans un lieu spécifique, indique l'apparition de la justice dans ce lieu, l'effusion de bénédictions, la perte des incroyants et la victoire des croyants.

Nous pouvons dire que le rêve d'Isa (Que sa paix soit sur nous) est plus que cela ; Il est venu pour en sauver beaucoup. Sa vision dans les rêves apporte la paix à l'âme, à l'humanité en général. Sa vision rassure l'âme qui est loin de Dieu. Ses visions chassent la peur. Sa vision est une déclaration de salut.

Le Coran dit qu'Il a fait des grands miracles, que personne d'autre n'a fait. Il commande les morts, et ils reviennent à la vie. Il redonne aux aveugles leur vue. Il touche la peau du lépreux et le guérit. Il donne à l'argile la forme d'un oiseau, l'inspire et il devient un oiseau vivant. Il connaît l'invisible. Il a commandé des tables à manger du ciel pour les Apôtres. Il a été élevé au ciel, ayant triomphé de la mort en ressuscitant d'entre les morts.

Le Coran dit aussi qu'Il est béni où qu'Il soit, une miséricorde pour les mondes, "Zaki" pur de tout péché et de toute faute, la Parole de Dieu et l'Esprit venant de Lui, et (Wajeh) exalté dans ce monde par la prophétie et le bon endroit et dans l'au-delà par l'intercession et les degrés supérieurs, et proche du Dieu Tout-Puissant.

Toutes ces références dans le Coran sont en accord avec les faits concernant Jésus dans la Bible, que Jésus (Que Sa paix soit sur nous) est une personne extraordinaire, "Jésus, parce qu'Il sauvera Son peuple de ses péchés" (Matthieu 1 :21), "Emmanuel (qui signifie "Dieu avec nous") " (Matthieu 1 : 23), "Le Saint qui va naître sera donc appelé Fils de Dieu" (Luc 1 : 35), et "un Sauveur vous est né : c'est le Messie, le Seigneur" (Luc 2 : 11).

L'Évangile proclame Son ministère: "L'Esprit du Seigneur est sur moi, c'est pourquoi il m'a oint pour annoncer l'Évangile aux pauvres; il m'a envoyé pour guérir ceux qui ont le cœur brisé; pour publier la liberté aux captifs, et le recouvrement de la vue aux aveugles; pour renvoyer libres ceux qui sont dans l'oppression, pour publier l'année favorable du Seigneur" (Luc 4:18-19).

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  1. Asalamo alaikom, I saw prophet Issa (as) in my dream wearing white, having a crown on his head, sitting on a white throne and surrounded by bright light. He asked me to come closer to him and he said: why don’t you follow me? I am the way, the truth and the life and no salvation without me. He blessed me and I saw scars on his hands. What is the meaning of the dream?

    1. Wa Alaikum assalam Yahya. Thank you for sharing your profound dream and trusting us to interpret it. The imagery and words in your dream carry profound meanings.
      White garments symbolize purity, righteousness, and divine presence. “The one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life, but will acknowledge that name before my Father and his angels” (Injil, Revelation 3:5).
      The crown represents kingship and authority. Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) is described as having many crowns, symbolizing His supreme authority. “ His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself” (Injil, Revelation 19:12).
      The throne signifies His sovereignty and divine judgment. “To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne” (Injil, Revelation 3:21).
      Bright light often represents the glory of God. Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) says, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (Injil, John 8:12).
      The invitation to come closer is a call to follow Him. Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) extends an invitation, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Injil, Matthew 11:28-30).
      “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” This phrase is a direct quote from the Injil, where Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (Injil, 14:6). It emphasizes that Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) is the path to salvation and eternal life.
      The scars are significant as they are a reminder of His crucifixion and sacrifice. Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) shows His scars to Thomas, saying, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe” (Injil, John 20:27).
      Being blessed by Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) in the dream signifies receiving His grace and favor. “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace” (Tawrat, Numbers 6:24-26).
      Your dream is a call to deepen your understanding and commitment to following Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) teachings, recognizing Him as the way to eternal life and salvation. May you find clarity and peace as you contemplate the meaning of this significant dream. Please spend time reading the Injil for yourself and learn more about Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) and the teachings of the Injil. Don’t hesitate to write us if you have any questions, we would like to study the Injil with you. May Allah bless you.

  2. Asalam alaikom, I have been facing difficulties in my life, and I tried to kill myself several times, I was feeling lonely and hated by everyone around me even from Allah. But last week prophet Essa pbuh appeared to me in the dream, he was wearing white and came to me smiled and said: I love you and I care about you and I know your situation, just trust in me and follow me. Then he touched me and I felt peace going through me and cleaning me, I felt like I was born again. He was so nice to me and his voice has authority and power, but at the same time full of love and respect. Since then my life has changed and my relationships are different, people can see the difference. I am so happy and I want to share what he did in my life.

    1. Wa alaikum assalam Asrar. Thank you for sharing your profound and transformative dream. I’m truly sorry to hear about the difficulties you’ve been facing, but it’s a blessing to know about the positive change in your life following your dream.
      In your dream, Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) told you he loves and cares about you. This is consistent with what the Injil teaches about His love and care. “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love” (Injil, John 15:9).
      The authority and compassion you felt from Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) in your dream are also highlighted in the Injil. “Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me’” (Injil, Matthew 28:18), and “Moved with compassion, Jesus reached out and touched him. ‘I am willing,’ he said. ‘Be healed!’” (Injil, Mark 1:41).
      The peace and cleansing you felt are central to the message of the Injil, which speaks of being born again, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (Injil, John 14:27), and experiencing inner transformation, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (Injil, 2 Corinthians 5:17).
      The desire to share your experience with others is encouraged in the Injil as a testimony of God’s work in your life. “Come and hear, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me.” (Zaboor, Psalm 66:16). Also, “Jesus did not let him, but said, ‘Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you’” (Injil, Mark 5:19).
      Your dream reflects Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) love, authority, compassion, and the transformative power of encountering Him. May this newfound peace and transformation continue to bless your life and the lives of those around you. Please spend time reading the Injil for yourself and learn more about Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) and the teachings of the Injil. Don’t hesitate to write us if you have any questions, we would like to study the Injil with you. May Allah bless you.

  3. Asalamualaikum, I saw in the dream a man sitting on a white throne, and his gown was pure white, he had a bright light around him so bright. Then I saw an angels up there around him. He looked at me and called me near his throne. I was so happy. The angels were singing, “you are worthy word of Allah of our worship and praise”. I wake up and I couldn’t forget that beautiful seen. What does this dream mean?

    1. Wa alaikum assalam Nader. The man in a pure white gown and the bright light surrounding him could God’s holiness and majesty. It represents Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us). White symbolizes purity and righteousness. “At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it. And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby. A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne” (Injil, Revelation 4:2-3). The act of being called near the throne signifies an invitation to draw closer to God, to be in His presence and experience His love and glory. “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” (Injil, Hebrews 4:16). The angels singing and praising God reflect the continuous worship in heaven. This emphasizes the worthiness of God and His Word, Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us), and the importance of prayer and worship. “Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders. In a loud voice they were saying: ‘Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!’” (Injil, Revelation 5:11-12). Feeling happiness in the dream upon being called near the throne suggests the joy and fulfillment found in God’s presence. “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand” (Zaboor, Psalm 16:11). Please spend time reading the Injil for yourself and learn more about Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) and the teachings of the Injil. Don’t hesitate to write us if you have any questions, we would like to study the Injil with you. May Allah bless you.

  4. السلام عليكم ما تفسير رؤية النبي عيسى المسيح عليه السلام لابس ثوب أبيض يعطيني ثوب أبيض لأبسه ثم أتبعه؟

    1. وعليك السلام يا ماهر. نشكرك لمشاركة حلمك معنا. إن ما رأيته هو ما تم ذكره في الإنجيل “وَتَجَلَّى أَمَامَهُمْ، فَشَعَّ وَجْهُهُ كَالشَّمْسِ، وَصَارَتْ ثِيَابُهُ بَيْضَاءَ كَالنُّورِ” (متى 17: 2) وقد أعطاك ثوب أبيض كما ذُكر في الإنجيل “وَسَأَلَنِي أَحَدُ الشُّيُوخِ: «أَتَعْلَمُ مَنْ هُمْ هؤُلاءِ الَّذِينَ يَرْتَدُونَ الثِّيَابَ الْبَيْضَاءَ، وَهَلْ تَعْرِفُ مِنْ أَيْنَ أَتَوْا فَقَالَ لِي:هؤُلاَءِ هُمُ الَّذِينَ أَتَوْا مِنَ الضِّيقَةِ الْعَظِيمَةِ، وَقَدْ غَسَّلُوا ثِيَابَهُمْ وَبَيَّضُوا ثِيَابَهُمْ فِي دَمِ الْخَرُوفِ” ( رؤيا 7: 13- 14) والرسالة من حلمك يا ماهر هي أن تبدأ باتباعه والإيمان به لأنه الوحيد القادر أن يساعدك للوصول للجنة . لذا يمكنك دراسة الإنجيل ونحن على استعداد لنساعدك في الإجابة على أسئلتك ويمكنك أيضاً الإطلاع على المقالات الموجودة في موقعنا هذا. من فضلك لا تتردد بالتواصل معنا .بارك الله بك.

  5. Asalam alaikum, in my dream I saw that I was walking with prophet Issa pbuh and he was teaching me the importance of following him and his straight path. His voice was full of authority. Please what does this dream mean?

    1. Wa alaikum assalam Abbod. Walking with Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) symbolizes a journey of faith and discipleship. Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) often called people to follow him, indicating a life dedicated to his teachings and example. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (Injil, John 14:6).
      Teaching the importance of following Him and His straight path aligns with several verses in the Injil where He emphasizes the necessity of following Him to find the true path to Allah. “Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me’” (Injil, Matthew 16:24).
      A voice full of authority reflects the Injil’s view of Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) teachings being authoritative and final. “When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law” (Injil, Matthew 7:28-29). Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) spoke with authority because He is the Word of Allah made flesh “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).
      Your dream is a call to deepen your faith and commitment to the teachings of Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us). It emphasizes the importance of following His guidance to stay on the Straight Path. The authoritative voice underscores the power of his teachings. May this dream inspire you to seek a closer relationship with Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) and follow the path of righteousness. Please spend time reading the Injil for yourself and learn more about Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) and the teachings of the Injil. Don’t hesitate to write us if you have any questions, we would like to study the Injil with you. May Allah bless you.

  6. Asalam alaikum, I saw a strange dream last night, in the dream I was praying in the mosque, then prophet Issa pbuh appeared to me wearing white and asked me to leave and follow him alone because he is the straight path, his voice was full of authority, and I was filled with peace in his presence. Please what is the meaning of the dream?

    1. Wa alaikum assalam Hussam. Thank you for sharing and entrusting us with your dream. Praying in a mosque symbolizes devotion and seeking closeness to Allah. Seeing Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) wearing white symbolizes purity and righteousness. Asking you to follow Him is a direct reference to His teachings in the Injil, where he invites people to follow him as the way to Allah. “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (Injil, John 14:6). The authority in Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) voice aligns with the Injil’s descriptions of His authority, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Injil, Matthew 28:18). The peace felt in His presence is consistent with the injil’s teachings, where He promises peace to His followers. “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (Injil, John 14:27). Your dream is a call to recognize and follow Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) as the path to peace and truth. Please spend time reading the Injil for yourself and learn more about Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) and the teachings of the Injil. Don’t hesitate to write us if you have any questions, we would like to study the Injil with you. May Allah bless you.

  7. Asalam alaikom. Last night prophet Issa pbuh appeared to me in the dream wearing white robe and asked me to leave everything and follow him because there is no way to enter heaven without him because he is the way and the truth and the life. Can help me understand the dream?

    1. Wa alaikum assalam Essam. Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) is often described as calling people to follow Him, emphasizing the commitment required to be His disciple. “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Injil, Matthew 4:19). This invitation suggests a calling to a life dedicated to spreading His teachings and living according to His example. The phrase, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me,” directly references the Injil, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (Injil, John 14:6). This verse emphasizes that Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) is the sole path to God and eternal life. Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) promises eternal life to those who believe in Him. “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand” (Injil, John 10:28). Your dream is a call encouraging you to recognize Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) as the true path to everlasting life, it is an invitation to follow Him wholeheartedly. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask! We would like to hear from you. May Allah bless you.

  8. السلام عليكم شفت في المنام نبي الله عيسى ابن مريم عليه السلام يسير في شوارع مدينتي يشفي ويعالج الناس بلمسهم، كان النور يشع منه ولابس ثوب أبيض، كان يجلس معهم ويسمع منهم ويشجعهم. وبعدين طلب مني أن أتبعه وأعمل مثله، ثم قال مبارك كل من يصنع السلام. ما تفسير المنام جزآكم الله خير ؟

    1. وعليك السلام يا سفيان. نشكرك لمشاركة حلمك معنا. إن رؤية سيدنا عيسى المسيح (سلامه علينا) في الحلم تبعث فينا السلام والفرح والطمأنينة. وما رأيته هو ما تم ذكره في الإنجيل “وَتَبِعَهُ جَمْعٌ كَثِيرٌ لأَنَّهُمْ أَبْصَرُوا آيَاتِهِ الَّتِي كَانَ يَصْنَعُهَا فِي الْمَرْضَى” (يوحنا 6: 2) أما النور الذي خرج منه فهو نوره الذي تكلم عنه وهو النور الذي سينير دربك “أَنَا نُورُ الْعَالَمِ. مَنْ يَتْبَعْنِي فَلا يَتَخَبَّطُ فِي الظَّلامِ بَلْ يَكُونُ لَهُ نُورُ الْحَيَاةِ” (يوحنا 8: 12) وأيضاً “وَتَجَلَّى أَمَامَهُمْ، فَشَعَّ وَجْهُهُ كَالشَّمْسِ، وَصَارَتْ ثِيَابُهُ بَيْضَاءَ كَالنُّورِ” (متى 17: 2). وجلوسه مع الناس هو ما كان يفعله عندما كان على الأرض إذ كان يجول بين الناس ويعلمهم من الإنجيل وقد طلب منك أن تتبعه لكي يساعدك للوصول إلى الجنة لأنه الطريق الوحيد للجنة “أَنَا هُوَ الطَّرِيقُ وَالْحَقُّ وَالْحَيَاةُ. لَا يَأْتِي أَحَدٌ إِلَى الآبِ إِلّا بِي” (يوحنا 14: 6). وقد شجعك على نشر السلام بين الناس من خلال محبتهم وهذا ما ذُكر في الإنجيل أيضاً “طُوبَى لِصَانِعِي السَّلامِ، فَإِنَّهُمْ سَيُدْعَوْنَ أَبْنَاءَ اللهِ.” (متى 5: 9). نحن نشجعك يا سفيان لكي تتبع عيسى من خلال دراسة الانجيل والتعرف على تعاليمه المدكورة به. ونحن على استعداد لنساعدك في الإجابة عن أي سؤال لديك. من فضلك لا تتردد بالتواصل معنا. بارك الله بك.

  9. Asalam alaikom I want to share a dream I saw several times. In my dream I see clouds gather in the sky and create a cross and above it the name of prophet Issa pbuh in Arabic, then I hear a loud voice from heaven saying, follow me I am the straight path. Please, what does this dream mean?

    1. Wa alaikum asalam Rushdi. Thank you for sharing and entrusting us with your dream. Your dream has significant symbolism. Clouds often symbolize the presence of Allah or a divine revelation. “By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night” (Tawrat Exodus 13:21), and “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory” (Injil, Matthew 24:30).
      The cross represents Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) crucifixion and the salvation of humanity. “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” (Injil, 1 Corinthians 1:18).
      The name of Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) in Arabic, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved” (Injil, Acts 4:12), and “Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Injil, Philippians 2:9-11).
      The loud voice from heaven saying, “Follow Me, I am the Straight Path,” this signifies a divine calling. “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me’” (Injil, John 14:6), and “While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, ‘This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!’” (Injil, Matthew 17:5).
      Your dream is a calling emphasizing the significance of Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) and the message of salvation through Him. The cross and the voice calling to “follow me” align with the teachings of the Injil, where Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) is described as the way to eternal life and the embodiment of the truth. Your dream is a call to follow the path of Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us), acknowledging Him as the straight path. Please spend time reading the Injil for yourself and learn more about Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) and the teachings of the Injil. Don’t hesitate to write us if you have any questions, we would like to study the Injil with you. May Allah bless you.

  10. Salams. Last night I saw in my dream prophet Issa (as) wearing white robe and standing in the middle of the sky calling people to follow him because he is the way and the truth and the way. He then came closer to me and blessed me and I felt like I am a new person and my heart was filled with love. Can you help me understand this dream?

    1. Wa alaikum assalam Ziad. Thank you for sharing and entrusting us with your dream. Your dream has significant symbolism. In the Injil, Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) describes himself as “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (Injil, John 14:6). This suggests that Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) is a guide to spiritual truth and a pathway to God. The white robe is a symbol of purity and righteousness. The imagery of Him standing in the sky relates to the second coming (Nozool) of Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us), “‘Men of Galilee,’ they said, ‘why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven’” (Injil, Acts 1:11). Feeling blessed and renewed is akin to the transformation that faith in Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) brings. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (Injil, 2 Corinthians 5:17). A heart filled with love is a key aspect of Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) teaching. “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (Injil, John 13:34-35). Your dream is a call to follow Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us). Please spend time reading the Injil for yourself and learn more about Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) and the teachings of the Injil. Don’t hesitate to write us if you have any questions, we would like to study the Injil with you. May Allah bless you.

  11. Salam, I have been passing through very difficult times and I was even doubting that Allah exists. I have been asking him to help me but I was feeling more stress and anxiety. One of my friends asked me to ask prophet Issa pbuh for help, in the beginning I doubted but I said where is the problem, let me ask him. That night he appeared to me in the dream and said: I heard your voice and I am here to help you, he touched me with his hand, and I felt that I was a new person, all my worries and problems have disappeared. Then he asked to follow him because he is the straight path. I woke up puzzled but so happy and since then I am feeling like I am a new person.

    1. Salam, Ahmad. The dream you experienced has been deeply impactful and transformative for you, bringing comfort and a renewed sense of direction during a challenging time in your life.
      The elements of your dream resonate with several themes found in the Injil, where Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) responds to those who seek him, offering healing, and guiding people towards a path of righteousness.
      In the Injil, Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) is attentive to the needs of those who call out to him, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you” (Injil, Matthew 7:7). He also has the power to heal people, in (Injil, Matthew 8:3), Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) touches a man with leprosy, saying, “I am willing; be clean!” Immediately the man was cleansed of his leprosy.
      The feeling of becoming a new person echoes the teaching of the Injil. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (Injil, 2 Corinthians 5:17). The invitation to follow Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) because he is “the straight path” echoes His words, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (Injil, John 14:6). My prayer is that you will accept His invitation. Please spend time reading the Injil for yourself and learn more about Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) and the teachings of the Injil. Don’t hesitate to write us if you have any questions, we would like to study the Injil with you. May Allah bless you.

  12. Assalam alaikom, last night I saw myself looking at the sky then I saw a door open in the sky I saw a throne, then prophet Issa pbuh came and sat on it wearing white, and I saw angels worshiping and praising him. I was shocked, then an angel came and said, join us he is worthy. Please, what does this mean?

    1. Wa alaikum assalam Mohammad. Your dream has elements that resonate with several passages in the Injil, which speak of visions of heaven, the throne of God, and the worship of Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us).
      The open door in the sky, “After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, ‘Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this’” (Injil, Revelation 4:1).
      The throne in your dream could symbolize the throne of God. “At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it. And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby. A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne” (Injil, Revelation 4:2-3).
      Seeing Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) on the throne aligns with His divine authority and role. “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven” (Injil, Hebrews 1:3).
      Angels worshiping and praising Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) are consistent with Injil’s descriptions. “Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders. In a loud voice they were saying: ‘Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!’” (Injil, Revelation 5:11-12). The angel inviting you is a call to acknowledge and worship Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us).
      My prayer is that you will accept His invitation. Please spend time reading the Injil for yourself and learn more about Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) and the teachings of the Injil. Don’t hesitate to write us if you have any questions, we would like to study the Injil with you. May Allah bless you.

  13. السلام عليكم أود أن أشارك معكم حلم رأيته عدة مرات. في الحلم يأتي نبي الله عيسى عليه الصلاة والسلام لزيارتنا، كان لابس ثوب أبيض اللون وعنده لحية وشعر طويلان. عندما دخل بيتنا، البيت امتلئ بالنور الصادر منه ودخل قلوبنا. ما تفسير هذا الحلم وشكرا؟

    1. وعليك السلام يا موسى. نشكرك لمشاركة حلمك معنا. إن ما رأيته وطريقة وصفك لسيدنا عيسى المسيح (سلامه علينا) قد تم ذكرها في الانجيل “شِبْهُ ابْنِ إِنْسَانٍ، مُتَسَرْبِلاً بِثَوْبٍ إِلَى الرِّجْلَيْنِ، وَمُتَمَنْطِقًا عِنْدَ ثَدْيَيْهِ بِمِنْطَقَةٍ مِنْ ذَهَبٍ. وَأَمَّا رَأْسُهُ وَشَعْرُهُ فَأَبْيَضَانِ كَالصُّوفِ الأَبْيَضِ كَالثَّلْجِ، وَعَيْنَاهُ كَلَهِيبِ نَارٍ وَرِجْلاَهُ شِبْهُ النُّحَاسِ النَّقِيِّ، كَأَنَّهُمَا مَحْمِيَّتَانِ فِي أَتُونٍ. وَصَوْتُهُ كَصَوْتِ مِيَاهٍ كَثِيرَةٍ”(الرؤيا 1: 13-15). والنور الذي ملأ البيت هو نوره الذي تكلم عنه في الانجيل وهو النور الذي سينير دربك في حال تبعت عيسى المسيح (سلامه علينا) وأمنت به وبتعاليمه لأنه قال “أَنَا نُورُ الْعَالَمِ. مَنْ يَتْبَعْنِي فَلا يَتَخَبَّطُ فِي الظَّلامِ بَلْ يَكُونُ لَهُ نُورُ الْحَيَاةِ” (يوحنا 8: 12). لذا إن كنت ترغب بالتعرف أكثر عليه يمكنك أن تبدأ بدراسة الانجيل ونحن على استعداد لنساعدك على ذلك. من فضلك لا تتردد بالتواصل معنا. بارك الله بك .

  14. Assalamo alaikom, last night I saw in my dream a book coming down from heaven, it was surrounded with light, then I heard a loud voice saying: this is my word the Injeel take it and follow its teachings. My word will lead you to the straight path. I took it and I felt something strange, I was filled with peace and happiness. Please can you help me understand the meaning of this dream?

    1. Wa alaikum assalam Imad! Your dream carries significant spiritual symbolism. The imagery of a book coming down from heaven surrounded by light and being identified as “my word” immediately brings to mind the concept of divine revelation.
      The Bible, in the Tawrat, Zabour, and the Injil, talks about Allah’s Word as a guiding light for humanity. The phrase “this is my word” echoes the language used in the Bible. “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” (Zabour, Psalm 119:105). Also, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (Injil, John 1:1-5).
      Your dream is a reminder of the importance of studying the Injil, the Word of Allah, finding peace, and joy, and following the teachings contained therein to walk the straight path. I encourage you to spend time reading the Injil for yourself and learn more about Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) and the teachings of the Injil. Don’t hesitate to write us if you have any questions, we would like to study the Injil with you. May Allah bless you.

  15. Asalam alaikom, last week I saw a door opened in the sky and a hand coming down, the it gave me a cross, and I heard a voice saying: carry it every day, this is the price of your salvation. The voice was loud and full of authority. Please, what does this mean?

    1. Wa alaikum salam, Majed. Thank you for sharing and entrusting us with your dream. The imagery of a cross and the instruction to “carry it every day” directly aligns with the teachings of Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) in the Injil. “Then he said to them all: ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me’” (Injil, Luke 9:23). Taking up the cross daily signifies a life of self-denial and following Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us). The cross symbolizes sacrifice, and Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) invites His followers to live lives of dedication and sacrifice for Him and others.
      The voice saying, “This is the price of your salvation,” relates to salvation bought at a great price on the cross. “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace” (Injil, Ephesians 1:7). Carrying the cross daily symbolizes living in gratitude for this salvation and living a life worthy of it.
      The vision of the door opening in the sky and a hand coming down is reminiscent of a divine calling. “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me” (Injil, Revelation 3:20). The open door in your dream represents God’s invitation to draw closer to Him and accept the call to follow Jesus. Your dream is an invitation to live a life dedicated to following Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us), taking up your cross daily, and appreciating His sacrifice for salvation. I encourage you to spend time reading the Injil for yourself and learn more about Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) and the teachings of the Injil. Don’t hesitate to write us if you have any questions, we would like to study the Injil with you. May Allah bless you.

  16. السلام عليكم شفت في الحلم أني كنت في الجامع وفجأة أصبحت الجو أسود وبعدها هاجمني الجن كنت خائفا جدا وبدون وعي صرخت يا عيسى كلمة الله أنقذني فظهر نور ساطع أنار كل شيء وكان نور يسطع من وجه النبي عيسى عليه السلام والجن كان خائف جدا وقال لماذا أتيت لتعذبنا وبعدها نظر لي مبتسم وقال لا تخف فقط أمن وأتبعني وباركني وصحيت ما تفسير الحلم

    1. وعليك السلام يا بسام نشكرك لمشاركة حلمك معنا. إن حضور عيسى المسيح (سلامه علينا) في أي مكان دلالة على الطمأنينة والبركة والسلام والفرح. وقد ظهر لك بنوره الذي ذكر في الانجيل “أَنَا نُورُ الْعَالَمِ. مَنْ يَتْبَعْنِي فَلا يَتَخَبَّطُ فِي الظَّلامِ بَلْ يَكُونُ لَهُ نُورُ الْحَيَاةِ” (يوحنا 8: 12) لكي ينير دربك ويرشدك للطريق الصحيح الذي يجب عليك إتباعه . وقد أراد أن يوصل لك رسالة بأنه معك فلا تخاف بعد كما ذُكر في الانجيل “لاَ تَخَفْ لأَنِّي مَعَكَ. لاَ تَتَلَفَّتْ لأَنِّي إِلهُكَ. قَدْ أَيَّدْتُكَ وَأَعَنْتُكَ وَعَضَدْتُكَ بِيَمِينِ بِرِّي.”(إشعياء 41: 10). ونحن نشجعك على قبول دعوته واتباعه والإيمان به لأنه الوحيد القادر أن يوصلك للجنة. من فضلك لا تتردد بالتواصل معنا فنحن على استعداد لنساعدك في الإجابة على أي سؤال لديك. بارك الله بك.

  17. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته شفت في المنام أنه العالم كان مظلم وفجأة ظهر نور من قبر أضاء الأرض والسماء وبعدها ظهر نبي الله عيسى المسيح عليه السلام وكان مصدر النور . ما تفسير المنام جزاكم الله خير ؟

    1. وعليك السلام يا رشدان. نشكرك لمشاركة حلمك معنا. إن ما رأيته هو ما تم ذكره في الانجيل “وَإِذَا زَلْزَلَةٌ عَظِيمَةٌ حَدَثَتْ، لأَنَّ مَلاَكَ الرَّبِّ نَزَلَ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ وَجَاءَ وَدَحْرَجَ الْحَجَرَ عَنِ الْبَابِ، وَجَلَسَ عَلَيْهِ.
      وَكَانَ مَنْظَرُهُ كَالْبَرْقِ، وَلِبَاسُهُ أَبْيَضَ كَالثَّلْجِ” ( متى 28: 2- 3) وهو ما حدث لعيسى المسيح (سلامه علينا) حيث قام من الموت في اليوم الثالث وسطع النور في كل مكان . وإن كنت ترغب بمعرفة القصة الكاملة يمكنك قراءة الانجيل ونحن على استعداد لنساعدك في الإجابة على أي سؤال لديك. من فضلك لا تتردد بالتواصل معنا. بارك الله بك.

  18. السلام عليكم رأيت في المنام نبي الله عيسى المسيح عليه السلام حتما صليب ويسير إلى خارج مدينة قديمة، كان ناس كثيرين حوله. ما تفسير المنام. مع العلم أني رأيته عدة مرات.

    1. وعليك السلام يا عبد الكريم. نشكرك لمشاركة حلمك معنا. إن ما رأيته هو ما تم ذكره في الانجيل “فَخَرَجَ وَهُوَ حَامِلٌ صَلِيبَهُ إِلَى الْمَوْضِعِ الَّذِي يُقَالُ لَهُ «مَوْضِعُ الْجُمْجُمَةِ» وَيُقَالُ لَهُ بِالْعِبْرَانِيَّةِ «جُلْجُثَةُ»،” ( يوحنا 19: 17) والصليب يرمز إلى التضحية التي قام بها سيدنا عيسى المسيح (سلامه علينا) وإذا كنت ترغب بالتعرف أكثر عن التضحية التي قام بها يمكنك دراسة الانجيل أو البحث في أقسام موقعنا الألكتروني هذا وستجد إجابات لأسئلتك ونحن على استعداد لنساعدك في الإجابة على أي استفسار لديك. بارك الله بك.

  19. Asalam alaikum, last night I saw prophet Essa pbuh carrying a cross and people were around him, then they put him on the cross. He looked at me and said, I did this to save you. His word was full of love and care, can you help me understand the dream?

    1. Wa alaikum assalam Najib. Seeing Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) carrying the cross and being put on symbolizes his sacrifice for the redemption of mankind. His words to you, “I did this to save you,” remind you of the significance of his sacrifice, emphasizing the idea of salvation through His death and resurrection, “He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed” (Injil, 1 Peter 2:24). The dream is a message of love, sacrifice, and salvation, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Injil, Romans 5:8). I encourage you to spend time reading the Injil for yourself and learn more about Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) and the events that happened in the last week of being on earth with His followers. Don’t hesitate to write us if you have any questions, we would like to study the Injil with you. May Allah bless you.

  20. السلام عليكم في المنام شفت نبي الله عيسى جالس مع حوارييه يأكلون وكان يعلمهم عن تضحيته، كانوا مندهشين، ثم قال أمنوا فقط. ما تفسير المنام جزاكم الله خير.

    1. وعليك السلام يا راغب. نشكرك لمشاركة حلمك معنا. إن ما رأيته هو ما تمت كتابته في الإنجيل “وَفِي أَوَّلِ أَيَّامِ الْفَطِيرِ تَقَدَّمَ التَّلاَمِيذُ إِلَى يَسُوعَ قَائِلِينَ لَهُ: «أَيْنَ تُرِيدُ أَنْ نُعِدَّ لَكَ لِتَأْكُلَ الْفِصْحَ؟» فَقَالَ: «اذْهَبُوا إِلَى الْمَدِينَةِ، إِلَى فُلاَنٍ وَقُولُوا لَهُ: الْمُعَلِّمُ يَقُولُ: إِنَّ وَقْتِي قَرِيبٌ. عِنْدَكَ أَصْنَعُ الْفِصْحَ مَعَ تَلاَمِيذِي». فَفَعَلَ التَّلاَمِيذُ كَمَا أَمَرَهُمْ يَسُوعُ وَأَعَدُّوا الْفِصْحَ. وَلَمَّا كَانَ الْمَسَاءُ اتَّكَأَ مَعَ الاثْنَيْ عَشَرَ. وَفِيمَا هُمْ يَأْكُلُونَ قَالَ: «الْحَقَّ أَقُولُ لَكُمْ: إِنَّ وَاحِدًا مِنْكُمْ يُسَلِّمُنِي». فَحَزِنُوا جِدًّا، وَابْتَدَأَ كُلُّ وَاحِدٍ مِنْهُمْ يَقُولُ لَهُ: «هَلْ أَنَا هُوَ يَا رَبُّ؟» فَأَجَابَ وَقَالَ: «الَّذِي يَغْمِسُ يَدَهُ مَعِي فِي الصَّحْفَةِ هُوَ يُسَلِّمُنِي! إِنَّ ابْنَ الإِنْسَانِ مَاضٍ كَمَا هُوَ مَكْتُوبٌ عَنْهُ، وَلكِنْ وَيْلٌ لِذلِكَ الرَّجُلِ الَّذِي بِهِ يُسَلَّمُ ابْنُ الإِنْسَانِ. كَانَ خَيْرًا لِذلِكَ الرَّجُلِ لَوْ لَمْ يُولَدْ!» فَأَجَابَ يَهُوذَا مُسَلِّمُهُ وَقَالَ: «هَلْ أَنَا هُوَ يَا سَيِّدِي؟» قَالَ لَهُ: «أَنْتَ قُلْتَ». وَفِيمَا هُمْ يَأْكُلُونَ أَخَذَ يَسُوعُ الْخُبْزَ، وَبَارَكَ وَكَسَّرَ وَأَعْطَى التَّلاَمِيذَ وَقَالَ: «خُذُوا كُلُوا. هذَا هُوَ جَسَدِي». وَأَخَذَ الْكَأْسَ وَشَكَرَ وَأَعْطَاهُمْ قَائِلًا: «اشْرَبُوا مِنْهَا كُلُّكُمْ، لأَنَّ هذَا هُوَ دَمِي الَّذِي لِلْعَهْدِ الْجَدِيدِ الَّذِي يُسْفَكُ مِنْ أَجْلِ كَثِيرِينَ لِمَغْفِرَةِ الْخَطَايَا. وَأَقُولُ لَكُمْ: إِنِّي مِنَ الآنَ لاَ أَشْرَبُ مِنْ نِتَاجِ الْكَرْمَةِ هذَا إِلَى ذلِكَ الْيَوْمِ حِينَمَا أَشْرَبُهُ مَعَكُمْ جَدِيدًا فِي مَلَكُوتِ أَبِي». ثُمَّ سَبَّحُوا وَخَرَجُوا إِلَى جَبَلِ الزَّيْتُونِ.”(متى ٢٦: ١٧_ ٣٠) نتمنى أن نكون قد ساعدناك في تفسير حلمك وإن كان لديك أي أسئلة نحن على استعداد لنساعدك في ذلك ، بارك الله بك.

  21. Asalam Alaikom, I saw myself going to a town last night in my dream, I saw prophet Issa pbuh wearing white clothes preaching that you must repent for the kingdom of Allah is near, many people were there from different race. Then prophet Issa pbuh handed me a book and said, you need to read it to be prepared, then he disappeared. Then I saw him riding a white horse carrying a sword from light in His right hand. What is the meaning of this dream?

    1. Wa alaikum assalam Khalil. Thank you for sharing and entrusting us with your dream. The message of repentance and the nearness of the kingdom of Allah align with Sayidna Isa’s (His peace be upon us) teachings. In the Injil, Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) begins his ministry by proclaiming, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near” (Injil, Matthew 4:17). The imagery of Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) handing you a book signifies a call to study and understand the teachings of Allah in the Injil, which contains instructions and guidance. The appearance of Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us) riding a white horse and carrying a sword of light in his right hand is reminiscent of the imagery described in the Injil, “Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He [e]had a name written that no one knew except Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. Now out of His mouth goes a [g]sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God” (Injil, Revelation 19:11-15). The sword represents the Word of Allah, which is described as “sharper than any double-edged sword” (Injil, Hebrews 4:12). Your dream, Khalil, is a call to heed the teachings of Sayidna Isa (His peace be upon us), repent from sin, and prepare yourself for the coming kingdom. It emphasizes the importance of studying the Injil and following its teachings. Don’t hesitate to write us if you have any questions, we would like to study the Injil with you. May Allah bless you.

  22. السلام عليكم رأيت في المنام سيدنا عيسى المسيح عليه السلام يطلب مني أن أترك كل شيء وأتبعه ثم أعطاني صليب وقال أن أحمله كل يوم وأسبر وراءه. ما تفسير المنام جزاكم الله خير؟

    1. وعليك السلام يا تيسير نشكرك لمشاركة حلمك معنا. إن رؤية سيدنا عيسى المسيح (سلامه علينا) في الحلم ترمز إلى السلام والطمأنينة الذي سيحل عليك. وقد ظهر لك في حلمك لكي يخبرك بأنه عليك أن تتبعه وتؤمن به لأنه وحده القادر أن يوصلك للجنة ولا يمكنك أن تصل للجنة إذا كنت متعلق بالأمور الأرضية. لذلك قد طلب منك أيضاً أن تحمل صليبه وتتبعه وهذا ما تم ذكره في الانجيل “ثُمَّ قَالَ يَسُوعُ لِتَلَامِيذِهِ: إذَا أرَادَ أحَدٌ أنْ يَأْتِيَ مَعِي، فَلَا بُدَّ أنْ يُنكِرَ نَفْسَهُ، وَأنْ يَرْفَعَ الصَّلِيبَ المُعطَى لَهُ وَيَتْبَعَنِي” (متى 16: 24). والصليب هو رمز التضحية التي قام بها من أجلنا. إذا كنت ترغب بالتعرف أكثر حول الموضوع يمكنك قراءة الانجيل ونحن على استعداد لنساعدك على ذلك. من فضلك لا تتردد بالتواصل معنا. بارك اله بك.

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