Thank you and welcome to a site dedicated to teachings, information, and resources about Isa Al-Masih. Maybe you have had a dream about Him and you want to learn more about Him. Maybe you are curious and have questions that have never been answered. Or maybe you stumbled upon this site for no apparent reason. Whatever the case, you have come to the right place. May Allah bless you on your journey to knowing Him and to knowing Isa Al-Masih.
This website and it’s contents are in no way an admonition to fellow Muslim brothers and sisters, but rather a platform for information and answering questions. May Allah use the information on this website to give you a deeper, closer relationship with Him. And may the information on this website provide a cornerstone to understanding Isa Al-Masih and His love for each one of us. Here you’ll find testimonies from people who may have been just like you at some point.
For the purposes of security and anonymity, no identifiable information about individuals will be disclosed.
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